[Open Rp @Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria ]
- Lua, Location of vanished Tenno -
<03/22 DR 12:30>
-On the Orbiter above Lua's surface~
"Are you sure i can't come with you, Dormin? You never take me to the prayers."

A Rhino warframe clad in metal was slowly gearing up for the approaching journey. Beside him, a person dressed in beautiful robe of black and gold with an amber helmet on his head was standing.  He calmly answered to the girl that was standing beside him.
"Lyria, my mistress, I told you many times... The scenes I'm usually end up at are too gruesome for a child to see. And even if that's not stopping you...what if the killer still there? What if he kills you before i manage to notice him?"
(His costume as of right now.)

Black-haired girl,dressed in white Orokin-styled clothes made a pouty face and crossed her arms.
"You always notice them, though."
(some ref image for her too)

"That's right. But how will i concentrate on the prayer if my mind is constantly thinks about your safety? I go to the unknown territory, where enemy could come from any and every corner. I beg you to stay, my lady."

After some consideration, she finally admitted that his words were true
"Fine. But you have to promise me that..."
"I promise."
He softly caressed the cheek of the girl with his hand in black glove.

"You didn't even let me finish."
she smiled, taking his hand into hers. That conversation was kind-of their ritual every time Dormin head out into the unknown.

"Its because i know what you want to ask. I will return, my lady. I will not die out there. And i will not leave you alone in this wreck of the world. Now...i must go. Cephalon Palara will take care about you while i'm gone."
He entered his frame as she let his hand go. After that she left the landing craft part of the Orbiter through the ramp. Ramp then rose back, sealing Orbiter shut.

~Lua, semi-barren memorial of Orokin glory and power. The landing craft was flying slightly above the surface to the location of that forbidden cave, where numerous Tenno died to contain an unknown enemy. At least that is what Dormin heard.~

After deploying and some walking he finally entered the cave, which already looked like a site of great battle. Many dead warframes… He moves through the cave that slowly transforms into an Orokin hall… dark and full of ruined lives. Flicker of broken console is the only thing that provides some kind of light. But Dormin pays no attention to it. He activates the flashlight on Rhios’ helmet and then exits his frame. He stands in the middle of the hall,kneels,puts a small candle before him and lights it up. He then puts his hands together and starts praying.
“He who looks at all of us with millions of eyes, He, before whom we are all equal, kings and slaves, man and beast, He, whom eventually we all meet, hear my prayer. Leed the Oro of the fallen to its final destination, let them forget all fears and quarrels they had with this mortal imperfect world. Let them meet their loved ones and those they’ve lost… And let them rest in peace they deserve.”
He then continues to pray, silently.

a voice echoes through the hall from the shadows on the Rhino's left
"Tell me Tenno, who is it that you pray to? The Orokin are dead, and the void is no god, if it is, it is not a benevolent one...."

"We are Orokin, are we not? And we are still alive."
he calmly answers to the unknown voice, continuing to kneel.
"Dax Soldiers had many gods. I pray to the god with million names, the god of Death. I pray to him for the calm rest of souls that died here. No one wants them to come back here... angry. There is too much vengeful spirits in the galaxy already, unburied and forgotten. And if they remain that way...peace in any way, shape or form is impossible to achieve."

"Tell me, have chosen to pray here simply by chance? Or have you been allured by the beacon here?"
The voice remains constant and steady, moving around the room, continuing to emanate from the shadows

"By chance? No,no,no..."
he gets up, brushing his pants from lunar dust. "I've heard the message, I've heard Lotus's warnings about this place. But I'm not one of her children. Never was. I came here not to fight. I came here for them. To know that this place... these children will continue to be untended... That thought was against me, against my principles. Tell me... are you the one that killed them?"

"That would be a correct assumption. I guard a secret that the Lotus' Tenno must not uncover."
the voice stops in the shadows on the right side of the Rhino

" So i was right. Was it worth it? Is it going to be worth it some day? Will you try to kill me like you killed them?"

"You do not serve the Lotus, however. You came here searching for something, that much I can tell, otherwise you would have stayed away. As for if their deaths meant something, yes. They died so that others can live. As for killing you, that depends entirely on what your purpose being here is."]

"She tried to contact me, many times... but my position stays the same. I will not follow the one i dont know anything about. Other Tenno trust her... i don't know why. I don't see why."
he shrugged
"Search... Believe it or not, but I honestly came here just to pray for them. Someone in this conflicted system must do it. I will however say that much - I will not die here. I made a promise to someone i protect that i wont leave that person alone in this world and that I will come back."
His Rhino was calm yet his grip on the handle of a giant hammer visibly tightened.
"But if bloodshed could be avoided for a little more... I want to hear the Tale of the Orokin Remnants."

"You made a foolish decision to leave that person to simply come here to pray. I will not share any more details with you if you only came here to pray. Those that heed the message in the broadcast are allowed to hear the story."
The voice pauses for a moment
"Complete your prayers and leave. Speak nothing of what you found here to outsiders. And if you decide to listen to the message, you may be allowed to return to your charge."

"Foolish? From your point of view... maybe. From mine? Not so much. Spare me from the words of judgement, and you will not be judged yourself."
he came closer to the console, his Rhino - covering Dormin's back with his. He listenes to the message, again and again... This message is broken words and static. Its...smart. Now i'm starting to understand why you are here, whoever you are...  But...Cycle... War... How long has it been going on? Why no one stopped it? Why...?"

"Because the Lotus is in a position of power and would rather allow the Grineer and Corpus to rule than end the war and bring peace to the system. It has been going on for at least three hundred years, maybe longer."

He fell silent for a solid minute. Then he starts talking again. His voice trembles for the first time.
"Me and my lady...we woke up only months ago... We avoided contact with the world, I didn't knew...We didn't knew...So many lives... how Lotus lives with all that? How she is okay with that? That is... inhuman... immoral...  Inexcusable. She controls the Tenno... The greatest force that anyone can ever wield... And she did nothing?"

"Precisely. She is more focused on maintaining a balance rather than finding an end."
The darkens in anger at the thought, but smooths out
"That is why I oppose her, and why those Tenno died. For their blind ignorance and devotion to her."

"And what do you seek to achieve?  Peace? Alone?"

The Nekros had been wandering the halls, finding Mata hurry along a bit ago and decided to follow. He'd been hidden outside the room listening to the conversation and decided that now was a good time to walk in, in black Nekros with an Irkalla helmet, oozing some type of black necrotic fluid. The operator of that Nekros appears before them shaking his head "Not alone. Further so if you are for our cause." He looked to Mata just a bit apologetically "couldn't help myself."

A message pings on the Nekros HUD
"Apology REJECTED."

Mataeru continues
"We seek Tenno who are tired of this endless cycle and wish to put an end to the war."

"I would like to stop it before me or my mistress get to feel it on ourselves. I believe she would like that too."
His Rhino send the hammer back to its place - on his back, as Dormin steps away from the console.
"It's impolite to interject without warning or invitation, whoever you are. You might discredit your leader with such actions. Or open yourself for the kill...logically speaking."

~Nekros behind acts on it's own at what almost sounds like a threat, grabbing the Opticor on its back, to which Zavis moves to stand in the way~

"I wouldn't say that's very polite to say such a thing either. One might come off as a spoiled brat."
He proceeds to make a bow like some sort of old Nobility habit "but if you'll excuse that, I am Zavis Venau." He he said with a bit of odd elegance that's clearly been washed up over time as new styles overwrite the old ones. The Nekros puts the rifle over it's back again.

He steps out of the Shadows and looks at Zavis
"ENOUGH! Zavis, return to Sanctuary! You have caused enough trouble as it is."

proceeded to narrow his eyes a moment, looking to the rhino before backing into the Nekros "As you wish..." He would say as he departed.

He ignores next words of Zavis, not falling for an obvious trap of starting a conflict. Once the leader of the Remnants came out of the shadows and dealt with his subordinate, he properly bowed to Mataeru, like he was taught many times before.
"My name is Dormin. There is no second name as it was taken away, once I became a Tenno. Forgive me if I acted too rude to him... How shall we proceed now?

He shakes his head
"It was his error to suddenly appear like that without even making his presence known beforehand. I would have reacted the same way you had."
he pauses before addressing the question
"If you would like safety, shelter, and a place in the coming fights to end the war plaguing this galaxy, you may join with us."

"All those things would be appreciated. But...What of my Orbiter? Is this shelter of yours equipped with a hangar?"
he inquires 
*By the way, i didn't heard your name, or alias... how I suppose to address you? Shadowed One?"
he chuckled. He obviously jested, not knowing how close to home he hit.

He nods
"We have some room inside our hangar several of my people have not returned from their missions in a long time, and have left vacancies."
he bows in mild embarassment
"I apologize, I tend to forget intorductions. My name is Mataeru Lloria, I am indeed called Shadowed One of a group of Orokin Era Tenno called the Veiled Tenno."

"Good, don't want to leave my lady hanging out in space with just that Cephalon for company..."
His reaction was mixed. He felt like this was an important bit of information and yet, he didn't knew anything about that.
"Ah...another secret, way more ancient than this message. But i suspect that... you were one of the first? Those that were found on board of Zariman Ten-Zero?"

He nods solemnly, his voice suddenly sobering
"We all were... Were you?"

"No. I became Tenno by choice... I come from Saita Zero-One..."

He raises his eyebrow as a Tenno steps out of the Ash
"Do you have a data receiver on you? Something I can send coordinates to?"

he nodded
"This mask is equipped with such a devise,yes. You may send them over."

He quickly swipes at the air in front of his face and moves his fingers rapidly as if typing on a keyboard and then returns his gaze to Dormin
"Welcome to the Orokin Remnant Tenno, and thank you for lending is your strength."

"I hope that i will be of use to you."
He said as he accepted the coordinates and resended them to Palara.
"Should we go to this Sancutary? By my estimation, my Orbiter will be there in twenty-thirty minutes..."

He nods
"Yes, make your way there and head for the hangar. I have already instructed my Cephalon to grant you entry."

[End RP 03/22 13:50]