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Tales of the Awakened [Warframe RP Community]
The Weaver's Manifest [RP] / prelude
Disruptis - Disruptis 13-May-18 11:04 PM
CephalonEloHim - Elo 15-May-18 10:36 AM
=====Closed RP ( @CephalonEloHim - Elo @Disruptis - Disruptis )===== (Solar System,Unknown Space) (Sometime in the past, before the Orokin Remnant) ~Space was as indifferent as it always was. Hushed, silent and calm. But the relative calmness of the Solar system was soon disturbed, and for a few days tossed into disarray. Why? What could cause such a thing? A singular message coming from seemingly everywhere around the system, breaking Corpus and Grineer Satellites after the message was delivered through them. Message, that was meant for no one in particular, but at the same time aimed at the the only group that could find meaning in it, if ever there was one. ~ "THE WOMB OF THE SKY IS LAID BARE. NOW ITS CORPSE SLOWLY DECAYS, GUTTED AND PICKED APART BY CHILDREN OF THE GOLDEN SIN. THE BLACK SPIRE OF CHARRED BONE AND MARROW AWAITS, HIDDEN IN THE SUN’S BLOATED SHADOW. THE UNEVEN STAR OF MANDALA WILL OPEN THE GATES TO THE LAST LIVING GOD." "PRAISE HIM." ~Grineer and Corpus, whos satellites were destroyed got only gibberish. And not every Tenno got to hear the message. But that was too little of a hindrance for the birth of a new tale.~ (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 15-May-18 11:37 PM
~Grineer, Corpus, Infested, Tenno. All entangled in a constant scramble across the solar system. Always going somewhere. Incredible distances are crossed in the blink of an eye and a flash in the dark. All just to hurry off to another ball of dust, another mine of gold, another river of blood. Seldom is the space they zip through paid a passing thought, yet that chasm of void yawns twelve billion kilometers across and extends even further. Many things are lost to its boundless depths. One such thing happened to be a beacon of Corpus dreams. Dreams that were left exiled to the emptiness of the unknown in hopes that it would swallow their mistakes. Now, a single figure keeps the grounds. A Tenno, who built a new front atop the dusty skeletons.~ ???: Inside a peculiar and long since abandoned Corpus station, a warframe frantically paced back and forth. The room he stalked featured a series of monitors and levers, switches and buttons. Its darkness, lit by the fluorescence of an Orokin Reactor Core and filled with its hum. The warframe was of Limbo design, bearing clashing colours of yellow and black. He donned a deep-black cloak which flashed a solid merigold from its interior. He wore his hood up despite having no reason to do so, it just seemed to help him focus sometimes, especially when he was tired. He moved back and forth among the controls and view-screens adjusting dials and listening to frequencies. It had been a while since he’d scoured the system in this manner. His cephalon usually handled the brute force, but sometimes the Limbo found he could hear peculiar things others could not. It was quite… strange. A song drifted to his ears through his communicator. It was a serene melody, featuring a sole soprano feeding emotion to the listener. It was a song no one had ever heard: created on a whim for only one set of ears. It cascaded over his soul, stroking it with peace and calmness. (edited)
?????:♪Sle-ep on qui-et wa--ters~♪???: The warframe froze, hand gripping the dial it had been rotating. He was overcome by a feeling of off-balance, as if the core of his being was tilted. He needed to correct it. There was something there. Turn back three.
Tυɾɳ Ⴆαƈƙ ƚԋɾҽҽ.
He cranked the dial back three places, letting the click of each movement bounce across the empty walls. Just as the third click fell into place, the Tenno was greeted by what sounded shockingly similar to the bone-chilling voice of his kind’s old enemies. His heart dropped into his gut. On the finishing line, the station he had been standing in shook. Various lights, including the reactor core behind him, dimmed and flickered momentarily. “XerAI, I’ve found it,” he announced in a raspy voice. ????? XerAI: The symphony faded away, yet the singer remained. Instead of issuing sonorous chords it spoke directly to the Limbo, retaining the softness in its tone. “Who should I get then ⌒‿⌒?” ???: “The quickest fool like me, my dear cephalon.” XerAI: “And what should I tell them ・/・?” ???: “Just give them my name again. Just give them Disruptis.” The Limbo cranked a few more machines to life and tried to trace the cryptic clue.
CephalonEloHim - Elo 16-May-18 10:30 PM
~The message came from 12 different points, twelve different satellites, all of different nature - some of them belonged to corpus, others to the Grineer...and all were hopelessly broken, straight after the message played out through them. The message itself contained the virus aimed to break any Corpus or Grineer equipment containing it after it was played one single time. Tracing the signal back to messenger was not an option. The location of those satellites though... was more than peculiar, as if all the satellites were deliberately placed in twelve places around the system... by someone or something.~ (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 18-May-18 12:26 AM
Disruptis: The Limbo gave a faceless frown. He walked over to the massive monitor at the center of the room, his movements lethargic from a lack of rest. On it was displayed a map of the Origin system with an overwhelming amount of information and numbers. The Tenno swiped his finger on an option from an index in the top right, filtering all the blips and nodes down to thousands of satellites. He may lack skills in many areas like fighting and biology, but software engineering was one of his incredible strengths. He had manufactured quite an impressive bug over the decades that served as a simple reconnaissance virus; it didn’t do anything fancier than relaying spec information and location to its host. The program spread itself as inconspicuously as possible through any network and machine it was capable of getting into. As a result, Disruptis had gathered a rather extensive inventory of Grineer, Corpus, and even some Tenno and Faction satellites. He was probably missing a lot of secret and particularly juicy ones, but it was enough for most occasions. He brought up the new connections and investigated their positions and whether or not they were catalogued in his database, hoping to bring up some useful information on the satellites’ origins and their manufacturers. XerAI: The music stayed its hiatus and resumed again, but at a quicker pace with a composition that sparked curiosity and adventure. XerAI’s operator wasn’t dependent on the symphonies, they merely tended to improve his mood a little while he was alone. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 18-May-18 11:13 AM
~The origin of satellites as it turns out had nothing to do with the case, because of its generic nature. Some of them were old, some - new. Grineer and Corpus. But all of them were not in the place of their original deployment. No. All of them - disappeared from radar at some point in time and then reappeared in the places they now occupy. Nine satellites were placed at equal distance from the Sun on the outskirts of the system,with other three - placed closer to the center. By some coincidence all three were placed near small Orokin outposts in asteroids, each containing a Void gate. Those locations were places of constant conflict between Tenno and other factions, since those points were used to access Orokin Towers with Torsion Beam devices.~
Disruptis - Disruptis 18-May-18 04:58 PM
Disruptis: “Hmmmmm…” The waframe hummed. ‘The womb of the sky is laid bare. Now its corpse slowly decays, gutted and picked apart by children of the golden sin.’ Why are we being referred to as children of the ‘golden sin’? Disruptis pondered as he begun to tap his fingers rapidly against the panel, ‘The black spire of charred bone and marrow awaits, hidden in the sun’s bloated shadow.’ Charred bone and marrow? I guess it’s telling me something’s near the sun. Unless the ‘bloated shadow’ is actually a reference to the collective shadows of all the spacial bodies in the Origin… He checked the exact positioning of each satellite in respect to the current locations of the Origin system’s planets and their orbits. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 20-May-18 02:49 PM
~Once he started doing that, following from satellite to satellite,the dots connected themselves with each other, transforming into the star shape... Then, the screen shut itself down...for straight five minutes nothing happened. Then, it turned on again. Same map, nothing changed, only now the Star, formed by lines between satellites moved like an eye,with the sun as its center...and it looked at Disruptis. And blinked. Once. Twice. And then came the voice.~ ???: "What the...? Oh...My...Orokin...God..." The voice was clearly digital in nature, but yet distinctly full of surprised disbelief and hope. "Hey! Hey you! You are alive, right? Oh, what am i saying, of course you are alive... But... your shape looks familiar... Tenno? Hmm, Limbo Warframe that's for sure. But... what the...It's been ages since we've been contacted from the outside... Hundreds...hundreds of years without any news..." The apparition's voice was suddenly filled with desperation and some emotional stutter. "Please...please just a... s-say anything, say the word...a...just...Please!!! Tell me this is not a glitch in my programming and i don't see things that are actually... ARENT actually there!!!" (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 21-May-18 11:39 PM
Disruptis: The Limbo hesitated. He had garnered far too much experience in dealing with unknown entities of varying degrees of power to be goaded into anything too quickly. The voice and symbol seemed to behave like.... a cephalon? He had witnessed Corpus AI imitating cephalons pretty well in the past however, so he tucked that idea in the back of his mind for now. The Tenno formulated his response and glanced to the corner of his dimly lit room. There, silent as a tree tossing gently in the wind, sat a bird in a cage. The portable cell was forged out of rubedo, its sparkling coat catching the stray rays of the reactor’s light to faintly shimmer in the darkness. The bird itself was a peculiar one: a small, endangered species belonging to the near-extinct Psittaculidae family. Its green feathers ruffled but made no extra movement. Disruptis observed it, frozen for a couple minutes. Nothing. The Limbo revisited the terminal. Please let this be a transmission, I don’t want to have to deal with o’twelve screaming again! he begged in his mind. The Tenno wasn’t that confident his pleas would come to fruition, for no camera had been installed on the consoles anywhere despite the mysterious being clearly stating his warframe’s appearance. Muck, he cursed. “Don’t worry, I’m here,” Disruptis announced, carefully selecting his words. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 22-May-18 07:12 AM
???: "Phew...that's good to hear. First friendly voice in forever! And its not a Grineer or a Corpus voice...Woah! It would’ve been a BLAST if i got to those guys...Heh.” The “Cephalon” seemed happy, if a bit erratic. Then his expression changed to thoughtful. (edited)
“ think there WAS a blast...or several…” He quickly eased up, as if remembering what really happened and forgetting about just as quick. “Oh well. When your basic code tells you to blow them got to blow them up. And the worst thing is - there is nothing you can do about it.” He then looked to the side, as if avoiding direct eye contact with Disruptis . “Frikin precepts.”
Disruptis - Disruptis 22-May-18 11:56 PM
Disruptis: At this point, the Limbo felt it was safe to carry normal conversation. “Wait, what? Where are you at right now? Who are you?” he questioned, puzzled. XerAI had probably severed her connection with him already just in case anything unforeseen arised.
CephalonEloHim - Elo 23-May-18 06:34 AM
???: The Cephalon squinted a little and then "brightened up" again. "Riiiiight...The manners precept must be glitching... Again. Good thing that maintenance is soon incoming. Anyway, my name's Elo. Im the Cephalon of the Charred Spire. Nice to meetcha!" (edited)
Elo: “And as for the question of where i am...Everywhere and nowhere?" It seems, Cephalon was not keen on spilling his guts that easily. "I don't know if that answer works for you right now, but i don't really care. You will eventually find out. As in - i'm going to tell you, once we get better acquainted…Yeah, something like that.” (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 23-May-18 06:01 PM
Disruptis: Oh, that place is literally called ‘The Charred Spire’ Disruptis mused, mocking his deep reading into the initial cryptic message. “Good to meet you Elo, so what brings you suddenly into the system? You’ve been piggy-backing off my satellites for a while now.” The Limbo stealthily and inconspicuously shifted his left hand onto a switch below the console. Feeling its current position delicately, he confirmed that it was already on. Their conversation was being recorded. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 24-May-18 11:53 AM
Elo: "Looks like im not the only one with the glitching manners precept. Hmph." His eye concentrated on something on the celling as if pouting. He continued to talk staying in the same position. "The message was sent to Grineer and Corpus satellites only. No Tenno satellites were least not directly. Which was exactly the point, as far as I'm told. So..." He looked straight into the Limbo's visor. And he looked a "little" pissed. "CHECK.YOUR.FACTS. Mister I-Dont-Tell-Anyone-My-Name-Because-I-Dont-Trust-Nobody-And-Im-Not-Trustworthy-Myself." He then made a sound as if he was sticking his tongue out and turned off the console trough which he was talking trough. At least the picture of the map was gone. But he was still there. (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 24-May-18 09:42 PM
Disruptis: Disruptis gave a light chuckle as Elo pretended to stick his imaginary tongue out. From the cephalon’s response to his baited question, he deduced a few things. So it looks like this guy knows a good amount on current events, enough to know that the Grineer and Corpus are factions who have stationed multiple satellites; I’m willing to bet he knows a lot more about what’s going on in the system too. Yet I’m still apparently the ‘first friendly voice in forever’ to talk to the him. It’s a good thing he cared about getting my name though, things that don’t set off a lot of red flags. How long was he broadcasting for? He also seemed to see through my lie about owning the satellites. Feeling safe enough to open up more, Disruptis readdressed Elo. “Sorry, the last time I was randomly contacted by a cephalon like you, he tried to feed me to his dog,” he mused, “But the name’s Disruptis. Don’t bother asking for a last name though because I don’t have one.” The Limbo tried to locate the positions of the satellites once again. “So what exactly is your message for?” (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 25-May-18 05:24 PM
Elo: At first it seemed like Elo was truly gone for a solid minute. "A cephalon and a dog. Hmph. A likely story." But then the console was turned on again. And there was nothing. "Don't bother looking for the satellites... They aren't there anymore." "My message was aimed to achieve two points, which are connected between each other. One - is to find a suitable candidate to enter the Charred Spire and...i guess the best way to put it right now would be... Restart it. Commit a major reset, something like that. I will explain it better when we get there." He took a short pause and then continued slower, as if explaining the basics of math... to himself. "And, as you can understand, not every Tenno could work out. Thus the message was constructed in such a way, so once the Tenno commit a certain set of actions in order to find the Source, the connection between Me and Him will be established....Well Him being You. Obviously." He then proceeded in more cheerful tone. "And while I'm at it, the message will wreak havoc upon Grineer and Corpus livelihoods. Their stations, their satellites...everything the message reaches - BOOM...i guess, the best word for that?" He chuckled mischievously, seemingly not caring about the consequences and lives that would be lost in the process. (edited)
Elo: “Anyway, as i was saying,both objectives have been achieved and now my message is nothing more than an agent of chaos in this already chaos filled system. I changed the content a little bit and the consistency of its deployment. It will die down, eventually. And will totally not lead anyone else to the Spire, or me...unintentionaly, i mean.” He took a short pause, considering his next words. “And yes, i’m sure that you will qualify. I looked through your station, that you have here...Pretty nice equipement. Not top notch but…i guess there isn't much technological progress being made since the Old War.”
Disruptis - Disruptis 25-May-18 11:06 PM
~After Elo’s last words, groans of metal resounded throughout the connecting hallway. It was a hollow and uncanny sound, yet seemed to mimic a pattern of… laughing.~ Disruptis: The Limbo felt the hairs on his physical body stand up from all the way in his transference chair back on his orbiter. After all this time, ‘012 still managed to find new ways to give him the creeps. The Tenno always failed to shake the consistent feeling that the station’s walls would spontaneously collapse, crushing his frame in a matter of seconds. And that'd be simply because it felt like doing so. Disruptis silently crept up to the open door on the other side of the room and carefully closed it. It was the only way in or out. The Limbo shook his head and slapped his face with his hands, attempting to forcefully fling his premonitions away. “Hold on a second,” he spoke slowly and softly, “what made you ask a mere stranger for help? What went wrong with your lair?” (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 26-May-18 04:32 PM
Elo: He was obviously offended. By what? Well, he was fast to clear that up. "Lair?! I'll have you know that Charred Spire is the noble establishment of science and manufacturing! All personnel is in cryogenic sleep right now, and while they are sleeping, I'm the only person that works in here." He huffed and then continued his rant. "And why did you picked up the message when you could have been like the rest of the Lotus "children's flock" and don't give a damn? Simple answer.For both questions. Because we've been forced. By different means. Curiosity, necessity, pick your poison. " (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 26-May-18 11:29 PM
Disruptis: “Yes, but what specifically drove you to reach out to me?” the Limbo pressed with curiosity growing in his voice, “You have personnel in blocks of ice, a virus capable of blowing relatively advanced satellites up completely, the ability to communicate with me in a location that makes this entire conversation preposterous, and you can’t reach out enough to scratch your own back?” He leaned over the terminal window, supporting his weight using both of his forearms. He brought his helmet close the the terminal window and looked upwards off in to the distance. A brief moment passed as he lost himself in thought. “What is this ‘Spire’ for? If it does exist, why has no one contacted it in years? What was it hidden away for? Was it so that something couldn’t get in or... so that something wouldn’t be let out?” He slowly brought his gaze down to stare at the map once again. “Who… are you?” (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 27-May-18 08:21 AM
Elo: His voice changed to the one of a defeated dog. "It is way simpler than that. Although i have to give you credit, Disruptis, for you love of conspiracy theories...I cant wake Them up. It requires a living person with Orokin blood in their veins. And even if i was able to do it, i would not. Not when the world is in this state. I promised them that i will wake them up when the war is over..." His tone changed to worried and erratic. Panicked even. "The problem is that the most of the repair drones are literally disabled. I don't know what happened to them but it seems that something took them out of my control and literally turned them off. And i cant turn them back on! I tried, believe me! The only way to turn them back on is manually. And i have no hands, no feet... nor any sort of physical appearance!And without repairs, the degradation will settle in. And eventually it will reach the cryogenic capsules, and then all people that are under my protection will DIE! Simply because of some fried circuit, or malfunction...or...I don't know! Anything could happen!" (edited)
Elo: He talked about the Spire with proudness and a hint of sadness in his voice. The map shown that the satellites were being destroyed. Some blown up by Grineer weapons, others - taken apart by Corpus...and some simply self-destruct. "The Spire...It ...was...and is at its core an Anti-Sentient operation. It was started long before Tenno were even a thing. The brightest minds of programming, engineering, mechanics...with full access to all files about how Sentients were made, what was their programming... everything. Everything that your average Orokin never knew existed. All hidden away in Tower that is covered by the thickest layer of solar radiation . That makes any ability to find it from the outside obsolete. " He chuckled a bit, reminiscing. “The only way Sentients could find us is if they literally hit their head on the hull. Even communication was impossible. Until one of our geniuses found the way around that. Since then we were working through the Weave, distributing protection patches to the Cephalons of different ships, in secret, obviously. We made it harder for Sentients to hack them." His tone changed a little bit as he regained part of his composure. "But in the eyes of the Head of Research, protection was never enough. So, in the end we resorted to something we never knew we could resort to. Inability of the outside world to communicate with us finally proven useful." A small pause occurred.And then his composure was gone as quickly as it appeared. "The rest of the information is classified. Im literally blocked off from telling you what exactly we did...Sorry.I believe that once you reached the tower and complete the necessary set of actions, i could tell you what exactly we did…”
He took a pause.His next words were more silent. “If you even want to reach the Tower at this point...I would understand if you would not...want that anymore.... I guess you could say that not everything is lost,that i could try again but… while i was talking to you, the first one. I contacted another... five to twelve Tenno. They either didn't picked up the phone or dropped it in the middle of the conversation. Maybe some of them continued their pursuit on their own... Maybe they thought it was a hoax...Or maybe they went to deliver the message to their superiors - Lotus,some syndicates, whatever. You are the only one at this moment who knows more then most…. I guess,i could resort to another hundred years of simply observing the decay and death of everyone i ever knew… Maybe by the time that everyone eventually dies, the Sun will consume that cursed tower...and myself with it.”
Disruptis - Disruptis 28-May-18 12:36 AM
Disruptis: The Limbo went silent for a moment, taking in the cephalon’s story as the atmosphere hung, stirred by nothing but the gentle hum of the reactor behind him. An Anti-sentient operation would be revolutionary given the pressing times, if it indeed had succeeded. The information on the sentients was no small treasure to boot. Those were some clear game-changers, worth the risk of being tricked. However, the Tenno’s mind was more occupied with other thoughts. The truth was, Disruptis was one of the biggest suckers in the system for helping hurting people. He empathized almost anyone greatly, and burned with an intense desire for a universe where people just... cared for each other. Unfortunately, reality is harsh. The Limbo had observed a galaxy where the corrupted seemed to outweigh the pure, almost as if all sentient lifeforms were genetically designed to destroy each other in their own greed. Anyone could agree that it was a little unfair to look at everyone that way, even most people, but recent events had clouded his worldview. His own carelessness and naivety had turned some of his actions for the worse, causing his flame for a better society to slowly fade into dying embers. Yet here I am, the Limbo reflected somberly, becoming exactly what I tried to change. Right when it may matter most… Does it even matter if I’m being tricked? What happened to my smile? He chuckled softly, reminiscing on some old and treasured memories with cherished people. A voice floated up to his attention as he sifted through the recollections. “...your...invincible grin!” Disruptis shook his head quickly, then responded with a renewed sense of vigor. “Right, well Elo. Let me be the first one to tell you that you must be the luckiest farthermucker on this side of the Void, ‘cause you’ve walked into exactly the right place. The slash-RU Corporation first-response team is here for immediate deployment! How can we help?” (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 28-May-18 06:13 PM
Elo: His voice was filled with disbelief and happiness, as if a million stones just got off his chest. "Really?!You gonna do it?! You gonna help me?! ...Oh....What a relief...Thank you!Thank you, thank you, thank you,thank youu!!! You are not going to regret this! That's a promise!" His tone quickly switched back to busy, as he yet again started to explain things. "Right. Back to the mission at hand. Those satellites that you're found. The ones that are currently being destroyed, dismantled and blown up. Three of those satellites were deliberately placed by me near the Orokin ruins, close to the center of the system. Two were placed near the ruins that were already pillaged. Gutted and picked apart" That set of words was seemingly accompanied by the glitch, that caused part of the message to replay. Whatever it was, Elo never acknowledged it, continuing his explanation as if nothing happened. "But One, one contains a functioning Void Gate. I could open it from my side for you to enter. Here it is, im sending you the nav-point as we speak." ~And the nav-point arrived, pointing to the cluster of large asteroids between Venus and Earth. Upon the closer inspection, a small Orokin space station, seemingly built in one of the asteroids could be noticed.~ Elo: "Once you get in, I will guide you personally. So don't you worry, Disruptis, you gonna be in good hands. Nonphysical, but still good."
Disruptis - Disruptis 29-May-18 11:32 AM
Disruptis: When Disruptis heard the ominous, low-pitched echo of dialogue, he immediately spun around. It sounded to him like something that had come from the station, and only served to spook him even more than he presently was. The Limbo tried to shake off the feeling of anxiety once again, with partial success. Hearing the rest of the instructions, he rubbed his hands together vigorously. Exploring the far reaches of the Origin system was his favourite past-time, and is something he’s dedicated more work into than anything else. Hearing about a secret little Orokin station floating on the back of an asteroid he had never heard of before got him even more enticed. With a flick of his finger upon the screen’s surface, he pulled up his travel history. Nothing indicated that he had been to the cluster before, confirming his lack of knowledge. With a few more taps, he marked the locations of the other two for later expedition. “Alright that’s good. I’ll get over there as soon as possible,” Disruptis responded. He opened the connection to his own cephalon since he already deemed the situation to be safe. “Hey XerAI, I’ve found you a new friend, can you get my craft ready?” The Limbo synced his work with his own databases and left open a channel for communication with Elo, then left the room, navigating the haunted halls to their entrance. XerAI: With a hum, XerAI voice slided into the transmissions once again. “Oh? (゚ρ゚) And who might you be? ◠‿◠” she inquired. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 29-May-18 06:55 PM
Elo: His voice was calmer now, yet concern was still there. "You better. After my message, who knows what might try to vacate the station." At first he was looking forward to start new conversation. But then...few worrisome signs showed up. The answer to XerAI's question went out of the airlock as Elo informed Disruptis about his findings. "Well now, that is interesting. Either I'm experiencing some sort of memory loss or... your cephalon wasn't patched. At least i don't register it. And name does not check out. None of the Charred Spire's personnel ever patched your Cephalon! Very strange. And extremely dangerous. If she doesn't have any patches - it would be a walk in a park for Sentient to hack her. And that has consequences as you can imagine. Various. None are good."
Disruptis - Disruptis 30-May-18 12:17 AM
Disruptis: The Limbo paused for a second. “That is true, I’ll give you that,” he commented. There was a little more to his own cephalon than one might think, as it was a particularly needlessly complex mechanism. The implementation of such a design probably wouldn’t be the easiest thing to accomplish, but definitely very important. Disruptis jogged through the corridors at a brisk pace until he heard the pitter patter of dropping water. He came out into a large, darkened room with a high, vaulted ceiling. Precipitation inexplicably formed at the top and released down in large droplets, creating a constant cascade of rain. The Tenno didn’t bother reaffirming his observations on the rest of the room and dashed out the long bridge to the exit where his landing craft was already waiting. He wasted no time hopping in and blasting away to his orbiter. XerAI: “Hm, so there’s something wrong? Unusual? Is it better if I don’t participate in the next mission then? •﹏•” (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 30-May-18 04:48 PM
Elo: "Well, we could hope that Sentients are breaking their head on the mystery just like the rest of the world... But since the fact that HE is back into the game...i wouldn't count on it." There was little mystery about what or whom he was talking about. Hunhow was somewhere out there... But it was yet to be seen if he's going to play any part in the things that were going to happen. "That's why we need to do things fast. The longer we tarry - more time Sentients have to narrow down their search. But once Disrupts resets the Tower's systems... Sentients will stop being a problem." He said with certainty in his voice. "...They definitely will..." The chuckle that followed was nothing but sinister.
Disruptis - Disruptis 30-May-18 07:38 PM
~A couple hours passed as Disruptis travelled to the asteroid belt indicated by Elo. As his cloaked orbiter approached he ran a scan over the marked hunk of space rock, searching for the location of the fable Orokin ruins on its surface and checking its state of repair and accessibility.~ Disruptis: “Well here we are, a ball of dust worth thousands of platinum. We are here, right Elo?” Disruptis said. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 31-May-18 06:12 PM
Elo: "Yep. I advise to proceed in your landing craft now, cause there is no way to keep your orbiter undamaged in there. And as soon as we get the station in our sights - we are on the "company secrets" territory. So, if you were thinking about turning back - now you can forget about it. We are in permanent cahoots, you and i. So don't be surprised to know i kept a few things off the list of the Spire's assets and capabilities." ~The asteroid field was thick and hard to maneuver trough, as if it was one big asteroid, slowly falling apart. From the outside of it, the remains of the Corpus satellite could be seen, surrounded by three small Grineer ships.~ "I don't register any Sentients...only the Grineer... which are easy to lure away. Time to work my magic." He made sound as if clearing his throat and then went silent. Suddenly, a transmission went trough the landing craft's scanner. It sounded like...grineer? "Unit Sevenk-Tok-Che-Shux, new orders for you. Our scanners detect wing of Corpus fighters heading to your location. Return to the initial sector and rejoin with For-Che-Tok squadron for your next set of orders. Glory to the Queens." "Acknowledged, Control. Come on brothers, lets get out of here." ~Grineer ships around the satellite moved in formation away from asteroid cluster, to Earth.~
Elo “Before you say anything - don't thank me.What’s done was done not so much for your convenience but for my calm to speak.Now, let's get moving.Contact me once you landed. And a warning - do not exit the craft until i say “its okay to exit”. Got it? Good.” ~The Orokin ruin wasn't build on top of the asteroid but it looked like the asteroid was growing on it. And now was in the process of crumbling. Like the Moon, it was slowly revealing what was inside.The only entrance revealed itself after the landing craft approached the asteroid. The golden door, big enough to let the landing craft into a small hangar, opened. The hangar, it seemed was built for small vessels.One small vessel. And nothing else. No exits out of hangar no entrances, no indication of purpose. The only thing to do is land.~
Disruptis - Disruptis 01-Jun-18 07:09 PM
Disruptis: “Wel-l-l-l-l, I don’t remember signing an NDA,” Disruptis jested in a hearty tone, “but wow, it’s actually not that easy to trick grineer like that, even if they’re all big oafs.” The inside of the Limbo’s orbiter was scattered with consoles and wires not typically found on typical models of the craft. He had installed numerous additions into the ship’s systems, mostly to do with experimenting in his own learning of the digital world, yet some of his creations had sprouted more practical fruits. He pressed a button to turn off the ship’s thrusters, flipped a couple switches to disengage its engine, and punched a button to begin the deployment of its landing craft. “Xerie, I’m taking you with me.” XerAI: “As always. ⁽ˇ́˙ˇ̀˵⁾ ” Disruptis: Disruptis walked up the ramp of his orbiter and retrieved a small, but sturdy cage off the nearby desk. A flash of green feathers escaped from the within confines of its rubedo constraints as it housed the bird inside. The Tenno hooked it onto the waist of his warframe. Meanwhile, his cephalon detached his landing craft and charted its route to the surface. As Disruptis got closer to the ruins, he drank in the sight of such an ancient relic. An adventurer such as himself lived and died for such moments, and the euphoria never got old. A private waterfall, a secret grove, a forgotten people, all motivations for the passionate drive of any explorer. Orokin splendor was especially an incredible find. Eventually, Disruptis’s vessel made its way into the hangar and touched down with a hiss and a clunk. “Alright Elo, where to from here?” he inquired in transmission, taking in his immediate surroundings.
CephalonEloHim - Elo 01-Jun-18 08:25 PM
Elo: "Feh, paperwork. I'm not a fan of pointless bureaucracy." He said, ignoring the compliment, as if concentrated on something else." ~The orbiter landed on a large round golden platform, which was the only thing in the room composed of bone and branches of the white trees. "There is tech that wasn't used in hundreds of years in here. Most of the systems are in pristine condition... although after we done, i would have to send my drones here to rearrange things. Don't want anyone to find this place too early. Oh well...that is a topic for another time. Hold tight. And whatever you see - don't panic. Gateway active in" ~As he talked, the sounds from the outside seeped in. The whirling of machines c ame from seemingly everywhere, while the platform on which the landing craft was place, began its descend. That is when the meaning of the word "Gateway" was revealed. The Void-Gate was directly under the landing platform. As the realization of that seeped into mind of Tenno- the connection with Elohim was cut. The starry, golden energy of the Void enveloped the platform and the ship for a few seconds, and as easily as it consumed the craft, it let it go. Leaving it in the much larger hangar full of different small spacecrafts of Orokin nature. Most of them looked like transport ships, while some looked like they were build for war. The hangar itself was in pristine condition as if it was cleaned regularly. The lights in the hangar were dim, as if the place was on low power,but still there was a lot of sights to take in.~
(Variants of Orokin Ships in the hangar. Almost all are bigger than standard Tenno Landing Craft.) (edited)
A small blue round drone flies up to the landing craft and lightly knocks several times on the frontal hull of the ship - right on the “window”. He seem to look straight at Disruptis and then flies under the craft to the place where ramp supposed to be.
Disruptis - Disruptis 02-Jun-18 01:58 PM
Disruptis: Disruptis laughed hysterically in awe as he regarded the sacred treasures around him. No way. No way in all muck can anyone else find out about this. No way in muck… He eagerly flipped grabbed hold of a handle lever next to his liset’s ramp and pulled it with a hefty CHUNK, then moved over to the other side and pulled down an identical lever. CHUNK. His craft whirred and clicked as it disengaged its ramp’s locking mechanism, a task Disruptis configured to require manual initiation. The Limbo slammed a final button with his fist and the ramp opened up with a smooth hiss. He excitedly hurried down it and into the massive hangar. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 02-Jun-18 04:46 PM
Elo: The drone flew away from Disruptis, taken by surprise. Then, he flown closer, and familiar voice sounded from it. "Woahwoahwoah there! What's the hustle all of the sudden? This hangar isn't going anywhere and we are not on the clock anymore. So relax do some breathing exercises...take it in. Welcome to the Charred Spire!" The drone flew around Disruptis three times, scanning his frame. "If you are excited - i kinda get that. First impression of pristine Orokin everything...Nothing like any Tenno seen before. Actually, come to think of it - You are the first one to ever visit the Charred Spire! Congratulations!" He flown a little bit away from the landing craft, signaling Disrputis to follow him . "But you have to admit, i did a great job keeping it as it is." the drone looked around itself while floating trough the Hangar to the exit, passing by Orokin vessels. "For what...two?One? Three! Three hundred years! Boy do i deserve a pat on the back for that. I'm surprised i didnt went bonkers...hehe..."the colour of the drone's lights changed to red, and it slowly turnd its "eye" to Disruptis, slightly shaking.And talking with creepy voice. "Or maybe i did? HehehhAHAHAHAHA" But it was over as quickly as it started, the drone turned blue again. "Just kidding."
Disruptis - Disruptis 03-Jun-18 07:17 PM
Disruptis: After the drone had finished talking, the Limbo continued forward again without responding, but at a less frantic pace. He briskly walked towards one of the orokin vessels, his head tilting further and further backwards to keep it in full view as he approached. Upon arrival, Disruptis slid a hand across the surface of the craft slowly, then picked up his hand at the end of his wipe and inspected it for dust. To which he found none. “I remember these models, they were used in the Great War!” Disruptis commented in wonder, “Each one was either blown to fragments or lost to the Void.” He put his head next to the hull, as if trying to listen for signs of life. “Haha! I don’t suppose you’d be willing to let me take one out for a spin when we’re done?” (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 05-Jun-18 03:24 PM
Elo: The drone flown closer to Disruptis,floating above him for a few seconds. "These? Nope. Sorry. Biggest are out of fuel, smallest - modified to be nonpiloted. They are for supply trips. This tower ain't self-sufficient, you know? And... the Collapse didn't made things better. But don't you worry. Once we set the Tower back on its tracks...I believe, at one point in time i might have something reaaaaly good for ya. Definitely better than those pieces of bone and metal." The drone poked Disruptis in the back and flown away to the giant round golden door - an exit from the Hangar "Now lets go, we have to get to the Central Elevator. From there it will be easier to get to the Core."
~As the door opened, drastic change in lighting occured. Next hall was bright, multiple golden plates reflecting the light, which was emitted from several walls of transparent glass high under the roof. The hall was big, pure example of Orokin love for decorations. It was branching out - doors big and small leading to the multitude of the unknown chambers, containing secrets of the age long gone. Two golden statues of creatures, resembling giant cats of the past, guarded a middle-sized door atop the stairway. The door was standing out from all others, as if leading to the place most sacred. Whole ensemble left a certain feeling… like whoever was standing in this place was not in a simple highly-decorated hall...but in some sort of chappel. A Temple. The drone flies directly to that door, leaving Disruptis to either follow him or look around, if he so desired.~ (Voiced Naration on the link (edited)
Elo: -This place is one of my favorites. The light is natural, actually. Sunbeams, few technological do-dads, refracting lenses...and here you go. The room of no darkness, no night. He talked floating around the door, waiting for Disruptis to come by.
Disruptis - Disruptis 06-Jun-18 12:25 PM
Disruptis: Disruptis shivered in delight at the splendor of the hall. His pace slowed as he twirled around, taking in the view of it all. Even XerAI let out a whistle over her communication channels. “So, what do you need me to do to the ‘Core’ again?” he inquired with a gesture of air quotes. As he talked, the Limbo rubbed his chin with a hand and bent over to inspect the kavat-like creatures on either side of the stairway. He tried to determine what breed they were or could’ve possibly originated from. “And where exactly are we right now?”
CephalonEloHim - Elo 06-Jun-18 04:01 PM
Elo: "The Core is the Center of the Spire. Most of the Towers's systems converge there. My datascape is currently there, the Reactor too, and a few research facilities. Once we are there, you will have to submit your blood sample so i could record your DNA into the ledger of "Outside Contractors". This way, most of the Spire's systems will be open to you for examination and interaction. Then as an Outside Contractor, you will authorize the restart of the Spire. Once the restart is complete, I hope all of the Tower's systems will be back in my control. There is always a possibility that it wouldn't work...but...i get a hunch...a feeling that all will be going back to normal once we finish this." The drone started working on the door, waiting for the elevator to open up, while answering more queries from Disruptis. "This? This is what we call the Central Elevator. From here - multiple elevators lead to different ends of the tower. The transition point, so to speak. Though most of them locked right now. I switched the Spire to the power saving mode, and sent most of the repair drones, that were still working and under my control, to the Cryogenic array and other facilities that need more attention than others."
Disruptis - Disruptis 07-Jun-18 04:37 PM
Disruptis: “Yeah, I caught that this was the Central Elevator, but… Where are we? Where in the system is the Spire hidden so well that it hasn’t been found by anyone for centuries? From the message, I gathered that it was in the ‘Sun’s bloated shadow’, but where exactly is that to you?” Disruptis rattled off with questions. At the same time, he retrieved a gammacor from his hip that bore additional spikes on the back of each prong embedded with miniscule LEDs. He locked his tri-capsule battery in place on his forearm, then twisted the back-most container. Click. He removed the segment and placed it inside his hip, switching it with one of a different colour.
CephalonEloHim - Elo 09-Jun-18 02:05 PM
Elo: "I thought you already figured that out?Eh... Nobody thinks to look into the middle of the system, and that is fine by me. I will say no more. You'll have to figure it out yourself,and even then your guesswork will be only your own - I would not confirm or deny it." The door of the elevator opened, allowing anyone to get into the small white cabin. "Now, would you kindly get into the elevator?"
Disruptis - Disruptis 09-Jun-18 04:17 PM
Disruptis: Disruptis stopped moving. Well muck, I left my geolocator back on the ship… he cursed in his head. The Tenno was a little annoyed about how the cephalon let him know so much but wouldn’t give him the location of where they were, although he probably only had himself to blame for that. I bet it actually is just close to the Sun, although if it were actually inside it somehow then that would absolutely blow my mind. XerAI: “Psst,” XerAI whispered over transmissions, “We’re currently very near to the Sun. (ゝω・)” Disruptis: “AhhA YES! I have deduced that we are next to the Sun! A brilliant idea if I do say so myself,” Disruptis declared in exuberance, bringing his right fist down into his left hand’s open palm. “And I do say so,” he added as he stepped into the elevator. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 11-Jun-18 06:55 PM
Elo: He addressed the cephalon privately, as if knowing what she did: "XerAI, please stop ruining my fun? I like to keep him guessing, you know? First visitor in three hundred years. I need to get my kicks, you smarty-pants. I know its in your nature to help your Operator. That was what you were created to do... But common...Spare me a couple of laughs at the cost of him scratching his head.Please?" He seemed to ignore words that Disruptis said, coming to his own conclusions about the man he was going to work with for a long time. He knew that they will get along quite nicely. When they were in the elevator, the doors closed and it started moving, almost unnoticeably. After a twenty seconds the drone, that was just floating in the air, visibly shuddered. "Oh...this is not good. Not good, not good. I thought i disabled it!" Elo's voice was frantic, nervous...panicked even. Something went wrong, and Disruptis found out what not long after. He talked with pauses between words as if it took a long time to process every word "Something or someone....turned on the defense systems...The Sentinels...they are up and working... Who...Who else is in the Tower, besides us?...That...that is impossible. The cryogenic array is online, everyone is sleeping...but...Something... changes the system around me. it's like... they...take... my hands...and do....ARGHHHH... I DONT EVEN HAVE THE ABILITY TO EXPLAIN THINGS ANYMORE!!!" Elo sounded like he was loosing it. A child, dropped into a pit from which he couldn't get out. His voice, his words were glitching, changing...failing to convey the intended message. "Disruptis, i don't know what is going on but we have to hurry. Seems like the Spire doesn't take lightly to trespassers...even though I AM THE MASTER OF THE SPIRE, I SHOULD ANSWER FOR THE DESFENSS SYSTEM BUT YET I AM NOT!" ~The elevator seemed to go fast. Faster then before, that's for sure. The Core loomed closer. They will be there before too long.~
Disruptis - Disruptis 11-Jun-18 08:35 PM
XerAI: “Hehe, sorry :Ρ”, the cephalon replied gleefully, “but no can do. (^.^)” Disruptis: Disruptis continued to grin inwardly as they begun to move. However, his moments of reveling in his own humour were cut short when Elo started panicking. Upon grasping the situation, he felt a sinking feeling settle into the bottom of his stomach. The Tenno's instincts kicked in. He quickly snapped his fingers and was instantly enveloped in purple energy as the veil of the rift descended upon his frame. “Ey, ey, ey! What’s going on now?” Disruptis exclaimed, crouching low to brace himself for possible impact, “is this thing crashing?!?” (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 12-Jun-18 09:46 AM
Elo: He answered in the concentrated manner, trying to fit as much words in the seconds that they had. "Im speeding up the transportation while simultaneously locking the Core off, before Sentinels have a chance to amass any respectable force in there. Kinda breaking safety protocols but who gives a byte? The probability of me losing control over the Spire just sky-rocketed, and I'm not gonna simply keel over and surrender myself to that! Many people will probably die if I will not be there to watch over them." The elevator stopped sharply and opened its doors to the small metallic corridor. The lights were dim and red, clearly the whole place was on power saving mode. The door on the opposite side of the corridor was locked, preventing further entry.The drone flied directly to it, and started interfacing with the panel near it. "I am not detecting any outside influences, which could only mean one thing. The intervention comes from within, from one of the Spire's systems... The "who" and "how" will have to wait, but it seems that the thing we are going to do is at the same time the reason and a cure. If a Spire-wide reset is launched, I will be able to start up the systems one after another and check them for corruption, and subsequently clear it out."
Disruptis - Disruptis 12-Jun-18 09:00 PM
Disruptis: As the doors swung open, Disruptis reached for the candy-apple red synoid gammacor resting at his hip. When he tapped it the device instantly snapped to his arm, anchoring itself via electromagnetic waves. The Limbo ran his fingers over the three cylinders now attached to his upper arm, mentally double-checking that he had installed the hardware and software interfacers. While the little drone frantically worked away at the console, Disruptis silently stepped up to the door and performed an extremely basic systems scan to get an idea of how the mechanism's circuits were wired. Beams of flickering green light projected out the front of his gammacor in different shapes and sizes onto the doorway. “So should I be preparing to grind some fools into scrap metal on the other side of this door?” Disruptis asked as he worked. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 14-Jun-18 04:31 PM
Elo: "Possibly. Don't know. As I've said, Sentinels were taken out of my control and any tracking hardware that was installed in them - I cannot see anymore. But Sentinels are the least of our concerns even if they are same height as you and physically might be on your frame's level. Rift is good in that case. But the commotion might cause the Warden to wake up. And he...well, he is hard case. Very hard. Might kill your warframe even from the Rift. Or might help out. As I've said - hard case." ~The scan revealed something...Strange. Most of the mechanisms around the door and beyond...were pulsing with energy. Constantly. Looked more like veins than standard wiring. As if what was hidden behind the metal and bone plating was truly alive.~ Elo: He was a little irritated by the scans, but mostly by situation in general. From the side - it was quite understandable. Elo hoped for and easy mission, but the closer they were to the end - the more hard it was to reach. Who wouldn't be pissed at that? "You can look at the insides later, once the crisis is averted. Trough my cameras I register at least two Sentinels, behind that door. They are waiting for you. Remember, they are not what you think they are. You can try to outrun them. But if you're not going to - aim for the joints, their armor is to hard for basic weaponry. You'll see what im talking about in a second, just let me finish with this. Prepare your weapons while I'm ensuring that no one else jumps one us. No one goes anywhere if i have anything to say about that, you metalheads!" He continued his work, disabling all possible and impossible gates that might lead to the Core from other sections of the Spire.
Disruptis - Disruptis 15-Jun-18 11:47 AM
Disruptis: “Ey, I’m the one helping you out here. I’ll scan things if I want to,” Disruptis retorted. The Limbo rotated his entire arm to the 180 degrees to the right, bringing up a small holographic display on the side of his gammacor. There was a menu populated with icons containing various symbols inside. He rotated his arm to the left until one with an asterisk glowed brighter than the others, then clenched his fist. The entire apparatus deactivated and snapped back to his waist in the blink of an eye. “Wait, what?” Disruptis interrupted, “they can pierce the rift? They can manipulate void energy?” He brought out the quartakk slung on his back and slapped a magazine into its clip, preparing for whatever was on the other side of that door.
CephalonEloHim - Elo 15-Jun-18 05:42 PM
Elo: "Fine, nosy little Dis." He chuckled. "Warden - He can. Hard case, as I've said. You'll know him when you see him. Sentinels are grunts. Metal hunks. Fit for work and war. We keep them for both." ~The door opened, revealing the large triangular hall, as poorly lighted as the one they left. The hall seemed to be entrance area, with a large fountain in the middle. On the right - the walls with glass windows and the door, leading to the side-room with unknown purpose. Opposite of Disruptis, at the end of the hall - another bigger door leading to somewhere major. On the left - several benches and the miniature garden, hidden in a glass terrarium. But all that was an unneeded details, because there were other things in the room...much more dangerous. What Elo called the Sentinels were giant,high as any warframe and thick as a wall robots, fit for hard labor. But the danger level was yet to be seen. In the semi-darkness of the hall they looked almost ominous. Two of them where near the door from which Disruptis and Elo arrived, and three were at the farther side of the hall. Once the door opened, they moved in their direction - quickly and with clear intentions.~ Elo: "Welp. A little bit more enemies than expected but...The more - the merrier!" The drone flown directly to the head of the closest Sentinel on the right and seemingly merged with it. "ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL!!"
After those words the Sentinel shivered and changed the whit lighting to blue, and shook as its hand formed into a fist, which flown with the body straight into the "face" of the only other sentinel near him. The other guys never expected that they would be betrayed by one of their own, but no one gave a pixel about what they thought, or even if they had any thoughts, so what was the problem? Elo enjoyed the moments when he had an opportunity to take control over some machinery, which he would then mar in gallons of blood or in that case - machine oil and other internal fluids. The other Sentinels weren't waiting for something, running to Disruptis and Elo, while the latter was busy with dismantling. He knew the weaknesses in those models, so he proceeded to expose them, getting behind the temporarily incapacitated Sentinel and brute-forced the rear plate with all that machinery that was mounted on it/into it and throwing it away from the Sentinel, revealing a lot of the insides, while his prey was trying hard to get away. Elo: "Get to work, Dis-boy. We don't have all day," His voice sounded this time trough communication channel.
Disruptis - Disruptis 15-Jun-18 09:31 PM
Disruptis: “Hehe,” Disruptis cackled in a low voice. He flew across the room at a break-neck speed, bullet-jumping through the air. As he reached his target on the far left, the Limbo swung his arm outwards and tensed his fingers backwards as he purple light started to build up in intensity within his palm. He slammed the sentinel with the full force of his pent-up energy at point blank range as he fell onto him, knocking him backwards. A wave of power was released that not only wrapped up the robot in a violet veil, but also surged from every crevasse of its armor with the colour. Quickly recovering from his telegraph the Limbo snapped his fingers, this time causing wave of purple energy descended upon his own body. The colour in his vision dampened to more subdued greys and his hearing was partially muffled by the sound of the running rift. These were his grounds, his home. He felt the familiar energy of the rift course through his veins, rejuvenating his very soul. With a boom, Disruptis unloaded his quartakk onto his enemy. Four bullets launched at a time, targeting spots on the knees, stomach, elbow joints, and head as the Tenno investigated for a point of vulnerability. If he couldn’t find an easy one, he would be forced to approaching the robot from behind like he observed Elo doing. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 16-Jun-18 03:33 PM
Elo: The struggle between two Sentinels was not that long. As soon as Elo teared out the back plate he showed him on the ground with his foot and then with a singular motion teared out a handful of tubes and wires connected to something resembling spinal cord out of it's back, stopping all movement. Then, Elo forced one of unmoving sentinel's legs from the suit, took it, and ran to the only other sentinel that was left unharmed. He proceeded to use the leg of the Sentinel as a club, turning the head of the robot into a mishmash of wires and chunks of metal. ~The sentinel, thrown on the floor, struggled to get up , as his hands were seemingly incapacitated by quartakk bullets. His fingers still moved but Sentinel was unable to raise them. The shot to the head just ricocheted right over at the approaching Sentinel hitting him on the thigh joint, but dealing no damage since it was rift-bound.~ (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 16-Jun-18 08:14 PM
Disruptis: That went unexpectedly better than I thought, Disruptis reflected, I’m still gonna need a change of tactics here though. The Limbo tossed his quartakk over his shoulder towards the entrance he came from. The weapon flew about ten meters before slamming the ground… without a sound. It was still in the rift, and the forces of kinetic energy were dispersed without even the basics of physical action-reaction theorem. Then again, the laws of such physics held little sway when it came to the rift. Now having abandoned his rifle, the warframe retrieved the guandao from his back. He reversed the pole-arm in his hands and brought its spear-head down to pierce the sentinel's stomach. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 17-Jun-18 09:26 PM
~The blade went into the stomach plate, but only by half. Seemingly stuck in it. Then the machine made a brief ticking noise...and stopped.Lights went off and all movement ceased.~ Elo: He briefly connected to Disruptis over comms again. "Not bad. Not bad at all. Although you should thank me - if i were to set them up differently, he could've exploded right under you." He was finished with his Sentinel, throwing now useless leg at the only other one left standing. He half-turned to Elo, not expecting the assault. "Now here comes the Pain Train" After those words Elo ran straight at the sentinel throwing him off his feet. The only problem is that his landing zone was right where Disruptis was right now. But Elo hoped that his quick reflexes will get him out of the way.
Disruptis - Disruptis 18-Jun-18 07:26 PM
Disruptis: “Well, that would’ve been good information to know ahead of time y’know?” Disruptis responded, yanking his shaft out of the animatronic. The tip of his blade released a little smoke, probably from a result of contacting with the sentinel’s circuits. After twirling his guandao back into a normal grip, he turned to look at the remaining foe. Just then, Elo slammed into him. Disruptis felt nothing however, as he was still bound to the rift. Elo on the other hand, felt his forward momentum gently cease.
CephalonEloHim - Elo 19-Jun-18 06:54 PM
Elo: "- Nasty surprises is my specialty. Mostly when it comes to enemies. But who knows? I might prank you someday." He didnt stop, even though he registered that Rift was trying to slow him down. After they brushed Disruptis by,Elo and his victum collided with the garden's terrarium, which was, as it turns out, protected by the power field. After the collision, the robotic victim slid down...Elo jumped and landed on now lying robot, sound of metal being broken under the weight of the machine filled the room. He stepped asside "We need to move faster. Forgive me but you gonna be a bag. And no objections. I will not risk another collision like that. Too much time wasted, too much to repair after we done." He said as he reached out to Disruptis, robotic hand glowing with unnatural light, nullifying his Rift-abilities. He wasn't joking when he said that Disruptis going to be a bag, as he literaly grabbed him by his feet and hands, throwing him over his shoulders and carrying him to the door leading out of the triangular room. The robotic grip of the Sentinel was too firm to shake it away, giving anyone a right idea of what might have happened if those hands reached Disruptis to kill him. "- Open." He said, walking trough the door. Then he started running. Multiple miniscule rocket engines on his back and feet ignited, increasing the speed of automaton beyond what deemed safe. Eventulay his steps turned to jumps, the corridors and halls with consoles and tables full of scientific equipment and other awoken sentinels flown past, but Elo didnt slowed down even for a second. The corridors shaped themselves around them, as if alive. He slowed down eventually, and let Disruptis go. They stood in the single long corridor, before the door that unlike the rest of their surroundings was made mostly of stone. With no visible handle. Door looked more like an intricate puzzle than anything. (edited)
Elo: “- When the old gods die, new one’s have to be created. The motto of the Spire. Its ideology. Our ideology.” He pushed one of the metal pieces of the door. It slid inside and then door started shifting, moving itself apart, opening the entrance to the place that looked like a middle sized office. Elo entered it, gesturing Disruptis to follow. It was...simplistic in its design. There was almost no gold there. Only white bone, silver-like metal and black wood. On the right there were two tables - one with a single chair and a construct looking like a console, lists of paper and metallic quill. Behind it was a door leading to the other room. Other table, closer to the entrance - with three chairs around it and a golden tea set on it. Multiple bookcases were placed near the back wall, filled with Orokin literature on multitude of topics from poetry to quantum physics. In the middle of the room and near the left wall - several display cases made of glass, containing various things that the owner of the office seemed to deem worthy of their place. Robotic prosthetics of arms and legs in one, something that looked like a gun prototype that wasn't like anything any tenno ever seen before in the other. One of the cases stood out though. In it - a bladed weapon more closely resembling a machete, a deadly work of art - blade made from unknown alloy,mixed with gold parts and highly decorated handle made of leather, with a big saphyre inserted into it. The orokin symbols on the blade were “The Blade that decides fate of Empire”. There was also a scabbard from black leather. The symbols on it looked like the owner tried to remove them but then decided against it. The symbols could be translated as “Executioner”...or “Executor”. (edited)
Elo: “This is the Head of Research office. We didn't had one at the beginning. There was Council, where heads of different departments of the Spire talked about the progress of different projects and decided what to pursue next and how it will benefit the mentioned ideology. But then he came… And we received a worthy leader, that guided us better than any Council.”
CephalonEloHim - Elo 19-Jun-18 07:43 PM
Disruptis - Disruptis 21-Jun-18 12:04 AM
Disruptis: Disruptis didn’t manage to get a word in when Elo seized him up and began to tote him like a bag of bricks. Noticing the sentinels packing the halls, he swung himself in the opposite direction from their positions. “WaaaAAAGHH!” the Limbo wailed, his arms dragging limply across the floor. Disruptis fell flat on the ground upon his release and skidded with a low scraping sound for a couple meters. His slide was brought to an early halt when he came into contact with the door. “Uggggh,” he grunted, laying sprawled across the floor as the cephalon worked on it. “I thought this place was an anti-sentient field operation.” The door opened, and Disruptis strained his neck to get a glimpse of the new room. He saw the interior decoration and immediately bounded to his feet. The Limbo eagerly scampered all over the room, taking in the ancient relics on display before stopping at the important looking sword and bringing his codex scanner out to take a picture. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 21-Jun-18 03:30 PM
~The door closed behind them.~ Elo: The drone disconnected himself from the suit of armor, powering it down. He then flown directly to the table with the console like thing and started powering it up. "Mainly - yes. But we had specialists in other areas, not connected to Sentients directly. People with dreams and ideas. Many side-projects were started. Orokin outside didn't cared about what we do as long as there were tangible results, the more - the better. If there wasn't - they wouldn't send supplies for a month. That was our nonverbal agreement. Robotics, chemistry, biology, weapon-designing... We supplied Orokin with working prototypes,recipes and blueprints of everything. Ships, guns, medicine, toxins...odds and ends. After we sent what we discovered - we always started something new. And so on and so forth. This Spire is too big for just one task. No, it demands being used in many ways." After the console was finaly powered up, the drone looked at the Limbo. "If you would be so kind to appear here in person... As i've said, we need your DNA. A singular blood-sample. Trough His console we would be able to add you directly to the list "Outside Contactors" and then from here start the reset." (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 22-Jun-18 12:42 AM
Disruptis: “Aw guts,” Disruptis cursed, packing away his scanner and bringing his quartakk out again, “If only I could pee in a cup or something instead.” A warping sound was heard as the Tenno stepped out of his warframe. His suit was made up of a combination of a Koppra hood and leggings with Manduka sleeves and shirt. The entire setup was coloured yellow and black to match his Limbo’s appearance. His hood was up, obstructing vision of his head, as was his custom when entering possible combat scenarios. Disruptis extended his right arm outwards, palm facing his warframe. His left arm began to gain a purple translucency as he partially transferred it back into his frame. The Tenno’s face beneath his hood twisted into a hard grimace as he strained the Limbo’s arm upwards. “RaaaAAAHHHH.” Disruptis cried out. With a flick of his finger, the sound of a single shot cracked. Its bullet passed straight through Disruptis’s hand, leaving a gaping hole where his palm used to be. “Muck, muck, MUCK! I didn’t think that meley would xin san dran. MUCK.” he yelled in agony, beginning to mix up the many languages he knew. He was now cradled his unresponsive fingers in his other hand and desperately resisting the urge to begin regeneration. Blood seeped out of the wound at an exponential rate. “Quick! Where do I put this?” (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 22-Jun-18 11:17 AM
Elo: He was watching Disruptis, and didn't understood what he was doing until it was too late. "Wait...what are you... WAIT NO!!!" The damage was done. And now Elo was rightly furious. And he was fast to make that known. "Why? Why you are such an idiot sometimes? DID I ASK YOU TO SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE HAND?! NO, GENIUS, I DIDNT! I ASKED YOU TO GET OUT OF YOUR WARFRAME, THAT'S ALL! REGENERATE IT ALREADY. BOY, I CANT BELIEVE IT. YEAH REALY, EVERYONE WHO CAME BEFORE YOU HAD A GUN TO SHOOT THEIR HANDS OFF! BRILLIANCE IN ITS FINEST! THE SPIRE WILL REMEMBER YOUR SACRIFICE! WE'LL BE SURE TO GIVE YOU A MEDAL AND A PLACE ON THE BOARD OF HONOR. I'm sorry, but you deserve that pain you got. I don't even... There is a small retractable syringe built into the console that will take the blood drop from your little finger. Mark my words - you will never be able to live that down." If Elo had any hand he would've facepalmed himself into the Sun. "XerAi, is he always like this? Acting and then asking questions?" Once the console had been powered up, Elo entered a list of commands. "Get over here, its ready. Just sit before the console,put your left arm over the keyboard - your right arm suffered enough - and let it do its thing. No shooting! Take that gun away. Try this trick again and i will electrocute you."
Disruptis - Disruptis 24-Jun-18 07:51 PM
XerAI: “Yes, but I suspect he isn’t done quite yet. ´-`” the cephalon admitted. Disruptis: “Well, I was going for just a finger, but I missed a little,” Disruptis professed, clutching his painful wound, “and I don’t happen to have any training in vazarin voodoo so I’ll be right back.” The operator reached into a hidden fold in his manduka suit and pulled out a green pill. He held it right in front of his face, preparing himself for his next action: quickly popping the pill into his mouth and swallowing. Gulp. After only four seconds, he abruptly dropped to the ground as his esophagus collapsed. Within another three his heart had stopped beating. The Tenno’s body visibly warped as it was sent back to regenerate, completely phasing out of sight in a couple heartbeats. Disruptis’s consciousness was forcefully shoved back into his warframe all at once. The Limbo staggered and clutched his head, wracked with a sudden and severe headache. His vision blurred and fuzzed as the transference static settled in. “Haaaaah. Just give me a minute.” he said. A moment of silence passed with the warframe bending over while holding its head. The sound of transference warp issued again. Disruptis reappeared in a new, healthy state. “Much better,” he spoke, walking up to the console, “now, let me do this properly. Honestly, I didn’t stop to think that this spire had more sophisticated technology than even some of the orokin used. Or maybe they just preferred their blood-basins.” (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 24-Jun-18 09:10 PM
Elo: "- Yeah, of course he isn't." He answered to XerAi, fully understanding what she implied. It would simply mean he has to deal with it... "- Yeah, even if you aimed at a finger that was still dumb..." Elo said watching how Disruptis acted next. And he was not afraid to admit it - seeing what happened, Elo lost it for quite awhile. "- Did you just...DID YOU REALY JUST KILLED YOURSELF WITH A PILL?!" What happened next might be considered not bad attempt at singing,for a Cephalon. But he was not okay with what happened right now. Oh, no sir, he wasnt. Even though he was not showing it, now he was royally pissed. "- IM GOING BONKERS! MY FIRST OUTSIDE CONTACT IS A SUICIDAL MANIAC! WOAH! THAT'S A FINE CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION!!! COMMIT SELF-DESTRUCTION OF THE SPIRE!" Suddenly, the room shook. White lights went red and started blinking. The screen of the console shown "Spire's Self-destruction imminent. Evacuation useless." The noise went trough out the whole Spire, it seemed. Elo started the countdown in robotic voice. "- Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two." Then suddenly everything went dark. Lights turned off, the console went dark. "- Oh, who am i kidding." Lights were turned back on and now the drone was exactly before Disruptis's face, Elo looked straight at him. to speak. "- Now listen here, buddy." His tone was serious.Sinister. Borderline hissing. Whatever he was going to say now, he would mean it, there was no doubt about that. He spoke slowly with emphasis on each and every word, making sure there were no misinterpretations.
"- While you are on the Spire's territory, any and all attempts at harming yourself, killing yourself will be stopped by me. And if your desire to kill yourself or harm yourself, while you are on the Spire's territory, will overpower the common sense - that I really doubt you have, at this point in time at least - i will make sure that you and your belongings are promptly air-locked to kiss the Sun, that is so conveniently close to us. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" He will hear the answer before they going to proceed. His intentions were clear- even though he realized apparent aptitude of Tenno in avoiding death, he will not see such demonstrations anymore in this Spire...without consequences for the one who performed such demonstrations.
CephalonEloHim - Elo 24-Jun-18 09:29 PM
(this is how Elo's cephalon form currently looking like, for anyone reading.)
Disruptis - Disruptis 24-Jun-18 10:14 PM
XerAI: XerAI spoke up quickly, trying to caution the angered cephalon. “Elo, I really, really think you shouldn--” Disruptis: “Whaaaat?” Disruptis interjected, incredibly amused by the cephalon’s performance but at the same time confused as to why he cared about the Tenno’s actions. He stepped back from the drone and crossed his arms. “Welllll, To be fair, you were the one that told me to regenerate my hand. Plus, I didn’t shoot a gun, so I don’t see the problem here,” he shot back, “and it’s not like us Tenno have anything to fear from a little death. But I'll give you a chance. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t try these things other than a personal threat.” (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 24-Jun-18 10:53 PM
Elo: He answered with a stern voice, knowing all too well about the subject of their conversation. And from his voice it could've been heard that he didn't liked to talk about it. "Because there are more conventional means of healing such injuries. Yes, granted i wasn't aware that that you have to be able to do...what you call "vazarin voodoo" and you cant do it, but seriously! We have an infirmary in the spire, and we could've healed your arm easily. Besides, I know...I knew Tenno who died too much times. Those who reveled in their "perfect immortality", running into bullets and claws and blades, dying under strikes of sentient weapons and their own, in attempt to save limbs that they lost in battle. They come back alright. But their mind... Doesn't matter. You may kill yourself all you want while you out there and I'm powerless to stop you. But here - no sir. If one of those days you decide to put a bullet in your head or swallow another pill, and Void decides to finally chew on your brains - that will not be here. Not on my watch." After he answered he brought the console back online. A message appeared on the screen "Admitting new "Outside Contractor". Please submit blood sample." The holographic keyboard lit up, awaiting the hand to be put on it. "Now would you kindly sit your ample posterior down and lets proceed with the plan."
Disruptis - Disruptis 24-Jun-18 11:34 PM
Disruptis: Disruptis tilted his head and frowned slightly. For as long as he knew he hadn’t worried about the mental ramifications of his immortality. Not that it was always that invincible, mind you. Back in the Old War, sentients could slurp your Oro up for breakfast and grant you a quick and permanent death. If you weren’t in a capable squadron who could save you, you were in big, big trouble. Ever since then however, the Tenno hadn’t been worried about much. No sentients had been sighted since their extermination, and his life-or-death battles with other Tenno were very few and far between. It just seemed so efficient to off himself instead of bother with recovery times. One time he even did it simply because he burned his hands while cooking. Might as well, right? Maybe there was some wisdom in the cephalon’s words that not even he originally intended. The reason still wasn’t quite enough for the Tenno, but he decided to shut himself up for now. He stepped up to the seat and plopped himself down. For a moment, he considered taking off his gloves, but deemed it far too much work. He’d just let it pierce his suit. He placed his hand on the console.
CephalonEloHim - Elo 25-Jun-18 12:12 AM
~Two metal restrains appeared from the table on which console was placed. They slowly rise and then fix Disruptis's hand in place. Then, a small syringe appears from the console on the long metal "leg". After a second a small, barely noticeable needle pierces the suit and collects the small amount of blood out of Tenno's little finger.Then syringe gets sucked into the console and restraints let go of Tenno's hand. The message on the screen changes. Blood sample registered. Name of the contractor: Disruptis Race: Orokin/Tenno Recommended by: Executor Himarius Status: Approved, awaiting assignment. Assigned Department: Pending Elo: "- Good. Congratulations, Outside Contractor Disruptis. Welcome to the Team. Now, lets finish this thing." The message on the screen changed as Elo entered one command after another. The message switched to: MASS-RESET REQUESTED. WARNING, BLACKOUT INEVITABLE. PLEASE TRY TO REMAIN IN YOUR CURRENT AREA UNTIL NECESSARY SYSTEMS BROUGHT BACK ONLINE CONFIRMATION OF OUTSIDE CONTRACTOR REQUIRED CONFIRM? |YES| |NO| " -Blackout is exactly what it sounds like."- he explained."- Lights will be off for a minute and most of the systems, including communications. I will bring life-support back online first - so just relax, kick back and after the Spire is back in working order, we will discuss what I can do for you to repay for your help."
Disruptis - Disruptis 26-Jun-18 11:45 PM
Disruptis: Disruptis sharply inhaled at the sudden injection. Assigned department? he pondered, reading the display that popped up. And wait, Executor Himaris? Is Elo practicing some sneaky identity theft skills? “So am I getting paid minimum corpus wage here or do I fall under gas mine slave contracts?” the Tenno teased. Next thing he knew, Disruptis was confronted with the confirmation message. “Well alright, my soul to the Void I guess,” he said, unnecessarily slamming the button with his right fist. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 27-Jun-18 12:35 AM
Elo "- Nah, you get our standard salary of 100 platinum a month. Provided you do your job well, bonuses will be applied accordingly." He answered casually to the teasing. Since Spire's staff never had the opportunity to use the platinum that was delivered with supplies, it was just lying useless in one of the bigger halls, that was dubbed the Treasury. "- Well, here we go!"
And everything went black. Darkness engulfed the whole Spire. Thirty seconds later the office lit up with dimmed red light. Then, the Sentinel became active again. He looked around, light pouring from within its metallic skull. At the same time the stone door started screeching as if being forced to open. Sentinel turned towards the noise, prepared to address the threat. A crack of the stone and door moved itself apart. Trough it a tall shadow moved blindingly fast towards the Sentinel, easily cleaving it in half with a on broad motion of a giant poleaxe. A clang of metal and sounds of electric circuits being teared appart filled the room. That allowed Disruptis to take a closer look. The figure was towering - being at least 7 feet tall, maybe even more. Bones, adorned with gold and all to familiar Technocyte tissue. The "skin" of the creature was of corpse colors. Necrosis and pale flesh of the corpse was best descriptions. Black belts with golden endings covered the lower torso, while legs and arms were adorned with bits of bone-like black-and gold armor. That creature, whatever it was looked like a warframe… and at the same time didn't looked like it. The head turned to Disruptis, revealing that it was a human skull, covered with Technocyte tissue and adorned with a golden “fin”. With a movement of his pale hand, an invisible force pushed Limbo into the wall, while the tall skeletal being went closer to Disruptis. “- An outsider. Limbo Warframe. Tenno. Scientific/research potential: unknown. Recommended method of dispatching: non-lethal force. Please don't make it hard for yourself.“ There was no voice...or was there? It spoke but the mouth didn't move. The words just found its way into the head of the Tenno. (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 27-Jun-18 02:04 PM
Disruptis: As the lights went out, Disruptis sat down. He locked his arms around his knees to support his back as he waited for the lights to come back on. He barely had time to react to the approaching menace until it was already upon him. The Tenno leaped out of his skin at the sudden attack. “Whoa whoa whoa, wait a second,” Disruptis pleaded, crawling backwards while facing the mysterious frame and holding out an arm as if to keep the distance. Its speech made it seem like a guardian for the Spire, so the Tenno figured he would try some diplomacy before shifting his body into the Void. “I’m a contractor who just started working recently and I’m pretty sure your company doesn’t provide worker's comp.” (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 27-Jun-18 02:17 PM
???: **"Contractor. Believable. The plan moves along. Forgive me, but i have to take you in, until the confirmation of your status is acquired. No harm will be done. Welcome to the Team." He "let go" of the Limbo at the same time with another swift movement closing the rest of the distance between them, his pale cold hand touching his forehead. He was literaly taken in, the foreing void energy overwhelmed him and sucked him inside the frame. He then picked up the Limbo, now empty of any void energy, put him on his shoulder and exited the room. ~Disruptis was in the dark...dark place. How many times he was in complete darkness during this day, and how many times he would end up in it yet again? God only knows. But he started seeing things.~ ~Two doors, drawn with white chalk. A round tunnel leading into nothingness. Six small spheres around a big seventh - all drawn with chalk, all spinning. ~
Then - light. A bright white room. With a black and white, star-shaped Cephalon composed of many triangles amidst the clouds of data. The squared door opens, tearing the white apart. A pale, tall figure enters. His image,despite the effort remained blurred, as if whoever saw this was trying to forget it. Elo: “-Executor Himarius. A rare occasion it is for you to see me in my personal chamber.” Elo, starshaped cephalon, looked with happiness upon the tall pale figure of Executor entering the chamber. ???Executor Himarius: “- Nobody calls me Executor anymore, Elo. Not after my placement here.” The figure raised his hand in protest. But it felt like he was smiling? They had that banter many times before, it seems… Elo: “-Forgive me, Head of Research. It is quite hard to remove your original title from my head. How can I be of assistance?” Executor Himarius: “- I’m here to talk about “Living God” project.” Elo: An expression of misunderstanding crept on Elo’s interface for a second. “- I’m afraid there is little to talk about. We hit a dead end. My current capabilities are at their peak, but further advancement is impossible without…” Executor Himarius: “- … an Oro.” He concluded. He knew about the subject of their talk. Elo: “- Non-artificial human Oro. And that is un-acquirable, since you refused all volunteers from the research staff that decided to apply. “ Executor Himarius: “- They have worked hard to achieve peace. And yet, after they came here, all they saw was the downfall of our Empire. Orokin made many mistakes, committed many sins. And payed for them with their blood. I will not allow those who escaped that outcome, who had nothing to do with those sins, to sacrifice themselves. They will see brighter future someday…” Executor’s voice was filled with deep remorse...regret...and hope?
Elo: “- I respect your decision, but i'm sorry to say that that doesn't change the fact - we do not have the powerful enough Oro to finish the project.” Executor Himarius: “- We have. You will use mine.” Elo: “- What?!” Elo was visually appalled by the notion. Executor Himarius: “- Scan me.” He answered simply, already knowing what Elo will find there. The cephalon started thorough scanning of Executor’s body. After finding something he stopped...and looked like he had seen a ghost. Elo: “-... you’re dying.” He concluded. Executor Himarius: “- Yes. My time is near its end. This body is wearing a bit thin.” He chuckled. Elo: “- But...we supplied you with the healthy clone! You can use the Continuity to…” Executor Himarius: “- I do not wish to partake in that cursed bloody cycle of rebirth anymore. I'm tired of it. Sick of it. No more. You hear me, Elo? No. More. Let the old man, who had seen too much of this world, do something better with his life.” Elo: “- I... understand, Himarius.” Executor Himarius: “- Good. Extraction procedure will be scheduled for tomorrow. After that - the Research Staff and others will go to the Cryogenic Array for their sleep. I believe, after the upgrade you will take good care of them and the Spire. It falls on you to decide when the Spire should be uncovered again. If it should be uncovered at all.” Elo: “- Acknowledged…” Executor Himarius: “- You’ve been a good colleague, Elo. A good asset. And a good friend. Better than I deserve.” Elo: After a few seconds of silence he asked. “- What about the clone?” Executor Himarius: “- This tower will need a Warden, once Im gone. I believe you know what I mean.” Elo: “- Yes, I understand…” Executor Himarius: “- Take care of them for me, Elo… All of them who we wronged...Be kind to them...please?” Elo: “- Of course, Himarius. Of course...” And then the white was gone. Darkness again. (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 27-Jun-18 11:36 PM
Disruptis: As he watched these events unfold, Disruptis tried to reach out to the individuals. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. Only silence as he observed the sobering final scene. An executor apologizing? Impossible! Disruptis screamed in thought, seething with a long-forgotten rage. He dropped to his knees and gripped the floor with all his might. Idiots! Do you know how much you hurt us!?! Can you even begin to understand how much we suffered? MUCK! War emuul gaou jynthyl duot xuutyc!! Despite his anger, deep down he recognized the authenticity of what he was seeing. It must’ve been a memory leaking through to him… somehow. Just as he was pondering his confused feelings, the dream cleared out to white again. It stayed that way for a couple seconds, then… “Do you know why I didn’t speak up, Ru?” Disruptis stopped typing into the console he was working on and looked up at the man next to him. He wore the brilliant garments of an esteemed non-Orokin scientist, but his face was haggard from recent lack of sleep. His stubble had started to gain significant mass on his chin, and the hair poking out from underneath his hat was curly and unkempt. He gazed at the Tenno with a tired, but warm expression. This man was not his father, but had become a very close substitute. “Because they’ll hit you if you do?” the young one responded, slightly confused as to the obvious question. “No,” the man continued, shifting his gaze back to a golden mechanism he was working on, “a real man shouldn’t fear voicing what he knows is right.” The Tenno pondered for a second. He thought of both the riddle and the dream. He remembered this moment. The answer to the man’s question formed onto the tip of his tongue, but wouldn’t leave. “Then, because they’ll hit me?” he finally answered, forced to watch the scene play out as it originally did. The man guffawed heartily.
“Conceited aren’t you?” he chuckled with a twinkle in his eye, “I’ll give you every chance to act as a real man as I can get, else you’ll never grow from the boy you are.” The scientist reached over and ruffled the Tenno’s black hair. “No, I didn’t argue with them because I knew their feelings. They’re scared, Ru. All the war happening outside is finally starting to get to them; They feel vulnerable for the first time in eons,” he turned to the kid and put a hand on his shoulder. “Listen well, Ru. Just because you see someone as an enemy, doesn’t mean you can de-humanize them. Keep in mind that they feel just like you. They laugh. They cry. They bleed. What they’re doing to you guys is inhumane, even by Orokin standards, but I need you to know that you can’t let yourself stoop to their level. Revenge is a candle that burns brightly and quickly, my boy. I guarantee that if you give your enemies a chance to change their actions, you’ll gain some friends in places you never knew they could come from.” He softly punched the boy on the arm. “And keep heart. Even a forced smile can chase away clouds hanging over the horizon.” The Tenno choked back tears. There was so much he wanted to say again. So much he wanted to know, so much he wanted to show to the man of how he’s grown. He just wanted more time. Alas, no words were permitted to leave his throat as the white consumed everything once again. This time his moments of rest were up, and he drifted to consciousness once more. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 28-Jun-18 12:46 AM
~The place where Disruptis woke up looks like a middle-sized infirmary, prepared to fit at least 20 people inside, and that is only in the main hall he woke up in. There is no medical equipment near him, nothing tracking his state, as if whoever put him there, known all along that he will eventually wake up. Near his bed on the left side stood guard a Grineer dressed in what looked like a doctors garment with the mask covering most of his head, mouth and nose, leaving nothing to to sight besides his eyes and the area around them - with familiar skin degradation noticeable in all of Grineer. There are no weapons on that Grineer or others in the hall.~ ???: “- He wakes up! Call in the Foreman!” A commotion started, the Grineer standing near his bed takes a few steps back in order to give Disruptis a needed personal space as he wakes up. The other Grineer in the hall get out through the double door, screaming to someone out there on their own language. A minute later… a figure appeared. An abomination, no less. It looked like Grineer...but his head was many. Heads, eyes, mouths. Tubes, pieces of metal. He was dressed in a tattered looking cloak, under which what looks like a hazard suit with many pockets and patches could be spotted. He rests his right hand on a crude, slightly rusty metal pole, which serves him as a walking staff, although he does not place his weight on it right now. He...started talking with Disruptis in low voice. All of his eyes were concentrated on him.
CephalonEloHim - Elo 28-Jun-18 06:01 AM
???: “- Well, this is how the Tenno looks like.” There is a silent chuckle is placed on one of the many faces of this particular Grineer before him. He looked at Disruptis… appraisingly. Then shifts his gaze to the Limbo, which stood immovable on the right side of the bed. And then back to Disruptis. “- The Warden sure did a number on ya. Thank god it was mentally, not physically...or we will be scrapin you off the floors of the Office by now… can call me everyone here does...We gonna do a little transportation...The Council is assembling first time in forever...and the Boss kindsa wants you to be there present.” His speech pattern was hasty… The language was giving him some trouble, it would seem. So was his own voice that sometimes was falling not far from growling. ???Warden: “- I dunno what you gonna do with that meatbag…” -he says pointing at Limbo “- As far as we concerned his juice has been sapped clean… Take him with you or we could haul him over to your landing craft, since you don't gonna be doin much fightin’ anymore, that’s for sure. Unless you one of those hidden freaks with obsessions about destroying everything that seems even tad bit “impure”.” That last comment was a said a little too quick to be something that was planned. “Plus you will be required to show your face when Boss gonna start talkin with ya… He can't do it right now since the damn communication system didn't start yet. Same reason why your Cephalon is silent currently. Anyway, if you would be so humble as to follow me. And mind your trigger fingers! We may be didn't took away your weapons but that doesn't mean you can brandish those if you feel like it!” The last phrase he said through his teeth, turning his back was a hard case of an elaborate Grineer swearing, indicating that if he were to have any say in the matter the weapons and the warframe would’ve been taken away long ago.
Disruptis - Disruptis 28-Jun-18 06:18 PM
Disruptis: The light from the ceiling lamps hammered down on Disruptis’s eyes as he woke. He groggily rose up from the bed, pulling himself into a sitting position. Around him, he could see grineer mulling and scurrying about. His head pounded with an intensity enough to rival two layers of transference static. Then the foreman came over. Disruptis had seen some pretty gnarly grineer creations, but this clone in particular almost deserved a place aboard RU containment. “I… uhm…” Disruptis stuttered, trying to find his speech, “Yeah, I’ll haul my frame back later… but… what happened? Where am I? I thought for sure I’d be sliced glappid by now.” (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 29-Jun-18 09:24 AM
The Foreman: He breathed out in frustration. Looked like he didn't wanted to be the one answering questions. "You are currently in the Infirmary. One of the first visitors in hundreds of years. Congratulations, i guess. Warden knocked you out and then delivered you here.Boss said you are an Outside Contractor. Which gives me a good idea why the hell Warden didn't turned you into minced meat." One of his faces smiled. "-Now. Are we going to sit and chat, keeping the Boss waiting? Or we talk on the move?"
Disruptis - Disruptis 29-Jun-18 10:51 AM
Disruptis: “Right right, after you then.” Disruptis replied, placing one hand on his chest and gesturing with the other to the room’s exit. He slid off the bed and tried to stand, but found himself staggering around uncontrollably until ultimately falling over. “Ah, muck,” he cursed beneath his breath. Something was really out of wack with his center of balance, and the Tenno couldn’t quite shake the clumsiness from his step. He pushed off the ground into a kneeling position. The world spun dizzily around him, almost making him nauseous. He put out both his arms to steady himself. After a mental count of three, he pushed hard against the floor and returned himself to a standing position. Disruptis put a hand to his forehead. His head swung around in a circle as he tried to stabilize his stance. “Aaagh. I haven’t felt this bad since I won a Guana drinking contest against two overweight grineer,” he moaned as he proceeded to follow the foreman.
CephalonEloHim - Elo 29-Jun-18 11:55 AM
Foreman: "- Ah, damit." Foerman stopped and turned around. Then he looked at Disruptis, and screamed at the Grineer who stood next to him. "- Somebody get this bastard a gravi-chair! That nausea aint gonna go away that easily. Cannot doubt Warden's effectiveness though. Look at you, you harmless! Eh, first impressions, who gives a muck." After Disruptis was situated in a comfy chair that was floating above the ground, Foreman smiled, satisfied and then proceeded out of the infirmary, with chair slowly flying after him. They exited to a rampart above a large , and i mean LARGE hall that was by the looks of it a chemical factory. Machinery moved, chemicals mixed, Grineer in protected suits worked. Well at least most of them did. There were a lot of them there, a hundred? Maybe more? A group of workers chatted between each other. Bad move, judging by how Foreman screamed at them. "- FANOD! GET YOUR ASSES BACK TO WORK, THE BREAK IS DUE IN AN HOUR! Boss wants the toxin supply replenished as soon as possible! I WANT IT REPLENISHED YESTERDAY!THERE IS SO MUCH INFESTATION IN THE SYSTEM RIGHT NOW WE GONNA DIE IF WE ARE NOT PREPARED!" That had a magnificent effect on the group of workers, who quickly split up and ran away from Foremans angry gaze. He breathed out. He then spoke with Disruptis in more calm, tired voice. "- Lazy bastards. We got some news about the situation outside...Infestation evolving...the Boss decided that we need to up the potency of our toxins, just to be sure." (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 29-Jun-18 08:22 PM
Disruptis: Disruptis tried to resist the help and walk on his own, but the second the chair scooped him up, the Tenno succumbed to the desire of laying down. Seeing the toxins struck him as odd. Hmmm, you think they’d fight the infestation with fire or power-packing lasers. I thought that’s how we did it in the old days… “Interesting,” he spoke aloud. “What do you use in your toxins? Personally, I find that a liter or two of refined oil and a spark are good enough to get rid of a hive." (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 03-Jul-18 04:56 AM
Foreman: "- Boss will have all of my tongues cut out if i reveal that kind of information. Kidding of course, he wouldn't do that, but he can! Besides, don't think you got everything figured out. Anyone can burn the infestation. But can you guarantee it wont come back afterwards? That no spore leaves the air alive? I don't think so. Don't you worry, you gonna see it in action, since it would probably be your job to test those in battle." He follows the rampart out of the factory while keeping mostly to himself, always keeping a pair of eyes on the work that was going on below. The work was proceeding as planned, every worker quite familiar with their job. Incidents were a rarity even during the old they were practically nonexistent. Foreman started talking again as they were getting close to the exit out of the large factory. "- Well, since you are part of the team now, lemme break down some of the rules for you. For example, one of my favorite rules, accepted by whole Spire unanimously: prejudiced bastards get airlocked. Simple as that. That rule was created mostly for the outsiders. Those who work in the tower, work for the common goal and thus are just that - people, no matter their race, disfigurements or anything else you could think about."
He breathed out, slowing down a little, allowing the chair to move right next to him, before speaking again with another pair of eyes now concentrated on the Tenno. The subject of their talk was a necessity that needed to get out of the way before Tenno approached the Council. Foreman had no doubt that Boss gonna take care about all things considering the Spire... but, better safe than sorry, eh? "- I saw your first look aimed at me too many times. Orokin who came here to deliver supplies looked at me and my kin the same way. To them we should be chained, brought back to our basic mindset of slaves and me - i should be confined to the cage like a rare monstrous curiosity. And don't tell me you didn't at least partially thought something along those lines - as I’ve said I have experience with that look.”
Disruptis - Disruptis 03-Jul-18 12:25 PM
Disruptis: Disruptis took note of the distinct lack of distrust in fire. This grineer seemed to believe that the flames wouldn’t be enough to ‘pull up the roots’ of infestation, but from Disruptis’s past encounters it not only proved effective in that area, but incredibly hard to stop once in action. The infestation might be able to evolve a way to completely immunize themselves to toxins, but combustion is the one thing they can’t seem to overpower. Well that was, if one knew how to use it efficiently. The Tenno knew better than to voice his opinion, however. “Eh, I’ll stick to my fireballs and you can let me know how the toxins work out for you,” Disruptis retorted, “there’s just something magical about seeing every spec of infestation blowing away in the wind…”
For example, one of my favorite rules, accepted by whole Spire unanimously: prejudiced bastards get airlocked.
This made Disruptis chuckle. He almost didn’t believe the environment he was in. The Orokin were terribly prejudiced ‘bastards’ who’d never give a single muck about anything other ‘inferior’ races wanted. All this change must’ve taken place after the fall, the Tenno surmised. “Ah, no no no. You’ve got it all wrong,” Disruptis interjected with sincerity, raising his hands to defend himself, “I don’t think you’re some monster needing a lock and key. That’d be borderline hypocrisy at best, believe me. No, at heart I am an explorer. I just couldn’t believe someone managed to create such a biological marvel like you. It boggles my mind! Four heads cooperating to work as one?!?! Like, what kind of sorcery do I need to master to even understand that!”
CephalonEloHim - Elo 03-Jul-18 02:46 PM
Foreman: "- Eh, hard to argue with that. Still, prefer to see how it quickly decays and turns to ash... Toksin can acts like a vaccine too. Or something like that. There is no cure per se, but if you think that during the Old War all infestation problems were solved with simple fire...hehehehehehe." Foreman lost his focus for a moment, allowing some of his heads to laugh too. It was a strange cacophony. After hearing what Disruptis has to say, one of his heads...smiled? "- The head is one. The brain is one, even though it's bigger...I just have many faces. And many voices. I earned it. With the position of Foreman." That sounded like there was bigger story behind it. The one he was willing to tell, while they were passing through the corridors of the Spire.
"- As you perhaps already understood, this place was very, and i mean VERY different from the rest of the Empire. Boss probably can explain better the "why's" and "how's"... since he seen it all. Research council made their own Grineer at first. They changed the original growth process... gave us higher intelligence, treated us differently... for their own gain, obviously, not only for ours. And then approached us and offered us to solve the main problem. Our limited life-span. They didn't had all the answers as to how to stop the deterioration. They new much but missing links were still there. So they had to go in blind... I and several others volunteered to the experiments. We've been warned that fatalities may occur, and that "good doctors" do everything in their power to avoid them. But no invasive procedure is perfect. Some of those who volunteered opted out after the first series of experiments,since they were allowed to do that. Others died - they still remembered among us as heroes. I stuck through it all. Don't know how - was it my will, was it some miracle? Medical joke? But thanks to those experiments i got that ugly mug and now successfully living through the end of my second century. I refused all offers of fixing my "condition". Mostly because others asked. Scares them just enough to listen to my orders and not bark anything back, they say. Heh. Lazy bastards."
Disruptis - Disruptis 04-Jul-18 11:17 AM
Disruptis: “Interesting...” Disruptis responded, trailing off in thought. “Although, I am still a little surprised they used Grineer. Usually the Orokin would just hire humans into these kinds of positions.” He straightened up in his chair and tapped a finger rapidly on his chin. “Though I suppose it would make it a lot more secure to use indoctrinated Grineer forces…” By now, the Tenno found himself mostly freed of the weird transference sickness he had been experiencing. He hopped down and began to walk alongside the foreman. “So why am I visiting a council? I thought I was here to reboot this station’s systems. I don’t understand, has everything been resolved?”
CephalonEloHim - Elo 04-Jul-18 11:57 AM
Foreman: "- Oh we were not in charge of anything at the beginning,The Spire had no way to replace manual labor at first. Wasn't equipped for it. So that's where we came in. Repairing, manufacturing, cleaning, etc. But after most of that been solved by newly created robotic part of the crew we've proven able enough to do more advanced operations. Chemistry and work with raw materials proven to be our calling The researches just taught us and supervised along with me...Dunno about security." The chair, freed from its weight, headed the other way, disappearing into one of many corridors that they passed. Maybe it was heading back? They entered an elevator which was supposed to deliver them right to the Bridge. The doors closed, and the box took them away to the head of the Spire. "- Ah, because obviously Boss thinks you deserve to know more about us, about himself...and there is a reward for you to consider. That's, by the by, where another rule comes in. Law of Hospitality. Respect the owner,the workers and the establishment and be respected yourself. Disrespect any of those and eventually be thrown out like a pressurized garbage cube... Riiight into the sun...on high speed...with no safety. But with all your belongings! We'll be sure to send them right after you." The last part was said as if it was a joke, but...was it? (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 06-Jul-18 09:54 AM
Disruptis: The unexpected humour in the serious atmosphere, whether intentional or not, caught Disruptis by surprise. A laugh forced its way up his stomach and out his mouth. “Ahah hahahaha!” He leaned on the back wall of the elevator with his arms crossed. “Good, good. But really though, what happened to rebooting the station? If it’s already done, then it seems like Elo didn’t even need my help with it! Which begs the question…” the Tenno walked up to the foreman and leaned on his mutated shoulder. His voice dropped to a lower pitch. “Why am I really here?”
CephalonEloHim - Elo 06-Jul-18 12:38 PM
Foreman: "- The reboot is almost done. Only secondary systems left to activate. The Boss currently in the self-redetermination phase, and that kind of slows the job." Grineer looked at Disruptis, trying to comprehend what that bloody Tenno was insinuating... When it hit him he laughed with the smile an all of his faces. "- PHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...well you either a failed seer or like Boss said - a little slow in the mind. If you're lookin for the conspiracy theory, stop - there isn't one. If you expected us to throw you out into the middle of the system after removing the part of your memory including all things tied to the Boss and the Spire - you're not wrong, I considered it. But Boss considers you a friend and wants to personally thank the one who saved this Spire from literally purging itself. I will drop a little hint since it seems like now we will see you here more often - this Spire is more "Sentient" than you might think. And that was the problem. I will say no more, Boss will lock me up in the Cauldron for a week just cause I stole his ability to practice story-telling...Goddamit."
~The doors finally opened letting them out into just another corridor. There was something strange about Spire's corridors...After the person walked trough them - no matter how hard they try they will never remember how many twists and turns they passed, how much time it took, if there were any ladders up or down... As if those corridors were made to not be memorized. Or someone didn't want them to be. In the end Disruptis and Foreman arrived into the big dome-like hall which looked like a planetarium...and at the same time didn't. The Sun was the source of light at the top. And between floor and roof of the hall, suspended in midair were planets of the Solar system. In the middle was Earth, which looked different compared to the one every Tenno sees trough the Navigation. It looked...less green, White towers covering the surface...It looked younger. And above it...the Moon. Untouched by Orokin. A grey space rock, nothing more. And on the walls - infinite amount of stars. The floor and the central platfore were filled with Orokin writings so small, you will need a microscope to read them. Big letters were formed from smaller words.~ (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 06-Jul-18 02:03 PM
Disruptis: “Nen’jabya! Stop trying to flush me out the airlock!” Disruptis exclaimed, throwing his arms up in exasperation, “And that still hardly answers why you even needed me.” The Tenno was beginning to grow a little irritated at everyone’s increasing lack of ability to explain what the Void was going on. Muck, this is literally just the Orokin all over again. This grineer talks about the Spire’s incredible tolerance of anyone, then threatens to kill a Tenno like me. Even though I didn’t do anything wrong! Not to mention how much they apparently look down on me, seeing all my ideas and thoughts as stupid! Disruptis walked into the next room. The grandeur of it would’ve plucked at the heart-strings of an adventurer like him, but he found himself too irritated to care. (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 06-Jul-18 09:33 PM
Foreman: "- Maybe you should take it easy, then? Hehehehe...Okay, okay, relax. Nobody will throw you out." Elo(?): "Yes, because if anyone even tries, I'll give Disruptis here a free opportunity at killing that person. " Familiar and yet somewhat strange voice went through the room. All mouths of Foreman snapped shut. He was still smiling but now he knew that the joke was completely over. All planets except the Earth - disappeared. And the Earth lost its features, becoming sphere of pure black nothingness. The walls, containing starrs became white.Only the floor and the platform in the middle stayed the same. The black hole vibrated as the voice of Elo went through the room. He he was carefully picking his words, as if trying to not set Tenno off...or trying something else besides talking. "Good to see you alive and well, friend. Forgive me in advance, I never accounted the possibility of Warden so brutally running the door.It was an accident...But... I'm keen to believe from what Warden told me... that it was... a revelation of sorts? Even though we know each other from way back when...i still sometimes find it hard to decipher what he says." His voice now had a second layer behind it... an eerie cacophony of whispers...his thoughts laid bare.
Disruptis - Disruptis 08-Jul-18 10:45 PM
Disruptis: Disruptis tried to find a moment to snap back at the cephalon in anger. However, upon hearing his sincere-sounding apology, all the pent-up rage melted away without another thought. The Tenno was left with nothing but embarrassment for letting himself get caught up in the moment. Now free of the impending thoughts, he had time to focus on the cephalon’s conversation. A chill rain up through the operator’s spine as he noticed the ominous undertone. A small feeling of foreboding began to form in his stomach. “W-whatever, it’s all in the past,” Disruptis replied, waving an arm outwards. “So is everything done here? What did you need me to help you do in the first place? I just ended up getting dragged around and told to press a button. It seems to me that you could’ve done it without me in the first place.”
CephalonEloHim - Elo 09-Jul-18 12:53 AM
Elo Him: "- No... without you i could not. It was a lesson...for me. A lesson in humility." His second voice was even less and less hidden... then a sphere split into two. Pure white and sickening black...vibrating as One Mind spoke with two easily distinguished voices. The second voice, emanating from the black hole, was like the Voice of Executor Himarius...and at the same time was like the voice of Hunhow. Sentient undertones were unmistakable. But his words weren't posing any threat to anyone. As Elo continued speaking, the room became less empty. At least three more people entered unseen. A silver-haired tall stern woman, dressed in green robes, with a tablet in her hands. A black tall skeletal being, the Warden, carrying his long poleaxe with ease. And behind them... a black smiling girl, dressed in pink- and yellow-colored space suit (that was a little too big for her) carrying a stick that was adorned with small toys and miniature loudspeakers. They all observed the conversation, not interfering.
Him: "- There were many open possibilities for self-sustenance of the Spire. But Himarius understood...that if we completely cut ourselves from the outside world, we will stagnate and die...forgotten and matter how long we wait. If we do not take part in the things that happen outside...out there in the system, we would be just a spec of unknown dust in Orokin All history. That’s why...before I ascended, Himarius put in...the failsafe. He knew, that i will eventually start modifying everything around me… that i will eventually outgrow my old shackles. And thus he cut me off from most executive positions and functions in the Spire.” Before Disruptis appeared the hologram of the Sun...and the Spire, a magnificent structure, slowly spinning around the burning star. The Spire had a head...and many “eyes” in the center. It was black like obsidian and yet was sparkling like gold. Upon closer look, many of its insides were revealed to the eye, many areas named, but their designations yet unexplained...
Elo: “- The Spire’s anti-tampering system wasn't under my control...every upgrade that...i...employed...was considered a defect. But it was i couldn't realise it until it was too late. Every system that i upgraded was malfunctioning, shutting down. Five years avoid things getting worse, I woke up several members of the Council and their staff to keep the Spire going. But...heh...the final nail in the coffin of Spire’s secret was that the only way to regain control of anti-tampering system was a full reset. That - what a surprise - could be achieved only by an outside contractor. You cannot cheat the blood system. So eventually i was forced to contact… you. And that… possibly was exactly what he wanted. Exactly what i needed… Even after he’s gone i still thank him… but also i thank You. Even though you think you did so little, you saved hundreds...families of scientists, abandoned by everyone from the outside, consigned to living in this golden ashen cage. Each of them - my brothers and sisters, my friends…” The hologram of the Sun and Spire changed to the list...giant list of hundreds of names and ages of those that were asleep in cryogenic array and those that have been awoken to the emergency. Women, men, children… The Spire held generations of bright minds within itself. Lives that would have been snuffed out if the call remained unanswered, even if they all woke up. For a few seconds...two voices were united. EloHim: ”We.Are.Forever.In.Your.Debt." (edited)
Disruptis - Disruptis 09-Jul-18 02:45 PM
Disruptis: Disruptis stayed silent for the peculiar orbs’ long speeches. Everything started to fall into place at once. The overrides, the hostile dispatch, the warden. The Tenno audibly breathed a sigh of relief. When the list of names popped up into display, Disruptis jumped in surprise. He ran over to it and scrutinized each item in the list, looking for something in particular. A...B...C..D….E.. he counted the letters frantically as the list scrolled. After the last lines, the operator looked up at the orbs and found his voice again. “W-what?” he stammered. He gave a slightly delirious chuckle. “O-okay, I’m glad everything’s fine now. I’ve got a billion things to ask you, but they can wait for a second. I have a question. Back in the Old War, I was separated from a special sentient kill-monger Tenno I was practically brothers with. Do you have any records of Tenno aboard the Spire in cryosleep?” (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 09-Jul-18 03:56 PM
EloHim: The list disappeared, after Disruptis looked trough it. "All of them will be answered...within reason." Elo paused for a second before answering. "No. Tenno...I helped some of them in operations against Sentient forces... But no Tenno was allowed to the Spire. That was the law. But i can still look, perhaps? What was his name?"
Disruptis - Disruptis 09-Jul-18 09:43 PM
Disruptis: “The name’s not important, not really,” Disruptis replied. He paced back and forth with a hand to his mouth in a pensive position, head fixated on the ground in front of him. “You’d know if you had him immediately…” The Tenno sharply inhaled. “It’s okay, to be honest I wasn’t really expecting to meet him here. It wouldn’t be that easy.” He looked back to the two orbs. “On another note, am I allowed to know what you are now? XerAI was warning me that you seemed a little... different from usual cephalons. Who is that second voice of? Is that another cephalon as well?” (edited)
CephalonEloHim - Elo 10-Jul-18 09:10 AM
EloHim: "...As you wish. But don't be shy to ask for help." He fell silent for a moment. "Oh...that is gonna be a long story, my friend...the one, i believe, our new arrivals will be happy to help me explain." Two spheres merged into one...Something familiar appeared from the clouds of data. Familiar...and yet different. "Self-redetermination completed." [TO BE CONTINUED...]
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