The Excalibur wastes no time in lifting the datamass off of his hip and passing it to Lupin, resuming fire almost immediately as he hands it off. A ping finally makes its way through the time dilation, and he side-eyes the message, skims it, and speaks up.
"While you're up there, another supply drop will come in from my Cephalon when he picks up Karsk. He's handing off my Carrier drone. Grab it and bring it with you, please. Also, just got a feed from Intellectus saying that a backup shard of him is currently sitting there in a Moa, activated after the Sentients got too close for comfort. They should be able to reunite, and I'll take him onboard my Orbiter for safety."
Karsk's comments gave Max a moment's pause, and with a sigh, he responded to him.
"I...have an amp. I just haven't used it. I'm not good with them, but we don't have much choice. After this clip, I'll Transfer back out." He continued his magdump, silently dreading that click. Once it inevitably happened, he speedily reloaded the Latron and then slipped his body back out of the Warframe, bracing his right arm equipped with an unpainted Mote Amp. The lanky Operator sent a beam of Void energy down into the hole, strafing the Sentients emerging. His face contorted into one of extreme focus, and the beam flickered more than what would be expected from a Tenno.
Finally, his messages got through! Intellectus established a shaky, but active, connection to his Master once again, and the two swiftly exchanged information and requests. Evaluating the combat situation, things looked...oh dear. He needed to work fast.
"Apologies, I was busy trying to slip through a Limbo distortion, and organize a supply canister for my Master at the same time. I've informed him of the situation, and he should be sending your other half up with an ally soon, while he keeps up the fight."
The Cephalon dutifully set about putting together the requested supply pod, feeling it a tad wasteful to use one just for a drone that he could replace in a few hours. But desperate times, he supposed. And the Master's orders were absolute.