[Closed RP: @Almighty_Jado - Kapak ]

-Lua, Veiled Tenno Sanctuary Hangar-

<03/29 DR 01:25>


he briskly walks up Kapak's landing craft and pings him to request entry

"Kapak, If you are in there I would like to discuss something with you."


There’s another ping as a voice responds over the comms

“I’m in the Bio Lab, boss!” Kapak’s voice sounded out- it was partially drowned out by static and what sounded like... a Cephalon yelling?


a minute later Mataeru enters the bio lab

"Kapak, we need to have a discussion about your infestation. It needs to remain quarantined to your Orbiter. i do not want any of it running around Lua."(edited)


Mata enters the bio lab, which has the lights turned off, save for the lights of a screen set up in the corner.

Kapak is sitting next to a lab bench, with a burette slowly dripping a green fluid into a flask filled with a clear coloured liquid sitting atop it. To his left, a Charger sat on the floor, panting happily as Kapak stroked its head. In front of Kapak, sitting on the floor before the screen, were three of his Engineers. The first was holding a cup with 3 straws sticking out of it. The second held a bowl of colourful, bean-shaped pills. Perhaps some kind of candy, as the Engineer holding the bowl stuffed them periodically into its gaping maw. The third Engineer was wearing and empty paper bowl on its head, and was waving a Corpus flag in its hand. The paper bowl on its head had "G0 CLAMES INFESTIGASHUNS GO" written in red, drippy ink. Finally, the screen itself displayed some kind of Corpus warrior wearing read sawing a Hyena model Corpus robot in half with a Serro.

Cephalon Sark:

"Carnage! Points everywhere!! Wonderful!!!"


As the motley group of odd beings stood up to cheer, they heard Mataeru and stopped, all five of them turning to face him simultaneously. "Oh, Bossman, what is up?" Kapak smiled as he reached across the room, pulling a chair out from behind a lab bench. "Care to join? It's still only the first third!" Kapak smiles for a bit before faltering as Mataeru didn't budge. He sighed. "I told you I'd keep my help inside the Bio Lab. Why ar-" Kapak stopped and looked at the Charger before nodding. "Ooooooohhhhhhhhhh
hhhhh......... ahh. I know what's up. You saw ol' Yrogeth trotting off to get a snack, eh? He was getting a bit hungry, and you have a bunch of perfectly good corpses just lying around that tunnel of yours. Don't like that?"
He stood up and waltzed over the the other corner of the lab, flicking on the lights. He stumbled for a moment as his vision adjusted to the drastic light change before pulling a heavily secured, thick metal cylinder, about 20 centimeters in diameter and 30 in length. He set it on the lab bench with a CLUNK.

"Ah, I know what it is! You're getting a little antsy because I haven't delivered, yet, huh? Well, you're fortunate enough to come merely hours after the synthesis was completed. Here's my promise right here, in this thick sucker." He patted the containment unit with his wrinkly, twisted hand.


He shakes his head to each statement before raising a hand

"I just brought a new Tenno to our number. And she claims to have seen some creature wandering the halls of Lua. If that was your charger, I am no longer requesting that you keep it contained to the base, but am now requiring it remain on board your Orbiter. If the Lotus discovers any hint of infestation in Lua, there is no number of Tenno corpses that will determine her from coming here and eradicating everything. I tolerate your pets, but if they are not contained with more rigorous diligence, I will put them down as I see them."

He remains motionless looking at Kapak


"Y'hear that Yrogeth? You gotta stay with Razogoth and the others on the Orbiter!" Kapak chuckled as the Charger lowered its head and whimpered, as if fearful of something. One of the Engineers poked the Charger with his flag, causing the monstrous wolf to snarl at it.

"I can guarantee you that I'll handle 'containment' better. I'm a man of my word. Which is also why you should take this." Kapak held out the containment unit. "As promised, Plaguewatch Infesticide Antiserum 3LL. There are 3 vials inside this unit, each one with 20 ccs of the nasty stuff. One drop of that cologne and you can kill an entire tumour network- assuming it matches my lovely, er, strain. Basically don't try it on anything that doesn't come from me. It won't work, and could possibly act as a mutagen."


He steps forward and takes the phial, cradling the jug before moving over and taking a seat near the Nidus and gesturing to the screen as he places the jug on the floor

"Who is winning?"


Kapak smiled raised a fist in the air. "Currently, CLAIMS INVESTIGATIONS! GO TEAM!!!!!" The Engineers whooped and belched, waving their hands in the air for a brief moment before sheepishly looking at Mataeru and sitting back down quietly.

Cephalon Sark:

"What a transaction!" On screen, a Red MOA fired a stream of fearsome lightning at a Corpus individual wielding a flamethrower. He proceeded to explode in a spray of red across the camera, which then promptly switched to another angle.


"Ouch.  Poor Loss Control. They used to be a decent team. That is, before the Tenno started participating in the Index. Anyocorp decided to let the better fighters go because they got scared of losing too much money. Pfsh. Ah, looks like they're switching up teams." A bell rung, and the Cephalon hosting the event went wild with excitement. "Bloodsports are quite strange, aren't they?" Kapak said, "You've been around for a while. You've probably heard of the Grineer's perverse justice system. They call it 'vacuum' or somethin'. This though, The Index, I can get behind, because everyone who enters it does so willingly!"


"Rathuum. Yes, I am familiar with it... It is far too gladiatorial for me. The index is only a little better. But I keep tabs on it in order to keep track of the foes I may need to fight. It is also useful in learning the enemy strategies before fighting them."


He wrapped his hands around the back of his head. "Think you'll leave some semblance of the sport once we kick the Corpus' rumps? Perhaps some of that Conclave racket that old Teshin Dax is always broadcasting about. Some sort of way to hone our skills while we wait in anticipation for those red armoured insects from Tau to visit." He waved his hand. "And of course, for entertainment."(edited)


He nods "Of course. But it will likely be less... fatalistic. Much of the sports in this age are life or death oriented, and it should not be."


"I've seen quite a few bloodsports in my day. But many are more crime based. I guess that's something much harder to topple than the Grineer Empire. Crime will always be around no matter what. Even the Orokin couldn't fully eliminate robbery and murder." Kapak lazily turned his head to the burette beside him. "Ah, would you look at that! It's complete. Time to test out this enzyme!" Kapak motioned to his Engineers, and they scrambled to get up, one of them flicking the light switch on. Kapak covered his face as he adjusted to the light change.

"Alrighty then," Kapak said as he got up, closing the burette's tap and picking up the flask of now black fluid, "I've got to finish up these test runs now. If you would like to stick around, that would be fine, I suppose. It's your lab, after all. I must say, thank you for using your equipment. It really helps me out quite a bit." Kapak fished around in a drawer, pulling out a spherical glass orb filled with a pink liquid, suspending a very small sized human fetus shape that had tentacles protruding from its orifices. "I'll be sure to take Yrogeth to my ship as soon as I finish these trials, boss." He pulled out another fetus filled glass ball and began to fix rubber hosing to them.


He nods in agreement

"It is true that crime can never be fully contained, but it can be actively combatted by people willing to put up a fight. I am intrigued to see how well a new system of government will work. I have been drawing up plans for one, but as you already know, it is not simple to actually test it out just yet."

he stands as well and raises his eyebrow at the embryo, moving closer to inspect it

"What... is that? It looks like it was once human..."


"Oh this? Well, if you consider Grineer human, then this definitely was human at one point." Kapak patted the glass ball lightly. "An early Stage Grineer clone, only 13.87.... ah no, the label says 13.70 hours. It's only that many hours old. Grineer accelerated cloning is pretty impressive."

Kapak stuck the end of an octopus hose to the mouth of his black filled flask. He hooked the hose to a retort stand and stuck wire gauze onto a clamp. The Infested Warframe delicated placed the Flask on the wire gauze, whistling to one of his Engineers, who brought him what appeared to be a gutted Grineer flamethrower, an Ignis. He placed it under the flask and turned it on.

Kapak's movements were fast, but methodical and steady. It's obvious he's been doing this for a while. "And now we wait a few seconds... and the heat and enzyme should hopefully make this a lot faster than waiting around for 32 hours, heh heh."

From within the flask, a dark brown steam-like gas swirled off of the surface of the liquid, entering the hose and likely travelling down it into the two glass balls.


he stands on the opposite side of the table to watch and crosses his arms

"I do not want this thing to leave slime trails and goop on the floors of this base. Are you planning to birth it here? Or is this just a catalyst to get it ready for birthing later?"


"On the contrary, boss. My intent is to kill it."

Kapak watched gleefully as the fetuses began to writhe in agony, the tentacles flailing wildly as blood and bodily fluids began to leak from its eyes and ears. Kapak clapped his hands and guffawed as the fetus stopped its movement. "Ha ha ha! EXCELLENT! Finally, lethal in under one minute." As Kapak wrung his hands in pleasure, he turned to Mataeru. "I conduct many experiments with life and death, boss man. This one happened to be with death." Kapak revealed in his hand a sealed tube with tape on its exterior, which read something HEY, GRINEER. SUCK ON THIS. "What I've been working on is a special, fast growing Infestation that selectively targets individuals with Grineer genes. It causes benign growths throughout their body, but can become malignant when exposed to, voila THIS!" He held up the container triumphantly. "Perfect as an interrogation tool, or perhaps a way to clear out Grineer very quickly! I'm always playing around with different exciting ways to unravel the bodies of my foes. Not always very practical for the battlefield, but I'm sure if you ever need something put together for you, I can do it." He raised his arms, palms to the ceiling. "Ahhh... yes. Death is a part of life, and life is my playground. Never fear, my dear leader," Kapak said with a sly grin, "I'll see to it that you, me and the rest of our allies stay on the living side of  life's spectrum." Kapak kissed his gnarled fingertips before waving at Mataeru. "Now, I have much work to do. I must test that cure composition 58 is still compatible with this, and whether it works on Grineer with the pacifism defect, as well as..."

Kapak's voice was reduced to a mumble as he bent down to inspect an array of petri dishes lined against the opposing wall, his Engineers following behind him, holding various pieces of equipment as he toyed with masses of flesh in the dishes.


his face visibly grows distressed at the idea of using such a strain of infestation on the living and he slowly backs away towards the door

"I will leave you to it. Make sure that this does not get released..."

[End RP 01:58. 3/29]