EscortAlpha - Chegar & Svytoj
The Vauban slid to a screeching halt, stopping just a few meters from the Large sentient door. He quickly gawked at the mass, listing off in his mind some of the ways to pry it from.
"I should have seen this coming..." He said quickly, Checking the progress of the horde behind them.
"Okay, we can either look for a control panel and see if this thing has an over ride, or we can try to blowtorch our way through with our amps. Thoughts?" Chegar asked hurriedly, Eyes now darting about the room.
"It's a Sentient," she said. "There won't be a control panel unless someone made one."
Facing away from the wall, shield held up toward the approaching Sentient drones, she stepped back, placing herself just the right distance away from the wall, and cast Aquablades. Water condensed out of the air, circling around her, gaining speed and compressing itself flat until it became sharp. The disc of water would cut at the Sentient wall behind her for only a moment before it adapted, but any damage it did there was just a bonus. The main purpose was to keep the drones from getting too close.
"Void it is, then." With Aquablades to keep melee-attacking Sentients from disturbing her work, and her warframe positioned to shield her from ranged attacks with its body, Sharratmuri stepped out backwards. She turned to face the wall, raised a hand, and...
"...eugh." Fibrous gray growth, like a tree branch stripped of bark, studded with bioluminescent blue nodules and moistened with a greenish slime, had covered her arm. No, more than that. Mild disgust and annoyance exchanged themselves for horror on her face as she looked down at herself and saw. Her whole body was covered in the Infestation. She felt her stomach do a double-take. For a moment that felt too long, she stood staring, words failing her. My ship, my cryopod! What had happened to her ship?
She took a breath and swallowed. Her hands, at least, were clean. Her face, her head - she reached up and felt it, a short mohawk of curly hair - yes, that was clean. She snapped her fingers, creating a grey-white spark. Void-energy still flowed, as strong as ever.
"Well," she said dryly. "Shit." Infestation was a problem, but not the most pressing at the moment. She stepped forward, pressed her hands against the living-machine wall, and began to push into it the warping, sterilizing energy of the Void.