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Tales of the Awakened [Warframe RP Community]
PHANTOM RISING [RP] / main-story-07
Disruptis - Disruptis 2022-11-11 9:55 p.m.
[AR 1/5/4] CLOSED RP @Max | Dominus @Chegar @Isa Tekchen @Muro @Sharratmurī - Serahnus Trench, Uranus
((This is going to be a chill discussion RP to enjoy the characters we worked so hard to create and develop, so it is entirely optional to post. While there is no strict post rotation schedule, I will ping people for their attention if they have been called upon and haven't responded in a while.)) ~A submarine is a cozy place to make new comrades. Surrounded by pitch black and the sounds of churning ocean with nothing much more to do than kick back and relax. The low hum of machinery serenading the atmosphere like a soothing tune. At least, that's how SOME Tenno feel about it.~ Disruptis: Disruptis leaned back on the submarine's port side wall and tucked his hands behind his neck. He sat in his operator form with his black and yellow manduka hood peeled back and a look of blissful relief across his scarred face. His Limbo lay huddled in the corner so as to not take up much space. With the rush of everything that had been going on, Disruptis couldn't remember the last time he got a chance to simply rest. No one could contact the surface yet as the interference was still clearing or something (abnormalities could be odd like that) so everyone was passing the time with small talk. "Awesome work as always by the way Chegar," he piped up, "I don't have many Tenno actively working on dealing with abnormalities so ones like you are a gift from the Void."
EscortAlpha - Chegar & Svytoj 2022-11-11 10:36 p.m.
CHEGAR "Always a pleasure." Chegar Replied. The armor of his Vauban rested gently against the inner wall of the sub; the gray and green silhouette nestled comfortably among the grineer equipment. "In all honesty, given the patchwork nature of this unit, we all seemed to synchronize quite well. " He continued, looking about the group that had amassed around him.
Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2022-11-14 7:39 a.m.
Muro: "Doesn't hurt that we were basically made to kill those things" Muro grunted. The Tenno had stepped out of his frame since getting situated in the sub, and was currently trying to mend the slumped over Hydroid's missing leg. "That said, you all did alright for being so out of your element." (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 2022-11-18 8:58 p.m.
Disruptis: "Well, it's good for us to remember that we weren't made to kill those things. At least, I don't think we were..." Disruptis stared off into the distance for a moment before shaking a strange feeling off, "the Orokin spent so much time making us think we were that a lot of us lost ourselves along the way. The warframes were, but let's not give them any more than that." Disruptis's face contorted into a puzzled expression. He placed a hand over his chest. "Hey guys, after all this time how did you guys... feel... about the Orokin? About what we went through?"
leirynot - Isa 2022-11-18 9:51 p.m.
Isa "We were groomed to kill them. I would argue that is close enough to being made to kill them. I for one am perfectly fine with what they did with me. Except for one of them, but he was dealt with." (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 2022-11-18 10:25 p.m.
Disruptis: "They trained us to kill sentients, but the Orokin didn't make us. The Void did that. The Void gave us the powers we have now for some reason or another. Maybe even to bring some peace to this stupid system. The Orokin twisted that into a scrap show that. They..." Disruptis did a small double take. "Wait, you were okay with all that? What did they do to you?"
leirynot - Isa 2022-11-18 10:37 p.m.
Isa: "They trained me to control my powers better." Isa says with a shrug. "And foolishly assumed I had any form of loyalty to them."
Disruptis - Disruptis 2022-11-18 11:21 p.m.
Disruptis: "They didn't do anything you hated? Anything to shackle you with so much pain that you wished you would die already? With any trauma that stopped you from functioning the same ever again?" Disruptis's tone was level, but soft.
leirynot - Isa 2022-11-19 1:43 a.m.
Isa "There was pain at times, yes... but I tolerated it. But so far as emotional trauma... I was largely detached. There was little they could use against me they found. It was... somewhat amusing really. You know, Margulis did not particularly care for me. But the other Orokin were... most interested. I am sure you are aware of my... disabilities in regards to my usage of our powers. I suppose I could inform you more of the nature of this disability. I do wonder if it would affect your trust in me."
Disruptis - Disruptis 2022-11-19 2:11 p.m.
Disruptis: Disruptis gazed up into the ceiling. "There are two kinds of trust. Trust that someone is not being deceitful in what they do, and trust that someone has the competence to back up what they claim. Which one are you thinking about?"
leirynot - Isa 2022-11-19 7:01 p.m.
Isa "The former. I already know you trust me with the latter."
Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2022-11-21 11:34 a.m.
Muro: Taking advantage of the brief silence, Muro chimed back in. "Get real Disruptis. The Orokin absolutely made us who we are now. The Void was just the furnace they chucked us into."
EscortAlpha - Chegar & Svytoj 2022-11-21 5:30 p.m.
CHEGAR "Now, see, that there's the big question:" Chegar mused for a moment. "I can't begin to speculate on how well anyone remembers Albrecht Entrati's works, but it was obvious that he at least was aware of the thing that gave us out abilities." He Continued "The question I have is whether the Orokin threw us in thinking we'd slip by, or if they were hoping we'd make contact." He slumped back against the wall. "While the Orokin are responsible for the chain of events that made us, to me, it comes down to whether we were the product, or the byproduct."
Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2022-11-21 6:48 p.m.
Muro: "Don't know who this Entrati guy is, but if you're asking if they intended to make us, then I'd say that depends on which ship you were on. Me? I was intentional." Muro's eyes narrowed, though whether it was out of concentration or ugly memories wasn't clear.
leirynot - Isa
Isa "The former. I already know you trust me with the latter."
Disruptis - Disruptis 2022-11-22 9:54 p.m.
Disruptis: Disruptis raised his eyebrows. "Really? I didn't expect that actually. Of all the people I brushed across, you're one of the straightforward ones. Not much deeper meaning to your thoughts. Instead you slap them down on the table for others to see and tell them to deal with it. Took a long time to clock that but I think I get it now. And now you say you've been holding back?" He leaned over towards her, resting his weight on his hands. "Isa, I'm not sure there's much you can be hiding to change my mind on the kind of girl you are, but I'd like you to try. What's up?"
leirynot - Isa 2022-11-22 10:04 p.m.
Isa: "I will admit it is rather obvious. I have had little time to practice hiding it and at this point do not care to, but I am very far on the spectrum of antisocial personality disorder. I do not feel empathy. I believe this is why I cannot use many other school powers than those of Madurai. I was also unable to control or calm the early warframes as other Tenno did."
Disruptis - Disruptis 2022-11-22 10:44 p.m.
Disruptis: Disruptis snapped a finger gun at the golden Saryn. "Yeah, that's what took me so long to figure out. I've dealt with my fair share of rough edged and psychopathic Tenno, but none of them felt as orderly as you. It was hard to believe someone's entire being was cold as a coolant cell since the day they crawled into life. But hey, another lesson to add to the pile making me feel like an old man." Disruptis felt around his suit for a data pad out of instinct. "But how it vibes with your focus school is quite interesting. That's something I would like to learn more about. I've done enough work on focus schools to clock how emotions do play a good part in determining proficiency. Void, I've built up a small focus of Zenurik in the past because of it. But a lack of it is even more interesting."
Kelimnac - Dominus 2022-11-22 10:54 p.m.
Dominus: "That's the magic word, isn't it?" Curled up against a wall, Latron and Pangolin Sword leaned against his shoulder, Max finally spoke up. Had he been asleep? "Void. That's the only way I can use any of my powers. I have to put a part of me into a blank space, where there's nothing but a core of something, and then I draw from that core. There, I can use the Warframe the most efficiently. The loud parts of my head yell at me the entire time I'm in there, and the quiet parts want to just lie down and rest in the nothingness we made." As if by example, he gently places his palms together, and removes the Exalted Blade, letting it hover for a moment before dispelling it. "That's where I keep it. It's in the 'Void' of my thoughts. When I have a sword in hand, Excalibur knows what to do. But to summon that sword, I have to consciously pick it up out of nothing. And don't even get me started on my Amp. Without Excalibur to help me make that core, I'm mostly just using guesswork with those. Maybe it's part of my lost memories, and I'm just using instincts now. I dunno."
leirynot - Isa 2022-11-23 12:07 a.m.
Isa "I never really forgot much. Though I have little to remember. I was put into stasis early, trained the whole time in a warframe when they deemed my normal void abilities too... destructive in comparison to the others. Beyond that they enjoyed how efficient of a killer I was.... and how obedient I was as I simply had little else to do and they provided something of interest."
Disruptis - Disruptis 2022-11-23 10:42 p.m.
Disruptis: Disruptis jotted down a note in his ocular UI for later. He shelved the thought for later and turned to Muro. "Hey man, now that I got you somewhere where we're not running around like headless condroc, what's been up with you man? You've been doing stuff all this time? We thought you were gone. I--I've been looking for survivors everywhere, especially you. Aurelia even tried to get into contact with me once, though she didn't get the chance to. Dunno where she went after that. Now I find you in the middle of nowhere thinking that all of us were dead? What happened to you?" Disruptis asked in a sincerely concerned tone. (edited)
Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2022-11-24 4:15 a.m.
Muro: Muro sat silently for a moment, the only sound being the odd snap of the Hydroid's tibia slowly regrowing. "Oh, so Aurelia tried talking with you huh? how about that..." He said absently, like the words hadn't even registered to him. "Of course I thought you were all dead. How could I not? I saw the footage of that day after I was taken out. Watched it over and over again. No one survives a blast like that." The Tenno's hands began to shake slightly as they worked. "I thought I lost all of you. Again. So, I decided to make the bastard responsible for it pay. What else could I do?" the cyan void energy shimmering from his hands stopped as he looked up, meeting Disruptis' eyes directly. "I've been fighting a one-tenno war against Vey Hek. ships, military barracks, research outposts, doesn't matter. If its got his name on it, it dies."
Disruptis - Disruptis 2022-11-26 9:54 p.m.
Disruptis: Disruptis sucked in a mouthfull of air through his teeth. Vengeance is a cruel tormentor, he knew that well. How many Tenno had he seen who lived their lives tangled in those chains? But then again, maybe it was a bit presumptuous for him to feel they were chains. If nothing in life mattered anyway, what's wrong with spending it satiating such a bloodlust? Not that it seemed to make any of them happy, though. He sat back and folded his arms, unsure how to reply. Back in the Old War, he felt like he had all the answers for a group of tormented fellow Tenno. Now, his worldview was too distorted. Marred by the years of war and decades of slogging through endless hardship. It used to be a safe assumption that people wanted to be happy. Now... there's no way Disruptis could say that with confidence ever again. He didn't know how the Strider did it. Eventually, he let out a haggard breath. "And... has that been fulfilling what you needed it to?"
Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2022-11-29 8:26 a.m.
Muro: A halting, humorless laugh escaped Muro, shaking his head as he returned to mending his wounded frame. "Fufilling? No. No, it hasn't been. Its just what I have to do." Staying silent for a moment, he looked back upon his old comrade quizzically. "What are you asking about fulfillment for? If you guys are still kicking around, haven't you been going after that bastard too?"
Disruptis - Disruptis 2022-11-29 11:30 p.m.
Disruptis: "Well for the first year I was busy dying. Very slowly. When I saw that fomorian coming… I knew everything was on a highway to a supernova if we didn't pull something big. I pulled the plug on my frame and returned to my orbiter to activate a last resort. A last ditch effort to save us all. I was ready to bet it all, even if it would probably kill me. At the very least I woulda died for something. Instead I got jumped on the way there. An enemy I made a while back snuck into my orbiter, fried XerAI, and was preparing for something even worse when I came barreling through. We fought but it should have easily killed me with our power difference. Instead I got lucky and managed to flush it out, but not before it messed me up. Messed up my Oro. I still don't know exactly what it did but I was in and out of the waking world for the next 12 months. My Oro was practically bleeding, and there were a few times I actually thought that would be it. XerAI's still out to this day, but I barely made it through with some... sacrifices."
Disruptis gazed off into the distance. A couple seconds later, he blinked and shuddered his head. "Sorry, long story short that's where I was at the start. Then when I got good enough to walk the first thing I did was look for everyone else. Look for you too. But with what I had left I just couldn't seem to find anyone. Right at my wits end though, I found Cev. He was alive. He told me some others were too. On the spot, I sent out a message using OR waves to bring people in for little reunion. I even found a sideshow to make it more worth the time for the people who were, cough less interested in non-business matters. It was an excuse more than anything to just do something together again, though it did have a good chance of yielding some crazy scrap. And then... it turned out to be a mucking nightmare. Everybody kind of went their own ways again and I had a psychopathic sister to deal with and a potential threat to the System itself. And now a brother evidently." Disruptis took another deep breath in. "I did think of just throwing it all to the wind and going after Vay Hek, but I've already been through that song and dance before. While you're off getting your revenge, the things you care about that you leave behind fall from your hands like grains of sand. I've got my hands full keeping the remnants of what I've got. That's what's fulfilling to me. If I had the time to make some justice happen, it wouldn't be to make them pay. It'd be to stop them from taking anymore. And… it just doesn't make sense if I'm losing more in the process. Vay Hek's still a spike in our side, but there's something much darker approaching. I can feel it. I've spent all this time preparing for it."
Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2022-11-30 8:18 a.m.
Muro: "So there are others..." Muro muttered, more to himself than anyone else. Where were they? Why hadn't he seen any sign of them taking the fight to Vey Hek? Was he really still alone in all this? He was barely paying attention to the details regarding Dis' family, but his last statement snapped him back to attention. "So that's it? Someone kills people that you care about and you're just going to wander off to the next cause because it has you spooked?" He spat . "What about the others? Or did they have better things to do too?" His eyes flashed incredulously, before dulling as he cast his gaze downward. "Look..." He sighed. "I'm happy that you're alive, that you still got something you care about. The thing is... So do I. My family is dead because of that gasbag and I have to make sure he pays for it." Muro snarled. "Dearly."
Disruptis - Disruptis 2022-11-30 9:33 p.m.
Disruptis: Disruptis was always very slow to be offended. Pride more often than not caused nothing but destruction in his life. Now though, he regarded Muro with a glare. "I don't run away from my problems, I spend my time sprinting towards them. Vay Hek scares me as far as I can throw him, but what good is it if while dealing with him everything behind my back crumbles to something much more dangerous? I don't fear any flesh bag crawling across the stars, but the Void... I have many reasons to fear. That needs every eyeball I have right now. As for everyone else? Loss ain't a stranger. They either moved on or did what I did and never stopped looking." The black and yellow Tenno became conscious of the harsh expression on his face and dropped it, fading back to his soft one. "Am I not part of your family? Am I not alive? Who is your family to you?"
Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2022-12-01 6:49 p.m.
Muro: The gaunt Tenno shook his head, disbelieving. As smart as he was, Disruptis still didn't get it. "Who's left then?" He rasped, a caustic anger rising with every word. "You, Isa, Cev? Am I supposed to just drop it and be happy he didn't manage to kill us all? Am I supposed to give him a free pass for that?" It was Dis' mention of family, however, that made the young Tenno visibly shake. He leaned forward as much as the cramped sub would allow, rage and pain etched across his face. "You want to talk family, Disruptis? Fine, let's talk family. My family are the people I swore to protect, to keep alive, no matter the cost. The people I patched up time and time again, no matter how badly they were hurt. The people that I risked my life for over and over again, because I knew they'd do the same for me. The people that gave me something to live for. They were all I had, And unless you're about to tell me that none of them died that day, it doesn't fucking matter whether he got one of them, or all of them. He tore my family apart. How do you not see that!?" As he spoke, terrible thoughts wormed their way into his mind. The others lived, but they moved on? 'Loss ain't a stranger?' They just... left him? Left the death of the family unanswered? Like it was nothing? Did it really not matter to any of them? "You know something, Dis?" Muro's voice began breaking. "Before you found me down there, I thought I was the only one left, the only one that could make sure your deaths weren't for nothing. I thought that if it were me that had died that day instead, that any one of you would have done the same." Muro seemed to visibly wilt as he let out an exhausted, shuddering breath. "But... I guess I was wrong about that."
Disruptis - Disruptis 2022-12-01 10:32 p.m.
Disruptis: Disruptis straightened up, his posture unyielding. His expression never budged from genuine compassion and sincerity. "Muro, the mission some of us gave up our life running after wasn't about revenge. It wasn't about making our enemies pay. It wasn't even about bringing justice, though that's always nice. It was about giving this system the one thing it hasn't had for millennia. Peace. My family is everyone that takes up the mantle of good beside me. I would choose to sacrifice myself for them even if they didn't have the mettle to do the same for me, if in the end it put at least a little more light into this system. Because there's no better way to live life than fighting the darkness so you can live in the light. I spend every day making sure the deaths of the family I had never goes to waste by giving my all to bring what we all fought for in the first place: Peace. If I died I would've wanted all you to do the same. Vay Hek will be the next obstacle eventually, but there are bigger things that need to be done than chasing after some justice this very second. If we do that, then not only will we lose the chance for peace, but we will lose even what we managed to keep! If they are really family to us, why would we just leave them behind? Why would we just abandon them?" (edited)
He grimaced mournfully, but kept his voice low and gentle. "Vuko is alive, and Garhul was with him. Do you know where I found them? They were trapped on an island for an entire year. For almost every day I was dying, they were stranded. You were so focused on getting justice for the very people you never tried to confirm were dead. Because of that, they suffered. Is that really how much your family is worth to you? I know it can't be. I know that when you say you would risk your life for them, that's coming from your heart. I know that the Muro I took up arms with the day I walked into that base on Lua would've cared more than that. Don't let the evil in this system take that away from you." Disruptis took in another deep breath. "None of us moved on from the hope we fought for, we just moved on from needing immediate justice." (edited)
UnremarkableUsername-Sharratmuri 2022-12-20 6:47 p.m.
Sharratmuri: Six Tenno. Three of them outside their warframes. That made nine bodies, all crammed into one tiny submarine. Perfect conditions for contagion. She had debated with herself whether to stay inside her damaged warframe, or step out. But, she had decided, the damage had been done. Chegar, after fighting shoulder-to-shoulder alongside her, would certainly be contaminated, and now here he was with everyone else. Everyone knew it only took one spore to spread Infestation. Whether she transferred out or not, this sub would no longer be safe for non-Tenno use, and everyone's warframes would certainly be growing bioluminescent blue cysts in the next few days. Sharratmuri sat quietly, barely listening to what the others were saying. Congratulating each other on a job well done, which it was. Everyone had been needed, along with a bit of luck. Aside from a few badly-damaged warframes, everyone seemed seemed to have escaped with their equipment. She'd lost hers. All she had now was her warframe, in whose lap she sat, careful not to disturb its partly-healed leg, and the Infested carapace that covered her body and seemed to have replaced her transference-suit. She tapped and tugged at the carapace on her arm. Her movement was perfectly free, and the Infested growth was smooth and well-structured, as if it were supposed to be there. Could she get a finger under it, at her wrist where the growth stopped...? ((1/2))
The conversation took its wandering path across topics, as conversations were inclined to do. Everyone agreed that the Orokin had done terrible things to them, but disagreed on the specifics. Isa was fully cold-blooded. Given what the average Tenno had gone through, it wasn't surprising that some would turn out that way. Isa seemed to be handling it better than most, though. Sharratmuri tuned back out. She found that she could not pull the edge of the Infested carapace away from the skin of her wrist. It was stuck too tight. Either that, or it had grown into the skin. She quickly brushed that thought aside; it wasn't supposed to be possible for Infestation to survive the Void energy beneath a Tenno's skin, and if that had happened then there would be no use in worrying. Dis and Muro knew each other from somewhere, had fought together and survived something together... and the conversation was getting heated. She was missing all the context. It seemed some Tenno had been killed... Only Orokin or Sentient could do that. Or other Tenno. And the system apparently hadn't had peace for millennia. Damn. So much for replacing the Orokin with something better. And she'd been in cryosleep way longer than Ikazu's containment procedure called for. There would be a lot of history to learn. She supposed that she may as well start now. "Who's Vay Hek? Some Orokin remnant?" ((2/2))
hypepak 1
The conversation took its wandering path across topics, as conversations were inclined to do. Everyone agreed that the Orokin had done terrible things to them, but disagreed on the specifics. Isa was fully cold-blooded. Given what the average Tenno had gone through, it wasn't surprising that some would turn out that way. Isa seemed to be handling it better than most, though. Sharratmuri tuned back out. She found that she could not pull the edge of the Infested carapace away from the skin of her wrist. It was stuck too tight. Either that, or it had grown into the skin. She quickly brushed that thought aside; it wasn't supposed to be possible for Infestation to survive the Void energy beneath a Tenno's skin, and if that had happened then there would be no use in worrying. Dis and Muro knew each other from somewhere, had fought together and survived something together... and the conversation was getting heated. She was missing all the context. It seemed some Tenno had been killed... Only Orokin or Sentient could do that. Or other Tenno. And the system apparently hadn't had peace for millennia. Damn. So much for replacing the Orokin with something better. And she'd been in cryosleep way longer than Ikazu's containment procedure called for. There would be a lot of history to learn. She supposed that she may as well start now. "Who's Vay Hek? Some Orokin remnant?" ((2/2))
EscortAlpha - Chegar & Svytoj 2022-12-21 8:43 p.m.
CHEGAR The Vauban finally snapped back to the conversations at hand. "Who..." He took a moment to process the question. It hadn't dawn on him how out of the loop Sharratmuri was. with a deep breath, Chegar adjusted in his seat, trying to recall everything he'd heard about Hek since he woke up. "Vay Hek: One of the High Councilor's to the Grineer with a high number of political assassinations' tied to him both in and out of his factions ranks, responsible for directing and spearheading numerous military operations, including several assaults on Tenno relays and stations, the construction and deployment of a fleet of battleships called Fomorians, the attempt deforestation of earth, multiple terrorist acts against civilians-" He paused briefly, the mere thought of the man agitated him. "In short, the rotted out clone has been a thorn in the Tenno's side for a very, very long time."
Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2023-01-05 9:22 p.m.
Muro: Muro sat there as Disruptis spoke, one emotion after another hitting him, then leaving before he could process it, let alone respond. One fact, however, amid all of his comrade's high-minded talk, sat in his consciousness like an anchor. Vuko lived. Of all those he thought lost that day, Vuko was the one whose loss had wounded him the most. And yet, news of his brother in arms' survival did not bring him any joy. From across the sub, Disruptis could spot a broken, crazed look in the young Tenno's eyes. "Don't..." He said through gritted teeth, a harsh cyan light crackling and dancing from his twitching fingers. "Ever. Question what my family is worth to me." Muro looked tense, his intense eyes never leaving Disruptis', as if the conversation around him was mere background noise. As furious as he was, Disruptis knew something important to Muro, and Muro had to get that information from him. "Where is he?"
Disruptis - Disruptis 2023-01-09 7:43 p.m.
Disruptis: Disruptis's eyes widened when he glimpsed his friend's gaze. He thought Muro was sinking into the depths but he was far, far down the whirlpool, and it shook him. But the hardest part came after his mind had run countless simulations and scenarios to come to one conclusion: there was really nothing he could do to help, was there? "Muck Muro, there's no way I'd hold that info back from you but I need to know what happens when you find him. In your own path of destruction, are you going to unwittingly destroy him too? What if he's not seeking the same thing you are? Are you lucid enough to even realize that could be happening?" (edited)
Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2023-01-11 12:00 p.m.
Muro: What would Muro do? In truth, the idea that Vuko of all people was still alive, much less not seeking vengeance as he was hadn't even occurred to him. Now confronted with that possibility, he had to sit and quietly ponder for a moment. If Vuko was still alive, Muro thought, their combined efforts could bring Vey Hek down in half the time, at least, and the Vuko he knew would be itching to get back at the chancellor the first chance he got. If not... "I would never hurt him! I... I just need to see him." He rasped. "If he's really alive, I'll need his help." The idea that he might not be seeking Vey Hek's head seemed to make the gaunt Tenno's brain stutter, as if the idea were incomprehensible to him. Isa or Cev not wanting to involve themselves made some modicum of sense to him, but a fellow Veiled Tenno? "If he isn't going to help... I need to know why." Muro's eyes seemed to lose focus before turning back to Disruptis. "Now. Where is he?"
Disruptis - Disruptis 2023-01-14 10:10 p.m.
Disruptis: There it was again. That stinging feeling sitting in the bottom of his gut. The feeling that everyone else was going on without him, leaving him alone to deal with the demons he found. He had just conquered it not even an hour ago, and yet it instantly reared itself again like the next head on a hydra. Discouraging as it was, it was not unexpected. The lesson wasn't conquering it, but learning to conquer it. Now Disruptis had enough hope to defeat it again. But that didn't make it hurt less. "I'm sorry... Muro... that I'm failing you," he apologized remorsefully, "I couldn't be a friend you'd trust enough to help you with this, or that has the right words to say. I can only hope to the Void he is." Muro received an encrypted packet of information consisting of geolocation coordinates to someplace on the planet Mars. "Vuko told me he was chasing something important from his past. Something about needing to ride the 'Winds of Mars'. He recently made friends with a group of 'righteous' robbers called Smooth Fortune and convinced them to aid in his expedition. We did some cross-referencing and found that whatever he's looking for might be left undiscovered in a previously ransacked tomb near Valles Marineris on Mars. I haven't had much contact with them since then, but the last I heard he was around that region. If you want to find him you can start looking there. He still grieves you too." A flicker of pain raced across his cheek. Disruptis quickly placed a hand on his face and traced the outline of his dark, void-like scar. It was very small, but he could make out the fact that it had grown. He shuddered.
Disruptis - Disruptis 2023-02-01 9:39 p.m.
Disruptis: Disruptis left Muro to his thoughts, leaning back against the chassis of his Warframe. As he digested the conversation in his mind and began calculating dozens of scenarios to be prepared for in the future, his eyes wandered onto Sharratmuri. He jumped as he noticed the infestation clinging to her for the first time. "Whoa! Hey, hey, what happened to you!? Did you get that from somewhere down there? Hold that still for a sec." He pulled the gammacor off his Warframe and cycled the modules to his bio scanner.
UnremarkableUsername-Sharratmuri 2023-02-06 8:03 p.m.
Sharratmuri: Vay Hek...High Councillor...Councillor to the Grineer...political assassinations...assaults on Tenno...Tenno relays and stations...civilians... Grineer were active in politics, and Tenno controlled space stations that were their own. No longer slaves. If there were attacks against civilians, then that meant there were civilians. The deforestation of Earth had failed - If deforestation of Earth was considered a bad thing, then that meant the Infestation had receded and Earth was habitable again. In all, it seemed that, even if things had not turned out quite as the idealists such as herself had hoped, and even if things were bad enough to make even Tenno like Disruptis and Muro suffer, at least the worst possibilities had been avoided. The Orokin weren't in control, or even a major player. The Sentients weren't in control, or even a major player. The Infestation had receded. Those had really been the major goals of the Outer Terminus coup conspirators. And things hadn't fallen into complete chaos. If there were High Councillors and politics, then there was surely a government. Not a strong or unified one, barely holding together it seemed, but at least there was something. Something that could be built upon. Sharratmuri, heartened about the state of the System, relaxed. Others were already working to bring about the reality that she and her comrades had hoped for, and they'd had at least some success. She could worry later about improving their work. And she needn't worry about the eternal duty she'd accepted, keeping Ikazu contained. He was dead. She was free. Ikazu was dead... ((1/4)) (edited)
Ikazu was dead, and he'd been dead the whole time. Something from the Void had eaten him from the inside, something that claimed to be Disruptis's brother. Something that obviously was operating on a different set of priorities to Tenno such as Disruptis and herself. Perhaps it was the legendary Man in the Wall? Or, and the thought still tantalized her, perhaps it was a Tenno? If that sort of power was possible, reachable... It'd be so useful. If only the person holding it was sane, which Singularitis didn't seem to be... Ah, well, whatever Singularitis was, it was going to be a real bitch to deal with. Eventually. A problem for people who were well-rested and weren't already on their way out of a fight that they'd barely survived. Need to make plans first, she thought. She'd have to ask Dis what he knew about the creature. She'd have to... She'd have to figure out what had happened to her. To her Orbiter. If anything could be salvaged. She considered calling her landing craft, to take her back to her Orbiter when the sub reached the surface... No, would be too risky. It could, for all she knew, be completely filled with Infestation. She would need to go in carefully, well-equipped and with a good plan. Plans. So much to do. But, ample time to do it. Plans. Goals. Purpose. Get into government, make sure there were good regulations in place. Before that, determine if her Orbiter was salvageable, and retake it if possible. But before that, get equipped, get ready to take on a shipful of Infestation, get ready to board a ship that might not want to be boarded. Much to do. ((2/4)) (edited)
She drew out the Sheev she'd taken from a dead Grineer grunt upon awakening. She'd been entombed with a full loadout of weapons and also an archwing, but none of that had been present when she'd awoken. It was probably buried now, with the tunnels of Ikazu's Tomb collapsed by the Tenno squad's attempts to contain him. She'd ripped off the arms of a Sentient, makeshift weapons that had served well, until they became too damaged to be useful. At present, all she had to her name was herself, her Warframe, and the sheev. She regarded it thoughtfully. Much to do... ...She'd need help. These five that she'd awoken to find, at least some of them would probably be willing to help, but they were tired. They had their own issues to deal with. She'd let them rest. She could catch up later with Dominus, who she recognized, though he seemed to have changed over the years, and with Disruptis, whose reputation she knew despite never meeting him. Disruptis's voice brought her back to the present moment. "Whoa! Hey, hey, what happened to you!? Did you get that from somewhere down there? Hold that still for a sec." She turned a quizzical look toward him, from the Sheev she'd been contemplating. "What, this? It's just a knife, dude." ((3/4)) (edited)
Then she noticed the scanner. She was covered in Infestation. Right. Infestation had receded from Earth, only to take up residence on herself. Her stomach gave a twinge again, reminiscent of when she'd first noticed the Infested carapace. How could she have forgotten? Why did wearing something alive, something hungrily and carnivorously alive, feel... normal? She briefly remembered something she'd heard, about a fungus that consumed cicadas, and the cicada would continue to fly around, blissfully unaware that half its body was missing... ...She quickly pushed the thought out of her mind as her stomach flipped over fully. That couldn't happen to her. Cicadas were really stupid, of course they wouldn't notice anything. But she would notice if the Infestation was actually infecting her or eating her or affecting her behavior... Right? And Infestation couldn't handle Void energy, so it even if it penetrated her skin it wouldn't be able to gain any foothold... Right? It hadn't grown onto her head or hands, and that was where she cast her power from, so that probably wasn't a coincidence... She hoped. She chose to hold on to that hope. It was extremely preferable to the alternative, and was probably more likely anyway. She answered Disruptis as the scanner did its work, her voice shaky at first but quickly returning to its usual cheerful staccato, upbeat yet no-nonsense. "Ah. The, uh. The Infestation. It was already here when I Transferred out the first time today. I didn't see any of it otherwise down there, so I suspect it came with me, from my Orbiter." Disruptis's scanner recognized an ancient strain of Technocyte Infestation, the same found on the Orokin Derelicts. A strain that had not needed to adapt to new disturbances for a long, long time... except... there was something else there. Helminth. Had one incorporated the other? ((4/4)) (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 2023-02-07 8:22 p.m.
Disruptis: Disruptis clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction. Biology had a long been his weakest area of study and the scanner module he had put together by religiously following Kapak's teachings was far from as proficient as his other ones. He triggered some analysis tools and investigated the data through his ocular HUD. He physically grimaced when he saw the word Helminth. There goes my luck again. Kapak is so MIA none of my satellites even know where he went, and now this? Disruptis tilted his chin up and ran a hand down his forehead to alleviate pressure. Sharratmuri deserve better than this for her service. Disruptis hoped to the Void it wasn't anything too serious, but his instincts were screaming at him that something big was up. The nature of derelict infestation worming its way into a Tenno? It was unprecedented to him. The Helminth strain had something to do with it, but what? This is exactly the type of strange occurrence that would be contained and studied as an SED by /RU Corp. Disruptis felt validation in his decision to give the organization a directive stating that so long as a Tenno is not causing undue harm, they are to leave them the Void alone. Of course, /RU Corp looked like the best place for her to go to receive aid on this matter. Even he didn't know the true extent of the knowledge they had learned through the years. Maybe studying this could even help him combat the Weaver's own unique strain of infestation. Pushing back the avalanche of thoughts streaking through his mind, the Tenno focused on one thing: he had to make sure Sharratmuri wasn't in any present danger. He could try to extrapolate predictions from his scan but nothing solid presented itself.
But what if I investigate the Oro instead? A brilliant idea ran through Disruptis's head. His Naramonic focus honed his senses into better identifying his enemies strengths and weaknesses, but that could only go so far. What could go even further was his own deeper nature. He had never thought to use it that way but if he attempted some sort of transference maybe... He wasn't the Strider, but maybe he could pull it off. "Hey so, that doesn't look great. I can help you out with it once we get out of here but I'm going to be honest, we might want to be sure we can make it till then. Do you mind sitting down over here? I'm going to try to peek into the state of your Oro to see if anything bad is happening." (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis
But what if I investigate the Oro instead? A brilliant idea ran through Disruptis's head. His Naramonic focus honed his senses into better identifying his enemies strengths and weaknesses, but that could only go so far. What could go even further was his own deeper nature. He had never thought to use it that way but if he attempted some sort of transference maybe... He wasn't the Strider, but maybe he could pull it off. "Hey so, that doesn't look great. I can help you out with it once we get out of here but I'm going to be honest, we might want to be sure we can make it till then. Do you mind sitting down over here? I'm going to try to peek into the state of your Oro to see if anything bad is happening." (edited)
UnremarkableUsername-Sharratmuri 2023-02-08 7:36 p.m.
Sharratmuri: She considered this for several moments. During the time of the Orokin reign, she certainly would not have allowed such a thing, another person peering into her mind and soul. Too many secrets. Too many lives and hopes riding on them. But now? None of that mattered. All those old plans had long since been carried out, all those lives had been lived, all those hopes fulfilled or dashed. None of the people those secrets had been kept from were likely a position to do anything about them, and indeed, most of them were, in all likelihood, dead. All those secrets were moot. It struck Sharratmuri that she was probably, for the first time since the Zariman, totally free. She stood, placing the Grineer knife back into the belt of her warframe, and stepped carefully over its damaged leg. Only a few steps to get to Disruptis. She sat, crosslegged in front of him. "I don't know how that's done, and to be honest I doubt you'll find much unusual, but sure, you're welcome to try."
Disruptis - Disruptis 2023-02-11 3:00 p.m.
Disruptis: "Well, that's what I'm hoping for," Disruptis explained. He knelt down behind her and stared at his palm. He never figured out if Oro held any connection to the heart, but it felt right to place his hand on her back to get close to it. Disruptis closed his eyes and focused. First, on his perception. He once knew a Tenno named Cyan. He was a peerless master of the Naramon ways, so powerful that despite having no physical sight he brandished his powers to perceive both natural and supernatural. His very gaze could not be obstructed by obstacles in the material world to a distance he had to personally limit to stop himself from overloading his senses. Now, Disruptis put into practice what little teachings he learned from the master. He sensed the vague presence of the Oro of the Tenno sitting in front of him. It burned like spirit fire. Disruptis's mind shifted to recalling yet another feeling, much like he had done while piloting that Grineer sub through a torrent of metal. . .. … …... …….. …………
A 16-year-old boy woke up in a cramped locker. He breathed in the smell of stagnant air and metal. He heard the low, steady hum of engines in the background behind the sound of his rapidly beating heart. He reached out and felt the smooth alloy comprising his locker door. These were the first things he ever felt. The locker door opened with a hiss, depositing the messy, black haired boy onto the floor. The pretty cyan light flooding through a nearby window of the hallway he found himself in revealed stains of dried blood peppering his black and yellow Zariman suit. The boy got up and walked towards a viewport of the Zariman Ten Zero, mesmerized by the twisting energy of the Void outside. It gave him a profound sense of comfort he would not witness anywhere else in his life to come. It was in this comfort that he first reflected upon his experiences. And asked himself: 'what is any of this?' He had no answers. A sense of bewilderment clawed up his heart as he realized he didn't know where he was, what was happening, or even how to feel about existence itself. He felt like a scrap of ferrite drifting through the cosmos. After a few minutes, he turned to the darkened corridor that extended the hallway beyond him. In a moment of almost desperation yet not quite, he asked the darkness: "Who am I?" Then--not from the darkness, nor the corridor, nor the end of the hallway--a deep, booming, yet oddly soothing voice answered him from all directions. (edited)
"YOU ARE THE DISRUPTIS." The boy's thought process picked up from a slow, lethargic crawl to a rapid sprint. It quickly analyzed and dissected those words and formulated a series of responses that each would each lead to unique and interesting conclusions. He had no idea how to judge which conclusion would be worth pursuing but it felt entertaining to consider the options. He settled for the first one that came to his mind. A response that was both simple and yet as complex as the spiraling expanse outside. "What do I do?" He asked aloud. "Go, and you will be showed the meaning of existence." The boy's legs moved immediately. He walked slowly, step-by-step into the darkness of the hallway. He plunged into the unknown and when he had crossed it, a door opened on the other side. The door revealed a vast room of greenery gently swaying in the circulation of atmosphere. Portions of it were twisted into swirling black and blue shapes and appendages. A whole new world of stimulations lay ahead. A feeling of mystery, power, and self-determination welled up inside of him. And though he didn't understand the gesture, he couldn't help but grin. (edited)
………… …….. …... … .. . Disruptis recalled these ancient feelings. As he did, he couldn't help but laugh at himself. Somewhere along the way he had forgotten the things he had learned near the very beginning of his journey. He had learned the value of existence, and it began with helping others like this. His void scars glowed as he stepped into the pathway, transferring into the metaphysical space around Sharratmuri's Oro. (edited)
Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2023-02-13 1:55 p.m.
Muro: Muro sat there, staring at the information he had just received. For the first time in a long time, hope began to creep into his mind. He slouched back towards his frame, blankly considering Disruptis' words. 'The Winds of Mars?' he thought. Try as he might, Muro couldn't think of the significance behind those words. Some other long forgotten ally maybe? And now he was running with some band of pirates? But why? What could have been so important that Vuko would leave everything else behind? This was all too much for him to consider, not all at once. He'd have to get back. Regroup. Maybe Aurelia would have an idea of what to do next. At the very least she could verify Disruptis' story. In the meantime... "You. Vauban." Muro called to the tenno sitting across from him. "You sound like you've got it out for that gasbag too. Ever thought of doing some real damage to him?"
Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia
Muro: Muro sat there, staring at the information he had just received. For the first time in a long time, hope began to creep into his mind. He slouched back towards his frame, blankly considering Disruptis' words. 'The Winds of Mars?' he thought. Try as he might, Muro couldn't think of the significance behind those words. Some other long forgotten ally maybe? And now he was running with some band of pirates? But why? What could have been so important that Vuko would leave everything else behind? This was all too much for him to consider, not all at once. He'd have to get back. Regroup. Maybe Aurelia would have an idea of what to do next. At the very least she could verify Disruptis' story. In the meantime... "You. Vauban." Muro called to the tenno sitting across from him. "You sound like you've got it out for that gasbag too. Ever thought of doing some real damage to him?"
EscortAlpha - Chegar & Svytoj 2023-02-17 7:49 p.m.
CHEGAR “Who? Hek?” The Vauban said, his wits returning for a moment. “Sure: making that discontented chicken of a man’s ego shrivel is a modern Tenno pastime after all.” His gaze returned to Disruptis and Sharratmuri, watching intently as Dis performed his craft. “I think the only thing stopping me -stopping a lot of Tenno actually - is simply getting the right missions prioritized.” He said; the days recent events playing over in his mind. “Stray anomalies, the sentients coming back, the odd orokin or infested cult that show up from time to time… we’ve all been very busy.” What he’d just said quickly hit him; his head snapping to look at Muro. “Not that I’m saying no, of course.” He stopped, thought, then chuckled a bit. “Sorry. it strikes me as odd that, even with so many of us, we can still be stretched so thin.” (edited)
Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2023-02-28 9:49 a.m.
Muro: "Busy, huh?" Muro said irritably. He had seen plenty of what other Tenno had been doing to Vey Hek's operations. Still, the Sentients being back in force was news to him. "So those things we fought weren't just a Grineer science project? Great. Always has to be something getting in the way..." He grumbled, returning to absently mending his frame's superficial wounds. "You know, maybe Tenno wouldn't be stretched so thin if people actually went for permanent solutions to their problems." He eyed the Vauban somewhat critically. "If all you and the others are after is hurting Hek's pride, then sure, you've given him a few black eyes here and there. Aside from that though, I don't think I've seen any Tenno raid that actually did long-term damage to Grineer holdings that didn't involve a railjack. Its always the same story: some hotshot comes in, kills maybe a couple hundred troopers, breaks open every container, maybe a data vault or two, and then they just leave. you're never gonna get rid of him, or any of those other things if you keep half-assing it like that." Muro shook his head in disappointment. "Just saying, being a bit more thorough might actually fix things for you." (edited)
Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia
Muro: "Busy, huh?" Muro said irritably. He had seen plenty of what other Tenno had been doing to Vey Hek's operations. Still, the Sentients being back in force was news to him. "So those things we fought weren't just a Grineer science project? Great. Always has to be something getting in the way..." He grumbled, returning to absently mending his frame's superficial wounds. "You know, maybe Tenno wouldn't be stretched so thin if people actually went for permanent solutions to their problems." He eyed the Vauban somewhat critically. "If all you and the others are after is hurting Hek's pride, then sure, you've given him a few black eyes here and there. Aside from that though, I don't think I've seen any Tenno raid that actually did long-term damage to Grineer holdings that didn't involve a railjack. Its always the same story: some hotshot comes in, kills maybe a couple hundred troopers, breaks open every container, maybe a data vault or two, and then they just leave. you're never gonna get rid of him, or any of those other things if you keep half-assing it like that." Muro shook his head in disappointment. "Just saying, being a bit more thorough might actually fix things for you." (edited)
EscortAlpha - Chegar & Svytoj 2023-02-28 11:31 p.m.
CHEGAR "Hmmm..." Chegar pressed his back against the wall, digesting what Muro just said. "No.... No, that's fair." He mused " Could count the number of Tenno that haven't gone toe-to-toe with Hek on one hand; We ALL know how to put him on his heals..." He looked to the ceiling. "four cells would be more than enough to cut off his retreat and put him down permanently." He sat up straight. "Put ALL of them down permanently: Hek, Alad, Regor... Get enough rail jacks together and the queens Fortress..." Even behind the faceless visage of his Vauban, Chegar's eyes could be seen flitting back and forth as he thought through what he was saying. "We've erased people for far less. Wiped the vast majority of the Orokin from the face of the system. The only reason I can think of for not doing the same to Hek and the like is the creation of some other catastrophic power vacuum, But even then...what's the logistical issue here?" (edited)
Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2023-03-04 7:31 p.m.
Muro: "Yeah, funny how we haven't had a problem with that until now." Muro snorted impatiently. "Look, if no one else wants to take Vey Hek out, that's fine with me. I'm not about to let anyone else take that bastard's head anyway. All I'd really want is to have some help drawing him out and cornering him." For a moment, Chegar's musings on the various malefactors of the system struck a chord with Muro, reminding him of an old, doomed friend. "Careful with how big you're thinking, Vauban." He cautioned grimly. " Tenno may be powerful, but we can't underestimate the kind of... creatures we're up against." Muro stole a glance at Isa and Disruptis. "Some of us know all too well what happens when you think you're untouchable."
pepefeels 1
UnremarkableUsername-Sharratmuri 2023-10-11 10:57 p.m.
((At long last, a post. It's...long. Very long. Written, at various parts, by myself and Disruptis.)) Disruptis-as-Sharratmuri: -- -- -- -- -- --
    The first thing that Disruptis was aware of as he awoke was his heartbeat. Then, his breath. His footsteps. Walking. Martian sun on his neck. His surroundings. A city in a canyon, red sandstone. Withered. Sand-blasted. He stopped in an open area. A public square, once. Only hints of facades on the surrounding canyon walls. No plants. No people. Nothing that wasn't nailed down. Nothing that had ever been alive. No sound, except for the wind. Except... Something emerged from one of those smoothed and rounded empty doorways with a zwooOOP! — A Protea, moving backwards through its timeline. It ended its travel standing next to him, facing the doorway. "Same as last time?" he said. But it wasn't his voice. He recognized it as Sharratmuri's. Bored. She'd seen this before. Disruptis felt like he was in a stupor, like he was going through the mind-numbing flow of repeating actions he had done hundreds of times. "Same as last time," the Protea answered. "Scoured everything, even indoors. Not a spore in sight." "That rogue Inaros again, d'you think?" "Yeah." They started walking again, down the canyon. In no hurry. "Yo, I been thinking," he said... No, she said. Sharratmuri. This was her memory. Right. "About the people I meet?" Though warframes cannot produce facial expressions, the joking grin was audible in the Protea's voice. "The carwash on the corner, and the hole in the street?" "Ye," and Sharratmuri was smiling now too, "The way my ankles hurt with boots on my feet, and I'm wonderin' if I'm gonna see tomorrow." They both sang the next few lines of the song. "Father forgive us for what we must do, You forgive us, We'll forgive you!"
    *We'll forgive each other till we both turn blue, Disruptis finished in his mind. I've heard the song before in-- in…* He realized his stray thoughts were congested like thick molasses. It was hard to focus on anything other than what Sharratmuri was saying, doing, and feeling. He strained against the reins holding down his mind. * Cev's music archives.* "Pretty much, not quite that though." Dis/Sharratmuri again. "I was thinkin', you know they said we don't age now, right?" "Right." "So you know what that means, right?" "Means a lotta things, but I bet you got one specific'ly." "We can make and execute plans on arbitrarily long timescales. We don't have to rush." The two were silent for a moment, walking. They came to a staircase, carved into the canyon wall. Or at least, the remains of a staircase. The sandblasting had left its steps too rounded to be usable. They stopped, and looked up at it. Disruptis tried to cross reference the surroundings with his archive of Mars information, but his mind moved too slow to find a match. He kept trying, straining his thoughts to move faster little by little. The Protea answered. "'Bout that rush. You got something in mind?" "Something cookin', yeah." "Something dastardly?" "Best served cold." "I see... " Thoughtfully. "Where's it served?" "All the way at the top." "Hm. That'll never work." They kept walking. Sharratmuri continued. "Really. With that attitude?"
    The Protea stopped, and placed its hands on Sharratmuri's shoulders. "Listen, there's a reason they didn't put me in Unairu, okay? I'm not gonna keep going if the road's blocked. I've thought this through more than once, okay?" The Protea sighed. "This is why you requested this mission again, isn't it? So you could try to get my hopes up. Again. Private place to speak, show me the work of a rebel who looks successful, and then maybe I'll decide that maybe there is a way. Maybe I can outthink millennia-old beings who've been around the block so many times I can't even count. Or today to say, oh, maybe we can outlast them because we're immortal. So are they, Liv!" But Liv, Sharratmuri, was still smiling. "We don't have to outlast their lives. We just have to outlast their patience. That's what I was wanting to tell you. They're terrible at dealing with boredom. We just have to be better at it than they are. Eventually, they'll do something hasty, something not careful, and if we're ready-" "Yeah, yeah, that's when we strike, yeah. Heard that before." *Wait,* Disruptis's train of thought flew off into the sky, *are these two some of the first planners for the uprising?* "What's your focus school, Zenurik-boy? Isn't 'the unexpected' your whole deal? Crazy plans and shit?" "Hm." The Protea stood back. "If this warframe could move its face, I'd be scowling so hard at you right now. Because I'm not smart enough for that kinda shit. But I am smart enough to figure out who is." "And who's that?" "You ever— ...Actually, no. Too much of a long shot." -- -- -- -- -- -- - (edited)
    A beach. Light breeze off the water. Corrosive waves lapping the shore. Could've been a beautiful day, by Ceres standards. Could've been. Disruptis-as-Sharratmuri could not see this. She saw only the inside of a Bolkor, full of Grineer and Dax standing in neat rows, armed and armored, waiting. Sharratmuri, though she could not see it, felt the sea below the ship. (*Could Yareli warframes always feel its presence?*) Shallow yet strong, inanimate yet moving, close, for the ship flew low to avoid remote-sensing. Soon, the ship would touch down on the beach, and the door in front of them would open, and they would face the Sentients. Soon. Until then, they waited, tense, silent. A situation Disruptis had been in many, many times. One Dax asked another, weren't there two Tenno on this ship? Where had the other one gotten off to? The other Dax replied that the other Tenno had probably gone for a piss, and the two chuckled. Liv thought it mildly funny but did not laugh, for a warframe could no more easily laugh than take a piss, but she did wonder... Probably a last-minute go-over of the landing plan, she decided. He often did that. He'd once said, If you know the plan well enough, you can break it and put it back together. Light filled the ship, just for a moment, as if one of the ancient gods, whose names had been carefully erased from history as the Orokin appropriated their likenesses, had speared the ship on a thunderbolt. Transference static washed through her mind, turning clear and organized thoughts into murky swirls. The ceiling of the cargo bay heated in a flash from red to white to vapour, revealing, just for a moment, the burning silhouette of a teenaged boy shining like a second sun. ...huh... she thought foggily, that's where he went... The Bolkor, a sturdy aircraft of steel and aluminum, popped like an overfilled balloon. -- -- -- -- -- -- (edited)
    Liv casts Riptide. A wave of acid sea washes up the beach, over the Sentient drones gathered there, throwing Merulina into the air off its crest. Bits of charcoal, the burnt remnants of the Yareli's outermost frills, crack and trail off into the air. Grab the edge of the living board, bring it up to shield from enemy fire, let go and land. Keep moving. Instant beachhead, with the Sentients in temporary disarray as they adapt to the corrosive seawater, ripe for landing troops on, but nobody to land. The Bolkor and its other occupants are out in the ocean in tiny pieces, probably dissolved by now. Keep moving. Up ahead, the Chelonethilyst, the great living cannon that they had flown low to avoid. She is on its left side. Towards it? May as well. Nowhere to retreat, so must fight. Disable the cannon or at least distract it, and reinforcements will arrive more easily. Keep moving. Sentient energy-fire, duck, dodge, catch some of the bolts on Merulina again. Draw swords. At least those weren't dislodged and lost when the dropship exploded. Briefly duel a Conculyst and cut off its arms, but take a few hits. Keep moving. Check behind, always good to check behind. Something is emerging from the water. Protea, almost unrecognizable, most of its outer skin corroded away, pink-and-gray metal muscle all over. Grotesque. Its face, unveiled and unskinned, grimacing, disturbingly human. *He’d give Kapak a run for his money,* Disruptis mused. Circle back. Jair has survived. One Tenno to land at the beachhead, at least. His weapons are gone, lost in the corrosive ocean, but he won't need them. He's already placing Blaze Artillery. -- -- -- -- -- --
    Later. The battle is over. Reinforcements have arrived, and they hold the beach. Five Tenno packed into a Bolkor, their job done. (One day, in a submarine on Uranus, Sharratmuri will feel deja vu, and slowly remember why.) Liv, Sharratmuri. Jair, Zenurik-Boy. A Nova, also a follower of Zenurik. A Wukong who does not speak. An Excalibur. (On that distant future day in that submarine on Uranus, Sharratmuri would recognize him) Disruptis recognized him immediately. That was Dominus. *How could she have forgotten?* And another one, the Wukong. Only Disruptis knew who that was. She had been involved in incident I082-03. Sonera, designation SED-082-G-1. She was one of the only two Tenno naturally possessing a mark of anti-abnormality, unlike the heavily bastardized version mounted on Disruptis's gammacor, the other being the Mirage user SED-082-G-2. They didn't even know they held the power to easily destroy him. He shifted uncomfortably in her presence, only to realize even that little action was denied by his current state of existence. *...Wait, I’m doing it! My mind is trudging back up to its usual pace. Can I…?* Heartbeats slow, slowly. Jair whispers to Liv, "When they find out what I did, make sure they Glass me." "What?" He doesn't answer, only a grimacing smirk with Protea's too-human inhuman face. -- -- -- -- -- -- -
    A sharp tap of footsteps, metal feet on a metal floor. Crisp and measured, as befitted a Tenno, a living blade of the Orokin, a wielder of Warframes. Every surface, smooth and unworn; every piece of metal, shining. The Orbiter even smelled new: new rubber, and a hint of polish and cleaning compound. Fucking finally. Hers. They'd called her honorable for her service in the Sentient War, they'd given her the best equipment, they'd given her a title: Sharratmuri, Queen of Rainstorms. But only now did the Seven see fit to grant her a ship of her own. She stood in the middle of the ship's main room, giving a little twirl as she took in the surroundings. All mine. Sure, it could theoretically all be taken away, but that was unlikely. And perhaps soon she would speculate about why she hadn't been given a ship sooner. Maybe the Executors had been reluctant to trust her with a private ship after the incident at Ceres, had first had to make sure that she wasn't in on any plan... People still marveled at her about that. Your own brother, they said. Your own twin! How could he betray you like that? And you him? Ah. No matter. They'd needed some nasty words to deflect suspicion of treason from each other. She could speculate later. She could wonder again what they'd done with him. She could wonder again what his plans had been. But until then? Huzzah, no more hitching rides with Danny Zagov and Ceph Karsk. (Sure, they were nice enough as individuals, but together those two traded snark like an old married couple in need of a divorce.) Disruptis felt a twinge of pain in his incorporeal chest. Her memories brought up his own, sharing laughs on the cold floor of a landing craft playing cards with Kára, Ladodon, and of course, his best and long-lost friend Jado. All in a fresh orbiter, much like this one. (edited)
    Transference, stepping out of Yareli and leaving it in the Arsenal. Her ship, she figured; she may as well explore it herself. Personal quarters, just as empty as the rest, clean and new-smelling. Soon enough she'd make it look like someone actually lived in there, but until then, she supposed there was something to be said for a blank slate of a dwelling. So much potential, and she had all the time she wanted to think about that later. She peered into the core of the ship, the wide open space of the Transference room, and the chair in its center. She'd sit there later, but not yet. She wondered, briefly, why nobody had greeted her yet. Didn't these ships always come with a Cephalon installed? Perhaps she'd have to purchase one herself. Odd; in her experience, the Orokin never spared any expense on the Tenno, for well or for ill, no matter how badly strapped for resources the Empire was. Perhaps that policy had changed. Cheapskates. But understandable though. Anyway. Next room, last room. A room whose walls and ceiling were covered in pulsating, flexing grey flesh, dimly lit by purple-red bioluminescence. A variety of potted plants around the walls, some she recognized, some unfamiliar. The floor, glass, with a tank of water below, fleshy tendrils trailing into it and fish swimming between them. In the center of the room, a chair, a few tendrils of the room's Infested flesh winding across it. Liv did not take more than a few steps into the room, and if the door had not opened automatically, she would have knocked. For although she was the owner and Operator of this ship, this room was not truly hers. Helminth's room. A roommate, of sorts. A servant, of sorts. Inhuman, inscrutable, and in control of the ship's capacity to build, repair, and modify Warframes, a power that very nearly matched her own. How should she address it...?
    "WE WELCOME THE MASTER," it said, ending her moment of hesitation. "DEMON, DREAMER. OLIVIA BEN-NATAN. WE SERVE AND CONSUME." This was... roughly what she'd been expecting, yes. Same grating whisper of a voice as the Helminths she'd met on other ships, same focus on eating and servitude and mildly-unsettling tendency to juxtapose them, but one oddity. She'd never heard of any Helminth addressing anyone by name before. So then, how should she address it? She supposed there was an easy way to find out. "How should I address you?" The thing was silent for a moment, except for the faint gurgles, inhalations, and exhalations of its existence. "IT DOES NOT ULTIMATELY MATTER. BUT WE CONSIDER, WHAT BETTER TO CALL US, THAN WHAT WE ARE? JUST AS WE CALL YOU AS WHAT YOU ARE." "Aallright then. Helminth. Why did you call me by my name?" "RESPECT FOR YOUR CUSTOM. TO EASE COEXISTENCE." "...Cool." Already the nicest inhuman monstrosity she'd met. (Well, except for... Kiddo- -Nope, not going there again.) "Happy to coexist with you, Helminth. By the way, how'd you get my name?" "CHECK YOUR MESSAGES." Shit. "...are you saying that did that?" A mildly disturbing thought, if possible. "WE CANNOT DO THAT. WE MEAN THAT THE DEMON SHOULD CHECK ITS OWN MESSAGES. WE SUSPECT THAT THE NUMBER-EATER IS CONSUMING OUR MISUNDERSTANDING GLEEFULLY." Helminth paused. "WE WILL TELL HIM THAT ALTHOUGH IT IS ENJOYABLY HUMOROUS TO SWALLOW AND REGURGITATE HIS TRICKERY, IT ALSO LEAVES AN UNPLEASANT TASTE IN OUR BOWELS, AND WE WILL NOT AGREE TO IT AGAIN." "I'm guessing the number-eater is a cephalon?" And you don't like withholding information from me on his behalf. Nice to know. "CHECK YOUR MESSAGES." "Great, thanks." Olivia Ben-Natan gave a thumbs up and left the room. Messages, huh.
    She walked to the arsenal, and pulled a datapad from her warframe's inventory. Communications... Inbox... An official congratulations from the Seven, which she'd already read, stuffy and formal and probably written by someone else. It required no response. She deleted it. An unofficial congratulations from Daniel Zagov, which she would reply to later. And a message from someone called Cephalon Pazuzu, whose subject line said simply, "hey roomie." She opened the message. It played a recording of a deep voice singing:
    Welcome to my house Baby take control now We can't even slow down We don't like to go-O-o-o out
    "Ha! J, you fucker!" As the song continued, she stood, grinning wider than she ever had since the Zariman, and turned toward the open center of the room. "You coulda just told me it was you!" Lines drew themselves in the air in front of her, forming into an image of Jair Ben-Natan with four feathery wings, his face distorted into a beautifully hideous mess of hyperbolic geometry. He smiled a thousand interlocking smiles. "I coulda, sure. But it wouldn'a made you smile like that! You'd just give a stiff nod at a job well done and maybe a little smirk, and move on to the next thing." "True, true," she said, and gave a nod at a job well done, but still with a wide, genuine smile.
    While she was celebrating, Disruptis pondered. Being so bold as to get himself Glassed in pursuit of his goals pulled a grin onto his face. He quite liked Jair. On the other hand, a hint of jealousy brushed across Disruptis's mind. If only he could figure out the secrets to the Orokin's glassing techniques he could finally save his own Cephalon, XerAI. Maybe turn her into an actual Cephalon instead of the mess of human, abnormality, and wires she that she was. Disruptis forcefully shelved the thought, opting instead to share in Sharratmuri's current joy. The man had spent much of the Old War gathering battered and broken Tenno into his arms, and though he wasn't there for this warden of the depths, he desperately wished for her success just as he had for the others. -- -- -- -- -- -- -
    Hunger. Disruptis felt hunger. If you're hungry enough, any organic material starts to look edible. Polar bears, for example, have been known to chew off the seats of snowmobiles and drink crude oil from natural seeps. Humans have been known to eat tree bark. Hunger is what drives a cheetah to run as fast as it does, a wolf to run as far as it does. It drives a fungus to grow beyond its initial spore, and a people to flee from their homes. It can make the ethical implications of eating something that was once a living, sentient being seem insignificant. -- -- -- -- -- --
    Hunger can even make voidplumes taste good. Disruptis-as-Liv found himself in a darkened hallway. A familiar hallway. He knelt by something dead lying on the floor, something huge and dark and grey, a warped and barely-recognizable reflection of a winged human form. Wisps of blue-grey energy trailed from its edges. Liv took hold of one of them, insubstantial though it was, and, ravenously, ate it. Energy flowed through her. She ate another. It tasted like oil and fire. To Liv it was necessary, to Disruptis it was nostalgic. It made him chuckle. *I sure don't miss the days this stuff was all I could digest, back when my body was still stabilizing. Hang in there, Sharra!* It took several minutes until the energy of many voidplumes had sated her fully, and she could think about something other than the hunger. She stood, stretched, and knelt down again, taking a too-small backpack from her shoulder and gathering voidplumes into it. The others would need them, and hunting Void Angels was a difficult and dangerous task that not everyone could do. Her movements were quick and efficient. She'd done this hundreds of times. By this point, Liv could almost harvest voidplumes in her sleep. But she hesitated. Something was weird. Something was watching her. She turned, carefully passing her gaze across every corner and alcove in the hallway, every piece of fallen debris, the shadowed reaches of the ceiling. It was normal to feel watched on the Zariman, and usually it was just a lost spirit, unsettling but harmless. But, sometimes, it could be a Void Angel sneaking up on you, so you always had to check.
    There was no Void Angel, except the dead one on the floor. Not even the faintest glow of a spirit, either. She was missing something, surely. She stood and looked around again, more carefully. No spirits around her. No Angels nearby. Nothing watching, except her. Except me... Liv froze, scowling. Nothing watching except you. Who are you? She laid a hand on her forehead, and pulled. -- -- -- -~ ~ ~ Disruptis lay on the floor, disoriented. Someone took hold of his shoulder and turned him over, and he found himself looking up at... Sharratmuri? No... This must be someone else... This person looked quite like Sharratmuri, but appeared to be in her mid-thirties. An older relative, perhaps? Then what was she doing here, on the Zariman? She regarded him quizzically. All Disruptis could do was grimace as his vision starred and swam, discombobulated at the sudden existential shift. "You look familiar," she said. "I'm not quite sure who you are, but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be here." She ate a voidplume, and chewed it thoughtfully. "I apologize in advance for this," she said, drawing back a fist. "And if it doesn't work, then I really apologize." "wAiT..!" he heard his voice cry out with heavy distortion, like he was gargling water, and he raised a hand, but it didn't look like his usually did. It was like the shape of a hand, filled with black smoke, a hand with long pointed fingers like knives... She clocked him. ((in accordance with the principle of Eternalism, it doesn't work: )) ~ ~ ~- -- -- -- -
    The first thing that Disruptis was aware of as he awoke was a heartbeat. It wasn't his. He could feel it against his face. He was clinging to someone with all his might. Human. They smelled of sweat. He could hear the breath flowing in and out of their lungs. They were tired. Still tense, but finally resting, and he was glad of that, for he loved this person deeply. He could feel light on his back. Feel... light...? Wait... Where was he, anyway? And who was this person he clung to? Perhaps he should raise his head and look around, and yet somehow he knew that wouldn't work. Some part of him found the idea of doing that to be strange and alien. And anyway, he was hungry, and tired, and injured, and those were all more pressing issues. He'd taken a few Sentient energy blasts and bits of shrapnel to his back and arms, to protect the Demon-Dreamer-Master from such injury. Demon... Master... Dreamer... ...oh. This wasn't a memory.
    All at once Disruptis realized the nature of the thing he'd Transferred into, the pitiful once-human creature warped and remade several times to fit the needs of the terrible and amoral mind of the Infestation. Its head was curled against its chest and its limbs were outstretched, and from that position its body had been flattened into a sheet of bone and connective tissue, and then wrapped around the Dreaming-Demon's body, its back outward on her front. Its outer skin was thick and leathery, and its inner skin soft and smooth and lined with thousands of tiny cilia to wick the sweat away from the Dreaming-Demon's body and hydrate itself. Its ribs had widened into curved plates, interlocking like the segments of an insect's exoskeleton, a laminar cuirass under its skin. Its limbs wrapped around hers, the bones formed into armor plates like the ribs, its hands atrophied to nearly nothing, the soles of its feet below the soles of her feet. All that remained of its skull was a few extra plates of bone positioned over her vital organs, and all that remained of its face was a proboscis of a mouth extending up toward an artery, probing desperately for Kuva. Disruptis wordlessly cried out in anguish. Panic filled him and he tried to run, hide, shed this skin that he'd become, and he heard Sharratmuri's yelp, loud against his face as she discovered that this living suit that she wore actually had muscles in it, muscles strong enough to administer CPR if necessary, and all tensed at once as it tried, futilely, to tear itself away. He felt the beginning of death as Sharratmuri reflexively defended herself, exuding caustic Void, washing pain across his inside-facing skin as Void burned through it, burned all the way through his thin body... Transference, he had to Transfer back out, but something held him, then took hold of him, carrying him somewhere, somewhere far away and at great speed. -- -- -- -- -- --
    Disruptis existed, incorporeal, somewhere. He felt like he floated in the center of an enormous eye, turned inward and looking at him from all sides. He recognized it as a mental construct, the Mind's Eye of some Entity of great intelligence, something very familiar with how Transferrence worked, and how it could be manipulated. He could feel that It was hungry, ravenously hungry. *What... are you?* he thought to it. Could this thing have come from where he did? The thing doubted that. It regarded him with a detached interest, a clinical curiosity. What are YOU? it echoed, turning its view inside-out and showing him what it saw: a humanoid figure formed of black smoke, mostly indistinct like a billowing image in a cloud, but with fingers sharp and pointed like daggers, and eyes burning a pupil-less yellow. It had not expected him to look like this. It had not expected to meet him like this, or indeed to meet him at all. But it recognized him. It knew his name. It had memorized a collection of reports from the Old War, somehow. It had theorized that the way he'd gotten here was possible, but was surprised and just a bit impressed to see it actually done. It could feel the shape of itself, but it wondered what it looked like. Could Disruptis show it, as it had shown him? Most importantly, It wondered whether Liv was still alive, but considering the way Disruptis had gotten in here, it wasn't optimistic. An echoing filled Disruptis's mind, an indistinct mass of semantics and phonology and perseverance and frustration, which crystallized into a set of numbers — the parameters of an orbit — and a burning, echoing, plaintive word: FINDME? Then it let him go. -- -- -- -- -- -- - (edited)
    He snapped back to reality, his connection to the Emissary Suit pulling him back like a stretched rubber band, and then spitting him unceremoniously back into physical existence. That at least was familiar; the death of the Suit felt the same as the death of a Warframe. And so he found himself sitting on the floor of the small Grineer submarine winding its way upward through the waters of Uranus, sitting in the same position as he had when he had begun to peer into Sharratmuri's soul, with a layer of cold sweat on him and a smell of burnt meat filling the air. Sharratmuri, Liv, stood in front of him, clad in a charred suit of Infested flesh and bone. "Welcome back, I guess," she said, rubbing at her head. She'd apparently stood up quickly and struck it on something. "I don't know what you did. But, for the record, I didn't kick you out. At least, not intentionally." She sat back down next to the Yareli, gingerly. "I tried to when the Infested suit spasmed, but you were already gone."
    ((And that's all of it. Took a while, and I apologize for the wait.))
    fatmaggot 1
    Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia
    Muro: "Yeah, funny how we haven't had a problem with that until now." Muro snorted impatiently. "Look, if no one else wants to take Vey Hek out, that's fine with me. I'm not about to let anyone else take that bastard's head anyway. All I'd really want is to have some help drawing him out and cornering him." For a moment, Chegar's musings on the various malefactors of the system struck a chord with Muro, reminding him of an old, doomed friend. "Careful with how big you're thinking, Vauban." He cautioned grimly. " Tenno may be powerful, but we can't underestimate the kind of... creatures we're up against." Muro stole a glance at Isa and Disruptis. "Some of us know all too well what happens when you think you're untouchable."
    leirynot - Isa 2023-10-12 12:20 a.m.
    Isa: The Saryn tilts its head and is silent for a moment before turning its attention back to piloting the submarine.. "I'm not sure what exactly you are referring to with that. I never once assumed I nor any of us were untouchable. I'm of the belief that anyone and anything can be killed, if you can acquire the correct tools." She had otherwise fallen silent. She had hardly ever been one for conversation, and generally figuring out what was going on in her head was a difficult task given how withdrawn and stone-faced she was... the fact that she was in a warframe didn't help.
    leirynot - Isa
    Isa: The Saryn tilts its head and is silent for a moment before turning its attention back to piloting the submarine.. "I'm not sure what exactly you are referring to with that. I never once assumed I nor any of us were untouchable. I'm of the belief that anyone and anything can be killed, if you can acquire the correct tools." She had otherwise fallen silent. She had hardly ever been one for conversation, and generally figuring out what was going on in her head was a difficult task given how withdrawn and stone-faced she was... the fact that she was in a warframe didn't help.
    Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2023-10-12 7:55 a.m.
    Muro: Muro's dull eyes turned towards Isa. "Maybe not you." He responded morosely. "Mataeru thought he was." Muro brought his attention back to his frame, restarting his efforts to mend what damage the frame still had.
    Disruptis - Disruptis 2023-10-13 5:27 p.m.
    Disruptis: "How long have I been out for?" He grimaced, pulling his synoid gammacor out. Before it could slip his mind, his fingers raced across its interface, inputting the sequence of numbers that came to him from those depths. He commented the end of the entry with a short keyword to remember it by: 'FINDME?'. After securing the information, he turned around to find her fully garbed in the infested suit. It didn't seem to be causing her distress, though perhaps a little discomfort. "Were you in there with me? Did you see what just happened?" He probed. (edited)
    UnremarkableUsername-Sharratmuri 2023-10-19 12:37 p.m.
    Sharratmuri: In her mind, reviewing her memories? Of course she'd been there, reviewing and reliving alongside him. And she had seen what had happened after that, she had killed the Infested Suit. That was what he meant, right? What else was there..? But when the Suit had spasmed, the Transference link to Disruptis had already been broken, and his corporeal form had not yet reappeared. Apparently something strange had happened to him in that brief time. Was it related to the Suit? "Maybe..?" she hazarded. She strarted to shrug, and grimaced. The burnt husk of the Suit wasn't nearly so comfortable as it had been when it was alive. At least now she could be sure it wasn't trying to grow under her skin, or crush her. "In where?" (edited)
    leirynot - Isa 2023-10-19 10:08 p.m.
    Isa: Isa looked back at Disruptis a moment before turning her attention back to piloting the sub. "I had not noticed you passed out. Are you feeling alright?" She asked, not seeming to be greatly concerned either way. Whether or not her question was genuine concern or simple pleasantries was difficult to make out, no doubt the revelation of her nature further muddied those waters. "And I will be honest, Muro. Mataeru was something of a fool. Too idealistic."
    Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2023-10-20 1:33 p.m.
    Muro: The Tenno grunted at Isa's assessment of his long-dead comrade, seeming to prefer focusing on his battered warframe.
    Disruptis - Disruptis 2023-10-21 11:35 a.m.
    Disruptis: Disruptis shuddered and did a double take, catching himself on the far wall. Did Isa just ask him if he was alright? Was the world ending? What just happened? He felt like his face had been blasted by a cold Glaxion Vandal. He stared at her back for a couple seconds, wondering whether or not to read into it, before deciding that book wasn't written in a language he would ever fully understand. "Y-yeah I'm fine..." He wiped the bewildered look on his face and turned back to Sharratmuri. "Sorry for stealing a peek into your entire backstory, Liv. UH I MEAN SHARRA," he blurted, shaking his head, "I didn't mean to go that far, I was just kind of swept along. Good news is I think I… well I hope I found where your orbiter currently is. I can spot you a ride there after this. There are definitely some concerning things going on with you, but I'm not sure if they are the urgent kind-of-concerning. Do you feel in control of that suit?" Disruptis kept an eye on the mark on his gammacor, watching for any changes. (edited)
    UnremarkableUsername-Sharratmuri 2023-10-25 3:14 p.m.
    Sharratmuri: She looked down at the charred suit, then back at Disruptis. "Now? No, it's dead." Her expression became serious once more. "I hope so, at least. Before? Heh, no, not remotely. I'm just hoping it wasn't like. Y'know. Actually infecting me. And if I hadn't burned it, I'd probably be down a few ribs right now." She considered his offer of a ride. That he knew where her ship was didn't surprise her; she'd memorized its location, and he'd just been peering her memories. She supposed that also put them on a first name basis, since despite having met her mere hours before, he probably now knew her better than anyone except Pazuzu. No. Better than anyone. Cephalon Pazuzu was probably worse than dead. "And, to be honest," she continued, "I'm not really sure I want to go back to my Orbiter. If there's this growing on me, the rest of the ship is probably worse. The orbit I left it in is out of the way; it might be better to just leave it there. That's assuming it hasn't moved, otherwise it'd be a nightmare to track down." What if it had moved? What to do then? Pazuzu, surrounded by Infestation, could've taken it anywhere, and if it was near somewhere populated it would need to be contained or neutralized somehow... Better not think of that yet. Not unless needed. (edited)
    Disruptis - Disruptis 2023-10-25 9:43 p.m.
    Disruptis: Disruptis frowned. "Hey, I know how it's like to lose someone in the gap. It's been decades and I haven't given up. You shouldn't either. Isn't Ja– your Cephalon on that ship? I can at least send an investigation squad to check it out." Disruptis threw another to-do on his already sky-high list. "In the meantime, can you get out of that suit by yourself if you wanted to, or are you gonna need some precise shizzle to do it?"
    leirynot - Isa 2023-10-27 6:07 a.m.
    Isa: "I would also be willing to aid in a recovery effort for your orbiter." Isa chimed in. Those who had worked with her would know that it seems one of her primary driving factors was curiosity, and this discussion between Sharratmuri and Disruptis seems to have attracted it.
    Disruptis - Disruptis 2023-10-27 9:50 a.m.
    "See? You have our full support," Disruptis grinned.
    UnremarkableUsername-Sharratmuri 2023-11-03 6:08 p.m.
    Sharratmuri: "That's..." She didn't know what to say, really. If there was a squad sent to her ship, she would have to be on it. It was her ship. And if Paz had been driven mad by the Infestation and the best thing was to put him down... well, she wanted to be the one to make that call. She couldn't really trust someone else to do it, even if they made the same choice that she would. However, it might not even be necessary. The ship might be still in its backwater orbit where she'd left it, going nowhere and dangerous to nobody. She could just leave it. She could just avoid the question of what had happened to the glass-bound echo of her brother. And if he hadn't been driven mad by the Infestation and was somehow miraculously free of it... well, that was unlikely. Right? Anyway, if the Infestation still hadn't consumed him or driven him nuts after however many centuries it had been, he'd be fine to wait a while longer. Right? "That's heartening," she decided to say. "I'd... I'd rather wait, though."
    Disruptis - Disruptis 2023-11-04 4:41 p.m.
    Disruptis: Disruptis watched her face. Much to his dismay, it was difficult to glean any information from her via psychoanalysis. He simply didn't know her well enough, even if he knew her way more now than when he entered the sub. He couldn't understand why she came to her decision with such a dear friend missing, but perhaps she had less hope than he thought. Not that she had much incentive for it in the first place. "Well, I suppose you can go at your own pace. We do have an eternity to live, right?" He added with an uneasy chuckle.
    Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia 2023-11-04 5:10 p.m.
    Muro: "We don't." Muro said flatly, not even looking up from his frame. "Don't pretend we do." By now, his Hydroid was completely mended, with no obvious indications of its recent dismemberment. Muro quickly looked over his work, giving a satisfied nod before phasing back into his frame.
    Kelimnac - Dominus 2023-11-04 5:21 p.m.
    DOMINUS Curled up in silent contemplation, a once-proud and vibrant Excalibur sat in silence throughout, only looking up now that it had all been settled. Sharratmuri's memories, and Disruptis had been in front row for all of them. Maybe there was something in there for him, too, but he couldn't know one way or another. Exhaustion was overriding most of his thoughts, but even so, the others seemed to be discussing their next move. The gears of his brain turned into place, and Dominus finally broke his silence. "Not that our enemies will give us that long to wait, anyways. That said, even they have to take breaks sometimes, in their own fashion. Grineer have to make clones, Corpus have to make deals, Infested have to grow, and the Sentients have whatever the hell it is they do with their tech. Can't win a war in a few days. All we can do is hope that there are other people fighting are on our side. Or are at least willing to lend a bullet towards our problems now and then." Slumping back down, the swordsman Warframe brought up the Pangolin Sword against his shoulder. Tapping it against the frame. "I'm set on it. Don't have much else pushing me forward right now, but if people you know might help me figure out who the hell I really am, and you're killing the bastards who are killing our solar system? I'll help out. Whether that's as just a sword, or as an extra head to plan, doesn't matter much to me either way." The expressionless face of the Excalibur looked up. But even so, one might think Max was smiling inside. "That order to live goes for all of you. I'm tired as hell, though. So let's take the rest of the day off from saving the world if we can, and start back up in the morning."
    Kelimnac - Dominus
    DOMINUS Curled up in silent contemplation, a once-proud and vibrant Excalibur sat in silence throughout, only looking up now that it had all been settled. Sharratmuri's memories, and Disruptis had been in front row for all of them. Maybe there was something in there for him, too, but he couldn't know one way or another. Exhaustion was overriding most of his thoughts, but even so, the others seemed to be discussing their next move. The gears of his brain turned into place, and Dominus finally broke his silence. "Not that our enemies will give us that long to wait, anyways. That said, even they have to take breaks sometimes, in their own fashion. Grineer have to make clones, Corpus have to make deals, Infested have to grow, and the Sentients have whatever the hell it is they do with their tech. Can't win a war in a few days. All we can do is hope that there are other people fighting are on our side. Or are at least willing to lend a bullet towards our problems now and then." Slumping back down, the swordsman Warframe brought up the Pangolin Sword against his shoulder. Tapping it against the frame. "I'm set on it. Don't have much else pushing me forward right now, but if people you know might help me figure out who the hell I really am, and you're killing the bastards who are killing our solar system? I'll help out. Whether that's as just a sword, or as an extra head to plan, doesn't matter much to me either way." The expressionless face of the Excalibur looked up. But even so, one might think Max was smiling inside. "That order to live goes for all of you. I'm tired as hell, though. So let's take the rest of the day off from saving the world if we can, and start back up in the morning."
    EscortAlpha - Chegar & Svytoj 2023-11-04 7:16 p.m.
    CHEGAR "Sound like an 'at dawn we plan' sort of scenario." Chegar mused for a moment, his Vauban shifting against the wall. "Considering the company I keep, I wouldn't last 'till last light to begin scheming again." He chuckled "So, If I have this right, we have some small war campaigns to orchestrate, at least three old identities to track down, a rogue Tenno with anomalous abilities to rein in, and perhaps an old orbiter to survey..." ((1/3))
    Nor_Urzak - Muro/Aurelia
    Muro: "We don't." Muro said flatly, not even looking up from his frame. "Don't pretend we do." By now, his Hydroid was completely mended, with no obvious indications of its recent dismemberment. Muro quickly looked over his work, giving a satisfied nod before phasing back into his frame.
    EscortAlpha - Chegar & Svytoj 2023-11-04 7:16 p.m.
    CHEGAR He turned to look at Muro "All while trying not to push our luck or our supposed immortality." He gave an exaggerated shrug. ((2/3)) (edited)
    "Does that Cover it all? ((3/3))
    Disruptis - Disruptis 2023-11-05 4:56 p.m.
    Disruptis: Disruptis's smile fell as Muro spoke, unable to put up with that farce. But as Dominus replied, he grew a more genuine one. "Yes sir," he mock-saluted in jest, "Who knows if we'll live forever, but I'll at least keep living so that at any moment if I'm called to the Void, it'll bring me peace. It's the best way to go." He ruminated on those feelings for a moment before continuing. "Sounds good to me, Chegar. Singularitis isn't a Tenno though," he corrected with an expressionless face, "he was always a creature of mucous substance. You can't find him. All I can do is prepare for when I see him next…" He crossed his arms and gazed out the window at the water growing brighter and brighter as they reached the surface. "So much for this stagnant three-way war. Sentients in the Veil, power dynamics shifting. I wonder what Mataeru would think of all this. The System moving on despite anything we did." (edited)
    Disruptis - Disruptis 2023-12-05 8:41 p.m.
    [END RP]
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