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About Tales of the Awakened

Tales of the Awakened is the name of our canon of warframe fanfiction. This canon includes every non-AU RP that took place on the Tales of the Awakened discord server, including as many forum RPs that reasonably fit into the universe. This is important because the characters that exist in this canon have been a part of some forum RPs in the past and we like to immortalize the great stories that everyone in the community has helped make through our own back stories.

Not all elements of previous RPs align well with the canon of TotA -- especially if people did things like blowing up the entire universe -- but we try to acknowledge as much as we can. Some RPs that have exerted an influence on our characters can be found listed below. Not all RPs are presented in this list but chances are that if you recognize a TotA original character from a past RP, that RP is historic to TotA's canon. Even if the RP didn't go much of anywhere some of us still extrapolated lore from the settings of those stories. If you do recognize one of our characters, come on into the server and say hi. We'd love to chat with you again.

As of this moment, anyone is welcome to join the server and chat with some fellow members of the RP community, though our current members won't be making anymore open RPs on it. Right now we are finishing up what is probably our last RP. If you wish to witness this dying ember of RP, come on in. We'd be happy to have you. Join here:


The founders of this community got their start on a different warframe Discord RP called the Orokin Remnant. We had applied and got accepted into the server and even wrote a couple RP threads on there. But whatever we did, something always seemed to take the server in a direction that the RP leader felt was undesirable, leading to a reboot of the entire thing and a scrapping of all content written. After a couple reboots, a subset of the community still interested in RPing decided to put the Orokin Remnant behind them in favour of creating a community where reboots wouldn't have to exist. Where canon was preserved, even from all across the RP community.

The original story of the Orokin Remnant followed a group of disgruntled Tenno who were unsatisfied with the eternal status quo of war in the Origin system. They sought to rally Tenno power to end the fighting once and for all. Their first act of war was to take over Earth from the hands of the Grineer. Unbeknownst to them, Vay Hek had been alerted to their plans and brought a Balor Fomorian into orbit around Earth just after the Tenno arrived. He decimated their forces, permanently killing some of them in a Void cascade explosion and leaving the rest to gather the scraps of the friends they had made along the way. Though the story of the Orokin Remnant ended there, this is how we immortalize its legacy. Most of the RPs pick up with the disparate and lost members of the Orokin Remnant. If you want to see the RP that first marked the start of TotA, click here.