
Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/07/2018

[Open RP @Veiled Tenno]
-Lua, Location of Vanished Tenno-
<03/20 DR, 08:08>

~Lua's surface was quiet, if but for the soft winds caused by the distant Sol and its heat. The glow glimmered through the cracks and cave-ins of a tunnel that wound on and on, a low fog emanated out from the various Arboriforms weaving and out of the rock.

Hoof prints were impressed in the dust-ridden surfaces of the region, blocked off by The Lotus due to hazards... The signs of struggling Tenno, of battle and wounds suffered, stained the monochrome palette of the Moon with red and bullet-impact black. Void burns and craters and rubble lined this narrow passage way.

Long strides forward, hasty steps back : a bold vanguard, and a fearful retreat.

Eventually, this tunnel opened up. Entering from a crack in the wall, the glows were replaced with an oppressive dark. Even the winding white roots struggled to cast light in the infernal black.

In the distance, some hundred meters out, a panel flickered. Sparks spat out from beneath it, and a message was being relayed. The call of the Orokin Remnant... Jagged and stuttering like a broken somachord, it was less decipherable than before.

Yet it shone more light upon the scene than anything else, that panel. The shadow of an angel, it stretched out across gilded steps and bone hued floors. Scatterings of casings and blood and gouges marred the flickering light like charred ribs.

It was quiet... But for a soft hum and whistle coming from a constellation of twinkling red-orange lights just at the edge of the flickering light...~

"Aaaaand burning.... Burning with fire..."
He mused, sliding out one iron cup, then two, then three and four into the flickering light.
"... She fell... unto the sea... Hmmm-mmm"
Fingers danced over the fourth cup.
"Like wine unseen... Three unto three: she fell into the sea."
He snatched it up and stowed it in his sash, before pulling out an iron capsule; unscrewing it, he poured the pristine, twinkling fluid into each of the three cups.

"Woooonder, a missing missing she..."
Lekalis knelt, facing the panel, the cups laid infront of him; he stowed the iron capsule of water into his sash and procured a stem of Ruk's Klaw. He admired the scaley length with some sctutiny, checking it gently with both his hands before he began to peel away the scales to place one into each cup of sparkling water.

"Deeeep in the sweet red...
He repeated this process, each cup turning a deeper shade of orangey-red with every scale placed within. Until the stem was stripped clean, and the cups of tea were all a sanguine ruby hue, though it twinkled still in the flickering light as small bubbles came and broke the surface on occasion.
The scales all but dissolved in the solution, The Strider sighed and crushed the stalk inbetween his palms; grinding it into a fine powder before he suddenly cast the dust out infront of him, sending a scattering of salt like strands into the air, to rest on the dusty, bloody and scarred floor...

... He sighed, content at last, he rested his palms atop his lap and bowed his head. Murmuring, before he fell silent to meditation:


Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/07/2018

~A voice Echoes out of the nearby shadows, but from where specifically, is unknown~

"That is quite an odd song to sing to oneself Tenno... And even more intriguing is the tea in this chamber of death. Are you a Tenno of the Lotus, coming to meet your demise as well?"

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/07/2018


He hummed, again, though more contemplative than musical, as he reached out to tap the edge of an iron cup, his head quirking to one side. Listening.

"The Lotus and I : the roots are shrivelled and cut, I find no comrades with them. Only butchers."
The sunny eye of the Strider's occulic prosthetic swerved and hopelessly scanned the dark shadows, the glow casting an almost percievable lance into the room's tenebris veil.

"I came here... Curious : Who butchers the butchers? What makes the Lotus so fretted? Where have all those... Children. Gone?"
The Strider's fingers carefully pluck the cup up with the pads of his fingers, before settling the cup in both his palms,  resting the cup squarely at his Frame's gut.

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/07/2018

A black Ash with red accents, the default Ash Prime helmet, Gazal chest and shoulders, and Edo shin plates steps out of the darkness next to the damaged console. A Guandao rests diagonally on it's back while two pouches of Hikou Prime hang from it's legs

"I know not where the children have gone. All I do know is that most of them fell by my blade at the Lotus' command. A few came here after her order to stay away. The conversations began with them attacking where they believed I was as soon as I spoke."

the frame crosses its arm and titls it's head to the side slightly

"You however remain calm. So tell me, what else brought you here?"

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/07/2018

His attentions held on the appeared Ash for a moment; The Strider's charred fingers tensed for a moment, ironically, as he noted the equipment. He felt grossly unprepared for the worst case scenario.
Still, he forced himself to relax; the good hand of his Loki Prime drifted up to grip the stock of his Grinlok acros his chest for a moment, before sighing, nodding.

"I heard the call--"

The good hand pointed out, to the flickering console and then returned to cradle the cup against his belly.
"-- Scrambled but... The bits and pieces I heard : I understood, I desired it. There was : Purpose, in them."
A whirr, hiss, and click echoed through the narrow channel of flickering light as Lekalis' Harkonar breastplate came to life for a moment, before resting again. The gill-like vents along his ribs flexed for a moment, and he rolled his shoulders in kind.

"I've wandered far, and long. Meditated deep and quietly in the Dark, in hopes of finding the answer to break this cycle of bloody violence... There were many answers, many desperate voices and thoughts. None of them were organized, held together as trunk to tree. "
Lekalis motioned to Mataeru now, with a brief shift of his hand and a bow of the half-horned crown of his helm.
"Your message is broken... ish. You know..?"
A soft, bubbling chuckle flowed out of the staticky vox of The Strider. He shrugged and relaxed again.
"... You should fix it."

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/07/2018

the Ash studies the Loki for a moment, pondering the words and stroking it's chin before replying
"I set it up to be broken. To offer just enough to entice a just soul, but not enough to give our foes cause to eradicate us."
the Ash goes rigid as Mataeru steps out of his Warframe, wearing a Manduka suit with it's hood drawn back and the same color scheme, the only adornment being a Unity Sigil on theright side of his chest
"I believe everyone seeks peace of some form, but what about this message struck you as different from perhaps, Steel Meridian, or Perrin Sequence? Those synidcates are both very organized."

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/07/2018


"The Perrin Sequence are liars and toads : fat cats gathering canaries into a cage to feast on later."
He hissed with a sudden turn of intent, he leant forward, and then immediately cleared his throat. The vox had strained to keep up with the animosity, but he dialed back a cylindrical, porous, metal tube jutting out of his glimmering eye.
"Perhaps they are organized. The Steel Meridian fights valiantly, poetically... But they are part of the cycle still. Whether they know it or not... As long as their violent pursuits remain, there will always be a violent end."

The Strider's helm looked about the menagerie of battle scraps with a hum, and shrug.
"The Syndicates are all biased and unfocused on unification. Their goals are self-centered, it seems... I came, curious to see if this was another Syndicate. Or a glimmer of something different. Something to truly break the cycle."

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/07/2018

he raises his eyebrow in amusement at the level of loathing for the Perrin Sequence before replying
"And if I told you there was a new Syndicate birthing itself from the Ashe's of the Old Empire with intent to right it's wrongs and end the war?"

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/07/2018


"Given this : Severity, cunning and guile... I'd wager this Syndicate is taking itself... Seriously. And... I don't remember the wrongs; but to end the War, this vicious cycle: that is important.
Once order is established, once security of all within the System is had : bickering Syndicates, laws on experiments, the Infestation... All can be handled."
He seemed to talk to himself for a moment, as he hummed, and toyed with the braid on his remaining horn.

"I would like this Syndicate. If you would have me."
The Strider brought the hand down and motioned to the spot on the other side of the assembled cups of tea.

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/07/2018

he smiles for a moment before asking
"Before I bring you into our number, I must ask. Where do your loyalties lie?"

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/07/2018


"I'm Loyal to what is right."
He answered simply, confidently with a nod.

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/07/2018

he nods in approval and gestures the Loki to follow him as he transfers back into his frame
"Welcome to the Orokin Remnant...?"
he pauses waiting for a name

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/07/2018

"... Strider."
He answered quickly, looking to the tea, he set down his cup and rose, stepping over them to join the stygian Ash, his helm wilting to one shoulder.

"Who are you?"

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/07/2018

"I am Mataeru Lloria, Shadowed One of the Veiled Tenno."
he bows deeply and turns on his heel to the hallway opposite the one Strider entered the room by
"You would leave your tea?"

Orokino - Orokino Novatosha-03/07/2018

Orokino loomed over them in the shadows, fists and toes dug into the stone of the ceiling. He was watching them closely, ready to strike upon the slightest of commands from Mata. His Rhino's head was turned nearly the entire 180 degree, like it was threatening to snap, but nonetheless was still and patient.  On his back (which was facing downward to the floor, his chest against the ceiling) was Diji, Orokino's Palatine-Fragor, jutting out over his shoulderplate ready to be grabbed and swung. As they moved, he stood still, seeing that Mata was allowing this Warframe through ... But at this length, Orokino's duty now was to prevent a potentially escaping Tenno. 

Orokino looked at the tea. 

Ooh. Tea. Orokino wanted some after the interaction.

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/07/2018

He cast a haphazard look back, and nodded.

The Strider's gaze drifted about, feeling the unseen gaze boring into him at last... He wasn't surprised, but he shivered all the same.
His fingers flexed and his prosthetic curled behind his back to rest on the Vaykor Marelok hidden there. If but for some reassurance.

His attention swiftly returned to Mataeru.

"Lloria... Veiled Tenno?"
Lekalis hummed, his good hand tapping the chin of his Frame.

"I have... Many questions."

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/07/2018

he chuckles softly and clasps his hands behind his back as he leads the Loki deeper into the ruins of Lua
"And I hope I have the answers. Ask away."

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/07/2018

He nodded, the Harkonar breastplate whirred and clicked as he strode on alongside Mataeru,
"Who are the Veiled Tenno..?"

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/07/2018

"We are... Were an elite group of Tenno the Orokin used to eliminate or capture rogue or dissonant Tenno. Among other things. That was our primary purpose."

Orokino - Orokino Novatosha-03/07/2018

Orokino saw they had moved away just enough. Orokino loosened his tows, and just as he fell, he took his hammer and swung it upward. Perhaps making just a sharp swing in the air, it didn't do much in noise, and assisted in making his landing sound much lighter. The counter weight had done its job, and Orokino put Diji on his back once more. Then, with a low step, he followed.(edited)

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/07/2018


He paused mid-stride, taking a half-glance behind him to those eyes he'd felt a moment prior.
The Strider's helm immediately snapped back to stare at Mataeru as he took his next step with a threatening intensity.

"You still carry this title. You enact this duty?"
There was a soft click, displaced by just a hair in comparison to the Harkonar wheezing. Safety was off on his Marelok.

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/07/2018

he pauses and turns to face the Strider, arms crossed
"If that were the case, I would have killed you long ago. Just because I served the Orokin does not mean that I enjoyed it. They are the reason my family died aboard the Zariman."
he then catches sight of Orokino over Lekalis shoulder and briefly mutters under his breath
"...I did not expect a Rhino to be quite so stealthy..."
He returns his gaze to the Loki
"Those Tenno had every right to make their own path, but if killing them kept the people placed under my charge was the only way to keep those i cared about alive, it was a sin I would commit again if need be. My family comes first. My morals come second."

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/07/2018


"You say this : you would have killed me, you served, you did not like it..."
The Strider shrugged, looking back to the Rhino, then further down the nondescript passageway.

"... Why do you carry the title still? It is not a reassuring reputation."
He continued on down into the dark, bowing his head to peer at Mataeru over his shoulder. Hand still set on his Marelok behind him.

Orokino - Orokino Novatosha-03/07/2018

Orokino did not hide himself any longer. In fact, he followed, just at a great distance, appearingly armed only with his massive hammer. His intimidating form was massive, chest out and each step a stomp. He kept heavy eyes on the Loki now...

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/07/2018

"I continue to hold the title because we are still Veiled Tenno. However, our mission has changed. Where we used to use our skills to hunt Tenno, we will now use them to restore order to the Origin System, and end this war."
He resumes walking as well, leading the Strider through a a couple more doors before stopping at a dead end
"The title is merely a formality."

March 8, 2018

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/08/2018

Everything was astutely clear in this silence; the whirr, hiss, and click had even softened as it attuned itself and fell to a natural pace. Everything made The Strider a touch on edge.
The stomps had him checking over his shoulder every odd moment, and he could swear the Rhino seemed closer each time.
In contrast, the gentle padding of the Ash behind him was inherently muted... if it weren't for his own experience handling such Warframes, he would have missed it entirely.
Even his own grip, as the leathery material of his Loki's palm tightened around the grip of his Marelok, the sharp but unheard noise of it stretching and grinding against eachother sounded more like a noose tightening than a reassuring grip on a weapon he trusted.

Still, he set one hoof infront of the next. One soft metal click after the next, one soft pad, one stomp more forward.

T'ill it all stopped at a dead end. It was here the Strider found some words again. Staring at the blank dark.

"I see."

He managed quietly, meekly. His good hand's finger twitched on occasion, he shifted his weight from one foot to the next. But he managed to keep his gaze steady ahead of him.

The imbalanced helm now eskewed itself to the other shoulder, the broken prongs jutting out like a tuning fork.

"I'd advise a name unladen : of woe, of violence... The System has enough veils, enough cruel and vicious names."

His helm turned to face Mataeru, the idle fidgeting slowing. Lekalis spoke with an intensity that subdued the idle static of his vox.

"But I believe I can understand why you'd keep the title.
Shadowed One."

The Strider gave a short, amused scoff before bowing his head kindly, respectfully as his Good hand pulled back to rest its fingertips below the Meridian badge pinned to his sash.

When he rose, he slipped the hand into the sash strewn diagonally across his chest and waited for where he'd be led to next.

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/08/2018

He steps forward to stand beside the Loki and places his hand on the wall. A low rumble can be heard as the wall shifts sideways, revealing a short hallway. Mata then turns around to look at Orokino
"You have stalked enough Kino. You put our newcomer on edge, let us go."
He gestures Kino into the Hallway(edited)

Orokino - Orokino Novatosha-03/08/2018

Oro-Kino revealed himself. The intricate Rhino gleamed in the light, his hammer in hand. He held it with only a single hand, Kino now quickening his walking pace to be by them. He did not like having his weapon on his back when he was able to fight here; Lua still had dangers outside of the sanctuaries. Kino approacged the Strider, bowing to him only briefly.

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/08/2018


Like an umbral knight, he watched the Rhino show himself from the shadows at last.

It was strange, but having solid visuals of the lingering presence gave some measure of sooth. At least he could some gauge of his situation now.

The Strider hadn't even realized his helm had swivelled to watch the Rhino approach, though it snapped back to attention on Mataeru as he closed his sentence.

"Hah : I apologize... One can never be too careful."
Though he admitted  this, his grip on his weapon didn't relent. Instead, he looked on ahead and presumed to continue down the Hallway.
"Where are we going?"

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/08/2018

"To our Sanctuary and base of operations for the time being."
he steps forward to lead the way into the hall
"You will find it quite comfortable. The Orokin spared us no resource."

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/08/2018

"It's here? On Lua..?"
He pondered this, humming happily as he tapped his chin.
"... Curious."

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/08/2018

he nods
"It is indeed. There are is also another Sanctuary on each planet in the Origin system. Although I have yet to check the status of those..."
After a few feet, the hallway opens up into a lavish living room with multiple couches, chairs, a table, bookshelves, and even a dining table in a far corner
"Welcome to Sanctuary Strider."

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/08/2018

With a contented 'ah', he walked forward as a marionette to a stage, taking in the Sanctuary's living room for a time, as he swept about the room with more grace than his prosthetic might've allowed.
Of course, it eventually hitched, his knee locking up; it sparked against the ground as he found himself at the center of the room.

His hand, still on the Marelok. Though his good came up and tapped the nose of his helm thoughtfully as he looked about.

The leg hissed and popped, as the knee resumed its fluid locomotion. He made his way over to one of the couches, where he let his good hand trail along the back of it as he walked its length.

He paused at its end and looked back to Mataeru.

"What would you have  your Strider do?"

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/08/2018

He watches the strider quietly and moves over to one of the many chairs in teh room
he then sits down in one of the chairs after transferring from his Warframe
"I am afraid I do not understand your question."

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/08/2018

He chuckled, a soft tune like a brook in spring, as he watched Mataeru; his helm then looking about the room in its entirety, soaking in the details like a newborne babe.
"I am at your disposal : I am the Strider, I am your comrade, I am yours..."
The Strider's helm turned and fixiated on Mataeru's Operator form with a tilt to his crown.
"... I am curious as to what you would have me do."

Orokino - Orokino Novatosha-03/08/2018

Oro'kino walked into the sanctuary, closing the door behind him. He moved to go to his personal chamber, a small one with a door he had to crouch for. Once inside, he closed the door, quiet. His room door had Grineer masks, Corpus heads, and a collection of gloves displayed all over it except the handle. The handle had the pleasure being a grakata, refurbished into a handle. A broken cleaver was in the wall by the door, a good four inches deep into the stone. It was an act of frustration, but no one got hurt.
Oro'kino did his personal business inside now.

March 9, 2018

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-03/09/2018

he calls out after Oro'Kino
"thank you for your silent protection."
he then returns his gaze to the Strider
"For the time being, we have no major tasks. The only thing that comes to mind would be to have someone periodically patrol the outer reaches of this section of Lua and eliminate Grineer, Corpus, or Sentients they find. However, that is entirely up to you at this point."

March 10, 2018

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-03/10/2018


He hummed, then nodded; running his hands together as he walked to the front of the couch and eyed Mataeru from head to toe, like a slow nod.

"... Are there any others?
Where are they : I'd like to meet them, find my new comrades, collaborate on missions. Increase : cohesion."

He bowed forward respectfully.

"If you would tell me, kindly..?"

March 14, 2018

Fafal - Vuko Drakkainen-Last Wednesday at 12:57 PM

~As if an answer to Lekalis’ question, a loud snore can be heard throughout the chamber. The source not coming from another room, not from besides, but from above them. About a meter under the ceiling, on a hammock made out of zip lines, lays an Ivara, sleeping and snoring very audibly.~

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-Last Wednesday at 1:37 PM

He looks up and frowns
"That would be one of our number... Vuko. The others are scattered around the Sanctuary."
he then re-enters his Warframe and jumps up onto the zip line hammock and activates a wrist blade
"There is a barracks in Sanctuary for a reason Vuko."

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-Last Wednesday at 2:25 PM

He slowly rose his helm to look up at the curious Ivara; his good hand raising to pluck at the braid on his good horn
" I see. "
The Strider hummed and manoveured this  stand rather directly beneath the sleeping frame. Though his gaze watched Mataeru.
"You're going to execute him for sleeping in this.... Lounging zone? "

Fafal - Vuko Drakkainen-Last Wednesday at 2:26 PM

The vibrations of the hammock start to wake him up, and in a half asleep state he says - “Mooooooom... five... five more minutes...” - After saying that he slowly starts raising his torso and regaining his consciousness. Halfway through the movement he notices the Ash on the line, blade in hand, ready to cut it. He stares at him for a second and says. - “Don’t you d...” - His sentence is cut short as Mata uses the wrist blade, causing the entire thing to disappear. As Vuko falls down he tries to regain balance to land on his feet, but he can’t, which only makes him look like a fish flopping around. The frame lands in the middle of the table on its back, causing quite the noise. Vuko then stretches his head back, towards Lekalis, and sees him upside down. - “Hi.” - He says casually, like nothing just happened. - “You must be the new guy.”(edited)

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-Last Wednesday at 3:14 PM

He watched, like a cat to a canary, as the apparent Vuko fell from the voidly line cast up on the ceiling.
It all seemed to be a train wreck in slow motion, and the Strider scarcely held back a little chuckle.

Still, stiffly, he turned to face Vuko on the able; Lekalis leant to one side, as though to match Vuko's inverted gaze.


He amicably replied with a lever like wave of his prosthetic hand...

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-Last Wednesday at 3:16 PM

he drops to the floor and retracts the wrist blade
"Vuko, the barracks exists so you can keep your snoring confined to a location where it is not rude and disruptive of conversation. I am however, apalled that you did not mute your Warframe's vocal emitter..."

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-Last Wednesday at 3:21 PM

For once, The Strider's mechanical demeanour faded to one of livid grace as he turned and guffawed at Mataeru; Lekalis' hands relaxing loosely around the sash at his waist.
"I find it... Endearing."
The Strider's helm swivelled back to peer at Vuko.

"Relaxation is important, so is brevity... It was not disruptive to me so... Please; forgive him."
With a sigh, The Strider shrugged and began to examine the couch idly...

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-Last Wednesday at 3:22 PM

he chuckles and transfers out of his frame once more, sitting on the couch
"While it may not have been disruptive to you, it is distracting during a conversation."
he then turns to look at the Strider once more
"If I may ask, what Syndicates are you aligned with?"

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-Last Wednesday at 3:31 PM


With a sudden flare of pride, the Vaykor syandana on his back coughed and spat voidly flame into the air for a brief moment.
Little harm in it besides a candle's glow, butthere was plain excitement as The Strider straightened and tapped his prosthetic fingers against the Champion's pin at his breast.

"The Steel Meridian; a General so-named by Cressa Tal herself. She gifted it to me, her syndicate is what led me here..."

His pride wavered, and he immediately brought his hands up;

"... They do not know your location. Simply : Inspiration, pride-ide, moral support-t-t"

The Strider's vox flared in static and he hastily went up to twist one of the cylinders jutting out of his helm, a sharp three clicks, and he sighed. Relaxing again.

"The Steel Meridian and C...

His Harkonar breastplate whirred, his vents hissed and clicked, his helm glanced away.

"... Se Arbiters of Hexis. There is less love there... Too strict, frightening... Blind."

There was a hint of animosity in the last of his tone, though he didn't seem to wholly stand behind his declarations on the matter of other Syndicates.

Fafal - Vuko Drakkainen-Last Wednesday at 4:19 PM

After his fiasco of an introduction, he quietly slid off the table and sat down on the ground, back against a sofa, and began to listen to the conversation, wanting to find out more about his newest companion.
Once Lekalis finished stating his allegiances, Vuko comments, with a hint of shame in his voice. - “I met Cressa a few days ago. She is ... uhhhh.... a nice lady.”

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-Last Wednesday at 4:31 PM

He smiles at the Loki's comment
"That is good. One of my ultimate goals is unite most of the Syndicates under a common banner to help us end the war. I too am working with Steel Meridian now, but..."
his tone changes to one of frustration " past work with New Loka and Perrin Sequence has put me in a rather bad light with Tal... However," his voice changes to a more hopeful tone "Even though New Loka as a whole has some extreme distaste, I believe can win Amaryn over to our side later on. They were the first syndicate I worked for, and I did extensive work for them."(edited)

March 15, 2018

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-Last Thursday at 5:29 AM

With a nod, he watched Vuko; his gaze lingering for a moment before speaking in kind,
"Cressa Tal is one of, if not the, most  inspiring and defining soul I've met... But Nice works. I sometimes fear the day her biology catch up to her... I hope I can help, if the day comes."
The Strider kept his helm on Vuko, though his words drifted to reply to Mataeru,

"She is not one for forgiveness... From what I've seen, at least."
Now, his helm snapped to watch Mataeru,
"That is a noble goal... I'm not certain everyone will fight willingly."
His gaze went up to the ceiling, watching the zipwire
"Yes... Manipulation : The Red Veil... Blind as their title : To diplomacy, to reason. Perrin Sequence... Unwilling to make sacrifices : Profits... Will. Be. Profits."

With a short scoff, the Strider brushed away some unseen dust from beneath his occular aide.
"My Apologies : It's good you're fighting for the Meridian. There are... Few, who think of saving anything but : Their own hide, their profits, their pride, their glory and sorrows."
He tapped his chin now, eyeing the crashed table.

"I wonder : Why do you pursue this goal?"

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-Last Thursday at 9:05 AM

"Unifying the Syndicates? Because left to their own devices they cannot accomplish much. Your distaste for the Perrin Sequence is noted, but image an alliance where Steel Meridian is funded by Perrin Sequence. They would have the money to buy or build ships, weapons, train more soldiers, buy better armors and build stronger colonies. If we were to throw New Loka into the mix, they would be able to restore the planets we retake from the Grineer and Corpus, perhaps making them more habitable. I am unsure how the Arbiters of Hexis would come into play, but I do believe they would make good temporary colony leaders until a more formal system of governance can be created."
he pauses, pondering his next words momentarily before continuing
"In short, factions divided can do little more than hold their own, but united, they can be capable of many things."

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-Last Thursday at 6:44 PM

"Imagination is child's play. Reality is bloody and unfair."
The Strider pointed out with a grave tone, looking over to the Shadowed One from over his shoulder,
"The Perrin Sequence may fund the Meridian, but they will never do it without gurantee of profits. It will never be an alliance. It will be a Deal, a brokered discussion of how many credits a life is worth."
The brief monologue was dripping with venom as he sighed, shaking his head and plucking at the broken prongs of his lost horn.

"But : Not my point. I'm curious as to why
you pursue this goal, Clan Leader."
The Strider turned with an inhale, his hands drooping to rest loosely around his waist.
"Curious : Your motivations?"

March 19, 2018

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-Today at 10:14 AM

he considers his next words for a couple of minutes before answering the question
"I pursue this goal because I am tired of watching people fighting for the same or similar causes but rivalling each other. I desire harmony and unity among people with common goals, regardless of interests. Steel Meridian and Perrin Sequence have one thing in common, even if they have different methods with which to accomplish the goal. Steel Meridian takes a more combative approach to resolving conflict, where Perrin Sequence approaches conflict diplomatically. I do not know if you have met Ergo Glast in person, but he and the Sequence are not what the Meridian believes them to be. Squabbles such as the one between Meridian and Perrin Sequence are unecessary and fueled by a mere disagreement. Something that can in fact be rectified through a diplomatic conversation. Furthermore, if all of the syndicates are united early on, when the final battles between the major factions in the system end and peace is restored, the syndicates will have no need to fight with each other."
he sighs and cracks his knucklesm stretching his fingers afterwards
"If I still have not answered your question, I apologize. I may not understand what you are asking."

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-Today at 11:01 AM


With some amusement, in the way The Strider's shoulders occasionally scrunched up and his Harkonar breastplate hitched in a mechanical chuckle, he listened humbly and kindly. Nodding understandably, though pausing as he considered his words on Ergo Glast specifically; he tapped his finger pensively as he went on from there, the amusement faded and he gave an utterly ineffectual shrug at Mataeru's closing words.
"It is : Understandable, Admirable... Good enough."

The bitter scar on the Loki Prime's helm caught the light, and seemed to curl a smirk over the carapace as he saw to producing a familiar capsule from his sash, and remarkably, more iron cups.

He laid out six cups on the somewhat broke table, and began filling each. He paused on the last, yet again, before tentatively filling it.

His hand patted against his sash, humming a bit in distress. It was curiously flat for once.

"Do you have a Hangar? Or somewhere to hide my Mantis?"

Mataeru - Mataeru Lloria-Today at 12:35 PM

He quickly types a message into their in front of him and moments later the Strider's inbox with coordinates
"My Cephalon will let you in. We have a few spaces left for Orbiters and landing craft."

Blood_Strider - Lekalis-Today at 8:35 PM


"Mmmm... Good, good... Thank you."

The Strider glanced over to Mataeru before tending to the tea; producing another stalk of Ruk's Klaw.

"I will place my Landing Craft there. You should visit : Drink tea..."

He began a new process this time; instead of plucking away the scales the Strider dug a nail of his Warframe inbetween the scale and stalk of the herb and gingerly coaxed a pale sinewy cylinder out from the thing. He set the now hollow tube of scales onto his lap and occasionally looked to Mataeru as he dispersed the root to each with no real measurement applied.

"... Ponder... The Manner of Things, hmm?"

A small chuckle again, shaking his head as he delighted in his hobby; brewing the tea with practiced ease, the little finger of his good hand dipped into each as his prosthetic hand finished off the last of the root's pale sinewy stalk.

As he stirred, each cup's brew skewed to a shade and some even brokered a color as the strands dissolved. A tawny hue stuck out from one, like clay. Another was a soft blueish hue, while the one next to it turned into an intense raspberry color. Beside that, one turned to a more cherry blossom tint, the next being somewhat mixed between an almost bubonic black, blue, and boney white.

The last, Lekalis' hand hesitated again, and he sighed; swiping the cup up and slipping a curious lid over it before stowing it in his sash.

"Hmph... Or something like that."

He mused with a sigh as he began dropping to drop the scales of the tube left behind into each cup; The Strider's attention now wholly disconnected from Mataeru as he focused on the Tea.